The free App empowers individuals to learn about Ebola; separating fact from fiction, especially in these uncertain times. Ebola – What you need to know provides users on-the-go with easy to access information – available 24/7, both online and offline
Available for download on Android and... Apple iOS, key features include:
Latest news and development on Ebola
Outbreak outlook
Maps showing affected areas
Live International SOS twitter feed
Educational video on staying safe whilst travelling
Push notifications for key information to keep you informed and safe
Access to the International SOS Ebola website with downloadable resources
Das kostenlose Welcome-App-Projekt stellt Asylsuchenden und Flüchtlingen alle relevanten Informationen über Deutschland zur Verfügung.
15 Lektionen zu alltäglichen Situationen: Arztbesuch, Behördengang, Einkauf und mehr.
Unmittelbar in eine der alltagsnahen Lektionen einsteigen, ganz nach Ihrem persönlichen Kommunikationsbedarf.
Komplett in 9 Sprachen übersetzt (Arabisch, Dari, Englisch, Farsi, Französisch, Kurmanci, Pashto,... Tigrinya, Urdu).
Open Guidelines is brought to you on behalf of the paediatrics department of Queen Elizabeth
Central Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi. Our aim is to improve access to clinical guidelines for our
health care professionals.
Open guidelines has all the latest QECH clinical protocols and essential drug i...nformation. All
content can be downloaded and afterwards be accessed at any time. The app has a search function.
Total data volume for download is 15 MB. Also on the same app one can access COIN, an excellent neonatal and
infant training course.
WHO’s mhGAP Intervention Guide 2.0 app, launched in October, is now available in both iOS and Android. The app provides non-specialized health-care providers with access to comprehensive information to help them diagnose and treat a range of mental, neurological and substance use (MNS) disorders i...ncluding depression, epilepsy and dementia from their tablets or mobile phones. Each module includes a description and guidance on assessment and management of priority MNS conditions. The tool can be downloaded free of charge. It is currently available in English. Other languages are expected to be available soon
Download the iOS Version under:
The Android Version under:
The Refugee Aid App mobile app shows migrants, refugees and aid workers where services are closest to them on a map with a very simple interface.
A web based content management and communication system allows official aid organizations to manage and update their services and to get their critical... aid to where it is most urgently needed.
Whether you are a migrant, refugee or aid worker, you can download the app in the following 19 countries: United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Belgium, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Romania, Croatia, Hungary, Holland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Malta, Turkey and the United States.
Free and open access application that gives you direct access to key updates and reports on communicable disease threats of concern to the EU on your mobile device.
The application is free to use and can be accessed by anyone. ECDC partners can access additional reports by logging in with their ECD...C credentials.
external homepage, available for android, apple & windows
Mit Notärzten auf der Basis von Diagnosehäufigkeiten entwickelt; Von Dolmetschern übersetzt; Von Muttersprachlern gesprochen; Von zweisprachigen Ärzten geprüft; Für iPad, Windows 10 und als Web-App
Gesprächsverlauf und eigene Notizen können protokolliert werden; Nach der Installat...ion auf dem Tablet ist keine Internetverbindung mehr erforderlich.
265 Audio Frage-Antwort-Sets (Ja/Nein oder multiple choice) mit Fragen und Antworten zu Symptomen, Anamnesen, Diagnostik und Erstversorgung. Beispiele hören Sie im Video
Fragen Sie uns nach einem kostenlosen Testzugang
Führen Sie Patientengespräche in den Sprachen: Arabisch, Englisch, Französisch, Persisch/Farsi, Polnisch, Portugiesisch, Russisch, Spanisch, Türkisch, Tschechisch
Learn the ETAT+ guidelines on how to resuscitate a newborn baby who is born not breathing in this exciting 3D simulation training app. Navigate around a virtual reality hospital, find the equipment you need and quiz yourself with interactive quizzes, multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and perform simu...lated procedures.
In this simulated scenario, you are faced with a baby who is born not breathing and have to use your clinical skills to follow the ETAT + guidelines and save the baby's life. You are working against the clock and must select the correct medical equipment and carry out the key life-saving steps needed.
ETAT + guidelines for the management of paediatric emergencies are currently used for training healthcare professionals in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Sierra Leone and Myanmar and are supported by the UK's Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
LIFE (Life-saving Instruction for Emergencies) is a new smartphone and virtual reality (VR) medical simulation training platform for teaching healthcare workers in Africa and low-resource settings how to save lives using a fun and challenging 3D game. LIFE allows nurses, doctors, medical students, trainees and healthcare workers who want to learn key resus skills on their own smartphones, to enter a realistic 3D hospital environment using the latest game-engine technology to try out their skills on simulated patients.
In der ALMHAR-App erhalten Betroffene auf Farsi, Englisch oder Arabisch Aufklärung über psychische Symptome, wie Angstzustände, Stresssituationen, Schlafprobleme und Aggressionen.
