This document provides detailed guidance on laboratory testing for suspected diphtheria cases during significant outbreaks or in low-resource settings. It aims to supplement and build on other existing WHO guidance documents on surveillance standards, diagnostics and research on Corynebacterium by p...roviding key considerations for laboratories that allow the rationalization and optimization of testing during outbreaks. The recommendations given here have been prepared by WHO in consultation with, and reviewed by, global experts with experience in laboratory analysis of Corynebacterium species and in outbreak settings, or with expertise in developing new technologies for diphtheria research and diagnosis. Unless otherwise stated, the considerations provided apply to diphtheria outbreaks caused by toxin-producing C. diphtheriae with a classical respiratory diphtheria presentation.
Anaemia is a global public health concern, especially afflicting adolescent girls, women 15–49 years of age, pregnant women, and children in low- and middle-income countries. WHO estimates that in 2019 30% (571 million) of women aged 15–49 years, 37% (32 million) of pregnant women, and 40% (269 ...million) of children 6–59 months of age were affected by anaemia, with the WHO African Region and South-East Asia
Region being most affected(
Biosafety involves the implementation of containment principles, technologies and practices to prevent unintentional exposure to biological agents. Biosecurity involves the protection, control and accountability of biological materials and information related to these materials and dualuse research,... to prevent their unauthorized access, loss, theft, misuse, diversion or intentional release.
In 2009, WHO’s Second International Conference on Buruli Ulcer Control and Research resolved to strengthen the capacity of national laboratories to confirm cases of the disease, but advised that “efforts are still needed to develop simple diagnostic tools usable in the field as well as disabilit...y prevention methods”.
In 2013, WHO and the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics convened a meeting of Buruli ulcer experts in Geneva, Switzerland (9) at which two priority unmet needs in diagnosis were identified:
a diagnostic test for early detection of Buruli ulcer in symptomatic patients with sufficient positive predictive value to put patients on appropriate treatment; and
a screening test at the primary health care or community level for symptomatic patients with ulcer
he Framework sets the requirements for facilities handling High Consequence Agents and Toxins (HCATs) and guides the implementation of laboratory biosafety and biosecurity practices associated with the design, commissioning, routine operation safe and secure biocontainment laboratories.
To meet the need for laboratory diagnosis to be integrated in community care, the new 2022 Update describes point-of-care tests that can be performed both in district laboratories and peripheral healthcare facilities by non-specialist staff. Also included are recently developed self-tests.
The World Health Organization’s (WHO) global report for the year 2019 indicates that sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has a very high maternal mortality rate (MMR) with a 2017 point estimate of 542 (UI 498 to 649) maternal deaths per 100 000 live births, accounting for approximately 66% of estimated globa...l maternal deaths. Despite recent improvements, current analysis confirms that millions of mothers and children are still dying every year because of severe anaemia due to insufficient blood supply. The lack of blood to treat severe perinatal haemorrhage contributes to up to 72% of maternal deaths (2,3). Similarly, delayed transfusion has been associated with increased infant mortality in cases of paediatric malaria-associated anaemia (4,5). Indeed, safe and reliable blood and blood products remain unavailable to many people living in the world’s poorest countries, particularly in SSA. While the need for blood is universal, there is a significant imbalance between developing and industrialized countries accessing safe blood.