UNICEF Child Alert | February 2018
Back in Myanmar, an estimated half million Rohingya remain largely sealed off in their communities and displacement camps, fearful that the violence and horror that had driven so many of their relatives and neighbours to fl ee would engulf them too.
Today, t...here are an estimated 720,000 Rohingya children in southern Bangladesh and Myanmar’s Rakhine State, in dire need of humanitarian assistance and protection – and looking to the outside world for help.
Handout presentations in PDF for illustrating lectures
Accessed May 2014
How safe is our hospital sanitation? An example from a public hospital
Accessed 3rd of October 2015
The official death toll was 447 people as of 25 March, according to the Government.
• Nearly 129,000 people are sheltering in 143 collective sites across Sofala (more than 97,600 people), Manica (more than 14,800 people); Zambezia (more than 9,600 people); and Tete (more than 6,800 people).
...• The entire District of Nhamatanda in Sofala Province has been affected by Cyclone Idai and related floods, and nearly 15,000 people are sheltering in 14 sites across the district
This book contains the findings of technical reviews of eight transitional shelter designs. It is divided into sections:
- Section A discusses transitional shelter design briefs, includes a programming checklist and explains how the shelters in this book were reviewed.
- Section B contains... summary findings of the technical reviews for the eight shelters.
- Section C contains design details for foundations, walls and roofs.
- Annexes contain details of materials, a template design brief, conversion tables, a glossary, and references.
Guidance Note. The recommended actions are presented under the different components (water supply, hygiene and hand washing, disinfection, solid waste management, latrine and wastewater management, and dead body management) of the defined Ebola Care Centre/Unit WASH package to complement community a...nd house-to-house level interventions
This protocol provides information on the safe management of dead bodies and burial of patients who died from suspected or confirmed Ebola or Marburg virus disease. These measures should be applied not only by medical personnel but by anyone involved in the management of dead bodies and burial of su...spected or confirmed Ebola or Marburg patients.
Twelve steps have been identified describing the different phases Burial Teams have to follow to ensure safe burials, starting from the moment the teams arrive in the village up to their return to the hospital or team headquarters after burial and disinfection procedures.