Accessed Online June 2018 | When assessing potential opportunities for family planning, it is important to consider a wide range of areas related to demand for contraception, availability and access to services, quality and equity, and the enabling environment. This opportunity brief brings together... a range of data sources to allow for exploration of these key areas. This brief is meant to provide an overview of key data and population segmentations to spark conversations about prioritization and potential impact. Further analysis, including additional segmentation by residence or region may reveal additional nuances.
Analysis developed by Track20 based on WPP2017 population estimates for 2018 and 2014-15 DHS, unless otherwise noted
Accessed Online June 2018 | Single-page summary highlighting trends in modern contraceptive prevalence in Rwanda using data from the Demographic & Health Surveys.
Accessed on 22.11.2020
DHS Analysis of Trends in Use of Modern Contraception
Explore 2016-17 estimates of FP2020 Core Indicators in these country Summary Sheets produced by FP2020 and Track20.
A Project of the Joep Lange Institute July, 2018
Policy briefs produced for FP2020 and other countries, presenting analysis of Family Planning Effort (FPE) scores from the current and previous rounds. Research and policy implications based on the analyses are also presented.
Progress in diagnosis: Akey in overcoming the MDR-TB crisis.
The expanse-TV project progress and impact brief.
In July 2016, the government of Myanmar shared the following update on progress toward achieving its Family Planning 2020 commitment during the 2015-2016 time period (commitment included below for reference). The government added new information to this update in April 2017.
DHS Analytical Studies No. 57