Die Projektidee entwickelte sich aus der gestiegenen Nachfrage im Zuge der hohen Anzahl belasteter Geflüchteter aus... Kriegsgebieten. Es gibt einen großen Bedarf insbesondere an arabischsprachigen psychoedukativen Angeboten. ALMHAR bietet Übungen, die selbständig bearbeitet oder in die laufende therapeutische Arbeit eingebunden werden können
(verfügbar auf: English | العربية / Arabisch | فارسی / Farsi)
ALMHAR is designed for refugees who had to flee from their homes and who are may be living in exile.
Fleeing your home is an incredibly overwhelming, frightening and life-changing experience. Many refugees who had to leave their homes and countries develop some sort of emotional or physical problems due to their experiences. If this is the case for you, it does not mean you are weak or crazy. Such problems are mostly normal reactions of normal people to abnormal experiences!
The app explains the most common emotional problems you might experience as a refugee and offers first support in dealing with them. It offers background information on 12 common problem areas and gives practical and easy to-do tips.
The ICOPE Handbook App helps implement ICOPE in community care settings by providing an interactive step-by-step approach to the Handbook. The App guides users through each section of the ICOPE Handbook from screening and assessment to designing a personalised care plan. The App also generates a pri...ntable summary of the resulting assessments, interventions, and care plan.
The App is available in English and on Android. Other language versions will be available in 2020
The Coronavirus app (CovApp) is software developed by Charité in cooperation with Data4Life. You can use it to get recommendations for action in just a few minutes. The app asks you several questions including symptoms, travel history, and potential contacts. Besides recommendations for action, rel...evant contacts, and structured results, the purpose of the app is to optimize patient flow into testing sites, ambulances, and clinics. Please note that this app does not provide diagnostic services.
In this way, the CovApp can help you to better assess your medical condition, provide recommendations regarding doctor’s visits or Coronavirus testing, and summarize relevant medical information for future doctor’s consultation.
Die neue Stopp Corona-App will dazu beitragen, die Infektionskette der Corona-Infektionen schnellstmöglich zu unterbrechen. Dazu dient als Kernstück ein Kontakt-Tagebuch, indem persönliche Begegnungen mittels "digitalem Handshake" anonymisiert gespeichert werden. Treten bei einer Person dann Symp...tome einer Corona-Erkrankung auf, wird man als Kontakt automatisch benachrichtigt und gebeten, sich selbst zu isolieren.
App - Learn how to handle antibiotics with care & help us stop antibiotic resistance
Hände waschen, Abstand halten, Daten spenden - Ihr Beitrag gegen Corona
Die Corona-Datenspende erfolgt freiwillig und pseudonymisiert.
Bei den Daten handelt es sich um Angaben zu
Alter in 5-Jahres-Schritten
Gewicht in 5 kg-Schritten
Körpergröße in 5 cm-Schrit...ten
Gesundheits- und Aktivitätsdaten:
zum Schlafverhalten, Herzfreqünz und Körpertemperatur
Die Algorithmen hinter der Corona-Datenspende erkennen Symptome, die unter anderem mit einer Coronavirus-Infektion in Verbindung gebracht werden. Dazu gehören etwa ein erhöhter Ruhepuls und ein verändertes Schlaf- und Aktivitätsverhalten. Die gespendeten Daten werden ausschließlich für wissenschaftliche Zwecke verwendet. Nach sorgfältiger Aufbereitung fließen die Daten in eine Karte, die die Verbreitung von möglicherweise infizierten Personen bis auf die Ebene der Postleitzahl visüll darstellt. Diese Karte soll regelmäßig aktualisiert und auf dieser Webseite veröffentlicht werden.
The WHO Academy’s mobile learning app was developed specifically for health workers and is designed to enable them to expand their life-saving skills to battle COVID-19. It delivers mobile access to a wealth of COVID-19 knowledge resources developed by WHO, including up-to-the-minute guidance, to...ols, training, and virtual workshops to support health workers in caring for patients infected by COVID-19 and in protecting themselves as they do their critical work.
With content in seven languages – Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish – the app focuses on providing health workers with critical, evidence-based information and tools to respond to the pandemic.
Introducing the cholera user-friendly app. As part of the effective implementation of the Ending Cholera: A Global Roadmap to 2030, the GTFCC developed a phone-based application containing technical information and practical documents to provide clear guidance and up to date information for early de...tection, monitoring and efficient response to cholera outbreaks. The application is designed for public health professionals from all sectors working in cholera control. The app is designed to be used offline to accommodate those working in the most remote areas.
Recommendations on the initiation and continuing use of nine common types of contraceptive methods are covered by the tool. In addition to looking at individual medical conditions or characteristics, users may also easily combine multiple conditions or characteristics and view the guidance on each c...ondition separately or in combination.