O presente documento fornece orientações aos Estados-Membros da União Africana com base num pedido específico dos Estados-Membros de uma lista de controlo/orientação dos equipamentos de protecção individual (EPI) necessários aos profissionais de saúde e prestadores de cuidados para a pande...mia da doença de Coronavírus de 2019 (COVID-19). Este documento foi sintetizado a partir dos dados actualmente disponíveis (1-6), tendo em conta o contexto africano e, como tal, pode ser adaptado ao contexto do país.
The rapid arrival of millions of asylum seekers and migrants in Europe in 2015–16 forced cities both large and small to rethink their approach to immigrant inclusion.
Développement de protocoles à adopter avec les réfugiés et les personnes déplacées dans leur propre pays. Edition révisée
Evaluando y mejorando la calidad y los derechos humanos en los establecimientos de salud
mental y de apoyo social
Este documento pretende ser una herramienta de trabajo que ayude
a comprender las dimensiones de la desnutrición infantil en el mundo, sus causas y consecuencias, pero también y muy especialmente las líneas básicas de intervención en las que trabajamos para luchar contra ella en los contextos ...más difíciles. [UNICEF]
Trastornos externalizantes
Capítulo D.3
Edición: Matías Irarrázaval & Andres Martin
Traducción: Fernanda Prieto Tagle, Sofía Hacohen Domené
02 - Series on Disability-Inclusive Development
Different situations, risks, recommendations. Short brochure with pictograms. Available in: English, Turkish, French, Russian at: http://www.bzga.de/infomaterialien/fremdsprachige-materialien/ AND German at: http://www.bzga.de/infomaterialien/aidsaufklärung/hiv-übertragung-und-aids-gefahr/
Alcohol, medication, tobacco, illegal drugs, addictive behaviour
Second, revised edition with new layout
Juni 2014
Myanmar has made significant progress in its disaster management policies, plans, and procedures since 2008, when Cyclone Nargis impacted the country leaving devastation in its aftermath. The Government of Myanmar (GoM) has modified the government structure and created new authorities and plans to i...mprove the effectiveness of disaster management at all levels. While this progress is encouraging and shows the determination of the government to make necessary adjustments, the resources to implement the policy changes have been slower to develop. Myanmar has made significant progress in its disaster management policies, plans, and procedures since 2008, when Cyclone Nargis impacted the country leaving devastation in its aftermath. The Government of Myanmar (GoM) has modified the government structure and created new authorities and plans to improve the effectiveness of disaster management at all levels. While this progress is encouraging and shows the determination of the government to make necessary adjustments, the resources to implement the policy changes have been slower to develop.
Thailand is exposed to flooding, landslides, drought, earthquakes, tsunamis, heat waves, forest fires, and epidemics. Thailand is also exposed to technological hazards such as chemical accidents. Flooding is the natural hazard with the most significant impact on human life, livelihoods, and the econ...omy for the country. The occurrence of droughts has increased in recent years due to the effects of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle, which brings drier-than-average rainfall conditions. Drought has adversely impacted the country’s agriculture sector, which employs around one third of the country’s workforce.
Developing countries face disastrous healthcare setbacks, hunger and huge international debt as covid-19’s ‘final wave’
24 May 2021; Guidance for vaccinators on how to store, prepare, draw up and administer COVID-19 vaccines Updated May 2021 · Western Cape Edition
Practical Approach to Care Kit: Vaccine
This report provides an analysis of donor government funding to address the HIV response in low- and
middle-income countries in 2022, the latest year available, as well as trends over time. It includes both
bilateral funding from donors and their contributions to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tub...erculosis and
Malaria (Global Fund), UNITAID, and UNAIDS. Overall, the analysis shows that while donor government
funding for HIV increased between 2021 and 2022, this was primarily due to the timing of payments from
the U.S. government and not actual increases in commitments.