Guidelines for the Management and Therapy of Urine Incontinence in Children in Indonesia
This course describes the health effects of war, weapons and strategies of violent conflict. Beginning with weapons of mass destruction it then moves on to other weapons and strategies of war such as the use of landmines and mass rape. The course concludes with a number of lessons which give an hist...orical and practical analysis of the response of health professional groups to war and militarisation.
FGM = Female Genital Mutilation
4th Edition 2018
National Malaria Elimination & Aedes Transmitted Disease Control Program
Disease Control Unit Directorate General of Health Services
Technical guidelines for a comprehensive, multidisciplinary and inter-institutional approach to people with diabetic neuropathy
Abstract: Chagas disease is caused by infection with the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, and although over 100 years have passed since the discovery of Chagas disease, it still presents an increasing problem for global public health. A plethora of information concerning the chronic phase of human Chaga...s disease, particularly the severe cardiac form, is available in the literature. However, information concerning events during the acute phase of the disease is scarce. In this review, we will discuss the current status of acute Chagas disease cases globally, the immunological findings related to the acute phase and their possible influence in disease outcome, and reactivation of Chagas disease in immunocompromised individuals, a key point for transplantation and HIV invection management.
As a Frontline Health Care Worker or a Vaccinator, you need to counsel pregnant women about the availability, value and precautions regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. This note provides you with the information that you need to educate and support pregnant women so that they can make an informed decisi...on about getting the COVID-19 vaccine. The note is structured in the form of questions-answers to make it easier for you to inform pregnant women and their families about the most important issues related to COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant women.
Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2020;44:e153.
Este analisis publicada de la Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública determina el comportamiento de los indicadores de incidencia de tuberculosis (TB) y número de muertes por TB en el marco de la meta 3.3 de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) ...y su correlación con los determinantes sociales. Al ritmo de la disminución actual de la tasa de incidencia y del número de muertes por TB, la Región de las Américas no alcanzará las metas propuestas en los ODS y en la Estrategia Fin de la TB. Se requiere una implementación y expansión rápidas de las intervenciones en prevención y control de TB para lograrlo. Esto implica, entre otras acciones, reducir las barreras de acceso al diagnóstico y tratamiento y fortalecer las iniciativas para abordar los determinantes sociales.
La deuxième édition de ce manuel combine et met à jour les éléments contenus dans les trois manuels
antérieurs consacrés à la rotation bilamellaire du tarse, à la méthode de Trabut et à l’évaluation fi nale des
chirurgiens du trichiasis.
Ce manuel est destiné à fournir des informa...tions spécifi ques aux formateurs dans le domaine du trichiasis
trachomateux (TT) à d’autres personnes pour qu’elles puissent pratiquer la chirurgie de l’entropion trichiasis.
Il ne traite pas des autres approches et se divise en deux parties. La première présente les spécifi cités de la
formation des futurs chirurgiens du trichiasis et sert de document de référence. Le formateur peut préférer
que les stagiaires lisent directement le document, utilisent ce manuel comme guide dans le cadre d’une
présentation didactique ou l’exploitent d’autres manières comme aide à la formation. Le manuel contient
des connaissances devant être transmises lors de la formation et une description des compétences devant
être acquises et évaluées pendant la pratique et les sessions de chirurgie. La seconde partie est destinée
UNIQUEMENT aux formateurs des futurs chirurgiens et porte sur la sélection et l’évaluation fi nale des
Hesperian created a 4-language Glossary of Health Terms for health workers cooperating across language barriers. These resources will be of use during this crisis by both Haitian health workers and any foreign health workers working in solidarity with them.
The IDF Diabetes Atlas report highlights the disproportionate prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) among Indigenous Peoples globally. It emphasizes the social and health disparities resulting from colonization, loss of traditional practices, and systemic inequities. The report includes prevalence dat...a across various Indigenous populations, identifying significant variability and often higher rates among Indigenous women compared to men. The report calls for culturally responsive and community-driven interventions to address diabetes prevention and management while advocating for better data collection and representation to support Indigenous communities worldwide.