Analysis developed by Track20 based on WPP2017 population estimates for 2018 and 2014-15 DHS, unless otherwise noted
Agriculture is highly exposed to climate change, as farming activities directly depend on climatic conditions. Agriculture also contributes to climate change through the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Two powerful greenhouse gases are by-products of agricultural activity:
Methan...e (CH4) – from livestock digestion processes and stored animal manure;
Nitrous oxide (N2O) – from organic and mineral nitrogen fertilisers.
However, agriculture can also contribute to climate change mitigation by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and by sequestering carbon while maintaining food production.
It is a pressing question for donors and NGOs alike: is funding development and humanitarian work in fragile and conflict-affected states (FCAS) the equivalent of pouring money into a bottomless pit, if achievements are only going to be undone by further cycles of violence? There is, of course, a st...rong humanitarian imperative to meet the needs of those caught up in violence. However, if the long-term aim of humanitarian and development efforts is the reduction of poverty, it begs the question: what contribution can these programmes make to building peace and stability – and thus increase their own effectiveness and sustainability?
This guidance aims to assist leaders in the development or revision of humanitarian-sector contributions to district-level pandemic preparedness and response planning. It is directly linked to H2P guidance for national-level planning.
Health Economics Review, 2016 6:7 -Published: 11 February 2016