Here you will find PDF downloads of our community health guides in Nepali, as well as information about how to order print copies from our translation partners. It is prohibited to sell or distribute these files in any format for profit without prior written consent from Hesperian and the translator
This content is from the Advance Chapters of the NEW Where There Is No Doctor. You can download this chapter in Bangla, English, Haitian Kreyol, Lao, Nepali, Spanish, and Swahili
Available in different languages
Updted Sept.2021
Hesperian stated producing COVID-19 related materials beginning with, English and Spanish versions, even as they were transitioning to remote work. They understood that accurate information from a credible source circulated as early as possible would be critical. Faster than had happened before, established translation partners got to work and then groups and individuals approaching us for the first time wanted to get the fact sheets out in their languages too. The original fact sheet is now available in 34 languages.
You can find information: Caring for sick persons; health protection and security: Managing stress and anger; Vaccine managment; Stay well; How to make masks, face shields,...; Vaccines
Hesperian Health Guides is a nonprofit health information and health education source that supports individuals and communities in their struggles to realize the right to health. We develop easy to read materials that are produced in many languages. All are available through our bookstore and the ne...w Hesperian Digital Commons.
Hesperian Health Guides publishes 20 titles, spanning women’s health, children, disabilities, dentistry, health education, HIV, and environmental health. From this page, you can buy, download, or read health materials in English. View Resources by Language to explore materials in Spanish and other languages.
Hesperian works in the formats that people need and want. Our health information is available as books, booklets, e-books, online content, and apps. When we discover a need for online content to be made available in a physical format, we produce printed books or booklets in the languages that people need. Likewise, our physical books are made available in electronic formats so anyone with an internet connection can use Hesperian’s health information.
Chapter 21 from "Where there is no doctor"
Where there is no doctor Chapter 3
An advance chapter on newborn babies and breastfeeding from the New Where There Is No Doctor in the HealthWiki:
Where Women have no Doctor. You can download chapter by chapter
A Community Guide to Environmental Health > Chapter 19: Health Care Waste. Please download this chapter from the website of Hesperian
Mwongozo huu umebeba taarifa, shughuli na maelekezo kuhusu teknolojia mbalimbali rahisi ambazo zinaweza kuwasaidia waelimishaji wa afya, wanaharakati wa mazingira, na viongozi wa jamii kuchukua hatamu ya afya ya mazingira yao.
A Community Guide to Environmental Health, translated by COBIHESA
Available in English and Spanish, Hesperian’s comprehensive app on pregnancy and birth contains a wealth of information on:
how to stay healthy during pregnancy
how to recognize danger signs during pregnancy, birth, and
after birth
what to do when a danger sign arises
whe...n to refer a woman to emergency care
instructions for community health workers with step-by-step explanations such as “How to take blood pressure,” “How to treat someone in shock,” “How to stop bleeding.”
A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities > Chapter 8
This book provides basic information to help women with disabilities stay healthy, and will also help those who assist women with disabilities to provide good care. You can help us improve this health guide. So, if you are a woman with a disability, a caregiver, or anyone with ideas or suggestions a...bout how to improve this book and the health of women with disabilities, please write to us. We would like to hear about your experiences and practices.
Helping Children Who Are Deaf, translated by PRAN-Nepal,Appendix B
Helping Children Who are Deaf Book. Appendix A.
A Community Guide to Environmental Health-Book. Appendix C.
A community guide to Environmental Health, Book. Appendix A.