The SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions (CIHS) promotes the development of integrated primary and behavioral health services to better address the needs of individuals with mental health and substance use conditions, whether seen in specialty behavioral health or primary care provider... settings. CIHS is funded jointly by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration(SAMHSA) and the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and run by the National Council for Behavioral Health.
Despite the high prevalence of mental health and substance use problems, too many Americans go without treatment — in part because their disorders go undiagnosed. Regular screenings in primary care and other healthcare settings enables earlier identification of mental health and substance use disorders, which translates into earlier care. Screenings should be provided to people of all ages, even the young and the elderly
The purpose of this guide is to provide basic information for Federal disaster responders and other service providers who may be deployed or otherwise assigned to provide or coordinate services in American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities.
This guide is intended to serve as a general to enhance cultural competence while providing services to AI/AN communities. (Cultural competence is defined as the ability to function effectively in the context of cultural differences.) A more specific orientation or training should be provided by a member of the particular AI/AN community
Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series No. 59
This Quick Guide is based entirely on information contained in TIP 59, published in 2014. No additional research has been conducted to update this topic since publication of TIP 59. | This Quick Guide provides succinct, easily accessible informatio...n to behavioral health administrators about developing culturally competent organizations. The guide is based entirely on Improving Cultural Competence, Number 59 in the Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) series. Users of the Quick Guide are invited to consult the primary source, TIP 59, for more information and a complete list of resources for improving cultural competence. To order a copy of TIP 59 or to access it online, see the inside back cover of this guide.
PFA online includes a 6-hour interactive course that puts the participant in the role of a provider in a post-disaster scene. This professionally-narrated course is for individuals new to disaster response who want to learn the core goals of PFA, as well as for seasoned practitioners who want a revi...ew. It features innovative activities, video demonstrations, and mentor tips from the nation’s trauma experts and survivors. PFA online also offers a Learning Community where participants can share about experiences using PFA in the field, receive guidance during times of disaster
When you hear, read, or watch news about an outbreak of an infectious disease such as Ebola, you may feel anxious and show signs of stress—even when the outbreak affects people far from where you live and you are at low or no risk of getting sick. These signs of stress are normal, and may be more ...likely or pronounced in people with loved ones in parts of the world affected by the outbreak. In the wake of an infectious disease outbreak, monitor your own physical and mental health. Know the signs of stress in yourself and your loved ones. Know how to relieve stress, and know when to get help.
Children and youth can face emotional strains after a traumatic event such as a car crash or violence. Disasters also may leave them with long-lasting harmful effects. When children experience a trauma, watch it on TV, or overhear others discussing it, they can feel scared, confused, or anxious. people react to trauma differently than adults. Some may react right away; others may show signs that they are having a difficult time much later. As such, adults do not always know when a child needs help coping. This tip sheet will help parents, caregivers, and teachers learn some common reactions, respond in a helpful way, and know when to seek support.
Proporciona herramientas para ayudar a organizar un día para el diálogo comunitario acerca de la salud mental. Habla sobre la logística de encontrar un lugar, formar una red de socios; reclutar participantes y facilitadores, organizar la reunión e identificar las medidas de seguimiento. Nota: Ha...brá copias impresas de este documento disponibles en el futuro cercano.
This kit, “Developing a Stigma Reduction Initiative,” is designed to support the activities of those who plan to mount a statewide, regional, or local effort to address and counter stigma and discrimination. It is intended for use by local mental health advocates, consumers of mental health serv...ices and their family members, community leaders, and other organizations and individuals who have dedicated themselves to eliminating the barriers of stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental illnesses.
BMC Public Health (2019) 19:1608
Guiding Principles and Recommendations