An Easy-Reference Guidebook for Healthcare Providers In Developed and Developing Countries
National HIV Strategic Plan 2016-2021
October 2009 | Volume 6 | Issue 10 | e1000162
Reporting period: January 2008-December 2010
Accessed: 29.09.2019
В помощь руководи*телям и практикующим врачам приведены конкретные меры, направ*ленные на улучшение медицинской помощи и обеспечение равногодоступа к не...й заключенных, необходимые юридические инструменты, рекомендации по организации работы лабораторных и противотубер*кулезных служб, методы диагностики и ведения больных, образцыспециальной документации, перечни профилактических и санитарно*просветительных мероприятий.
Rapid review and case studies from Member States
Supplement Article
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 75, Supplement 2, June 1, 2017
National Tuberclosis and
Leprosy Programme (NTLP)
The accounting framework for health care financing is a key component of A System of Health Accounts 2011, published by OECD, Eurostat and WHO in October 2011.1 The framework makes health accounts more adaptable to rapidly evolving health financing systems, further enhances crosscountry comparabilit...y of health expenditures and financing data, and ultimately improves the information base for the analytical use of national health accounts (NHAs). It is hoped that SHA 2011 – including its financing framework – will make health accounts a more useful assessment and monitoring tool for health systems and health expenditure in the economy as a whole.
Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 39, No. 10, october 2010
1-13 December 2018 | Geneva, Switzerland UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board Issue date: 23 November 2018
UNAIDS/PCB (43)/18.32
Integrated Management of Adolescent and Adult Illness
Integrated Management of Childhood Illness
Interim Guidelines for health workers at health centre or district hospital outpatient clinic
This guide has been written to provide information and practical advice on developing and delivering local plans an strategies to commission the most effective and efficient older people’s mental health services.Based upon clinical best practice guidance and drawing upon the range of available evi...dence, it describes what should be expected of an older people’s mental health service in terms of effectiveness, outcomes and value for money.