Summary of key informant interviews with representatives of organizations providing, funding, or supporting WASH services to refugee populations
For handwashing to be effective, it needs to be practiced consistently and thoroughly. Even when people have access to soap and water, and know how and why to wash their hands, many still do not properly wash their hands consistently at critical times. The handwashing behavior change challenge is no...t only to encourage people to wash their hands with soap, but to do so correctly and at all critical times.
Nudges are one example of a behavior change tool that can encourage people to wash their hands.
Although the evidence base for nudges is still emerging and nudges for handwashing have been tested primarily in single contexts or on a limited scale, this brief and infographic answer some frequently asked questions about nudges and provides examples of how they have been used in efforts to increase handwashing.
The compendium provides guidance on low-cost handwashing facilities that can be widely used in low and middle-income countries. We hope that this can be shared extensively as governments and agencies tackle the crisis in low and middle-income countries where handwashing facilities are urgently neede...d in households, communities, schools and healthcare facilities.
The compendium includes information and further reading on: handwashing facilities – including facilities that are accessible for all, environmental cues to reinforce handwashing behaviours, physical distancing hygiene promotion.
This document provides guidance to AU Member States, states/local bodies, and communities
on how to construct and maintain non-contact hand washing stations like Tippy Taps and other
alternative hand washing stations.
خيارات المرافق الخاصة
بغسل اليدين للإعدادات
محدودة الموارد
This document provides guidance to AU Member States, states/local bodies, and communities
on how to construct and maintain non-contact hand washing stations like Tippy Taps and other
al...ternative hand washing stations.
Fact sheet
Good hygiene is critical to ensure that healthcare staff provide quality care, reduce the spread of infections, and protect the health of communities. This fact sheet explores the healthcare-related risks of poor hygiene and the critical elements of hand hygiene needed to improve qua...lity of care and reduce negative outcomes of poor compliance (e.g., healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial resistance) in healthcare facilities, and provides recommendations and additional readings for improving hygiene in health settings and achieving a safe, clean healthcare environment.
This guidance note developed by UNICEF is intended to help WASH staff in their preparedness and response to the current COVID-19 pandemic. It provides an overview of Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) and its intersection with water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and how staff can help prevent ...infection and its spread in schools, whether through human-to-human or by touching surfaces contaminated with the virus. WASH services, including waste management and environmental cleaning, are all important for IPC. This brief is available in English, Spanish, and French here.
Village Hope Core International works in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and along with the Kenya Red Cross and Plan International are training their community health workers with these materials. Village HopeCore has reassigned their handwashing stations from schools to health facilities ...and are working on other solutions such as telemedicine, digital communication and other community-based interventions.
Village Hope Core International works in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and along with the Kenya Red Cross and Plan International are training their community health workers with these materials. Village HopeCore has reassigned their handwashing stations from schools to health facilities ...and are working on other solutions such as telemedicine, digital communication and other community-based interventions.
WASH in schools during a cholera response is important due to the strong correlation between WASH and IPC. Not only can it impact the health and well-being of students and staff but also facilitate the potential spread of the disease via the congregation of children and adults from multiple househol...ds. Hygiene can often be more difficult to control with young children and therefore efforts to put in place systems to encourage good practices are essential.
To prevent the spread of cholera in schools, it is important to have clean and safe water sources, proper sanitation facilities, and good hygiene practices in place. This includes providing clean drinking water, hand-washing stations with soap, and education on hygiene and sanitation practices and implement Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) including dissemination of Information, Education and Communication materials (IEC).
A guide for developing a hygiene promotion program to increase handwashing with soap
WHO recommends member states provide universal access to public hand hygiene stations and making their use obligatory on entering and leaving any public or private commercial building and any public transport facility. It is also recommended that healthcare facilities improve access to and practice ...of hand hygiene.
In collaboration with partners, the government of Ethiopia has successfully developed 10 years Hand Hygiene for All (HH4A) costed national roadmap- a country-wide approach to achieving sustainable and universal hand hygiene. On the occasion of the 2022 Global Hand Washing Day event ( Ethiopia is cel...ebrating the event for one month with different sessions), the national HH4A road map launched on the 4th of Nov 2022 in a high-level advocacy event in the presence of higher officials and partners. Action is set mainly on the need for a joint effort to mobilize resources for implementation, monitoring and documenting of lessons and best practices.