Practical guide on patient education on the effectiveness of Pulmonary Tuberculosis treatment at Salasaca Health Centre
Operating Department Practice - Clinical Pocket Reference - for nurses, students and other healthcare professionals - third edition,
supplemantary material Available from
ISBN: 978 1 908725 10 3
The Knowledge Translation Unit is a group within the University of Cape Town’s Lung Institute and Department of Medicine who has worked on primary care programmes to strengthen provision of evidence-informed care in low-resources settings in South Africa, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Brazil for two See here for more information. We are working around the clock to help health workers in these and similar settings to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. These can be accessed below. We are also working to expand these to support primary healthcare workers, patients and households. You can also access our free online training.
For purposes of assisting communities during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are making our COVID-19 and related materials freely available for others to use subject to some simple conditions.
La COVID-19 se ha propagado a los 54 países y territorios de las Américas. Para el 26 de mayo del 2020, los casos y las muertes en América Latina habían sobrepasado los de Europa y Estados Unidos en lo que se refiere al número diario de infecciones por coronavirus notificadas. Para junio, dos d...e los tres países con el mayor número de casos notificados se encontraban en las Américas, región que se ha convertido en el epicentro de la pandemia.
En este informe se expone una visión general de la respuesta de la OPS a la pandemia de COVID-19. Comienza en enero de 2020, cuando la OPS movilizó rápidamente sus expertos y despachó material de laboratorio para la detección molecular del virus hasta el 31 de mayo de
Monkeypox Factsheet in English
Hesperian’s fact sheet is one of the first accessible yet comprehensive health resources on Monkeypox. We describe common symptoms of monkeypox, how to prevent its spread, and how it can be treated at home. We also note how the world seems to have learned nothing COVID about the need for vaccine equity! Translations of this factsheet will soon be available in several languages.
This film is the Luganda version of 'Warning Signs in Pregnancy' - this was dubbed locally in Uganda, thanks to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
This film is the Luganda version of 'How to care for a newborn' - this was locally dubbed in Uganda, thanks to the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.
When an infection strikes, and medicines like antibiotics (and other antimicrobials) do not work, you can lose your entire stock of animals to disease. This also puts the health of you and your family at risk when the infection can spread between animals and people. Save lives and livelihoods by fol...lowing the advice below starting today!
Antibiotic resistant bacteria are spreading at an alarming rate and some bacterial infections may once again be untreatable. Antibiotic resistance (ABR), conservatively calculated, causes more than 500 000 deaths every year. This number is projected to rise dramatically if radical actions are not ta...ken. Lack of effective antibiotics, diagnostics and vaccines threatens the health of millions and hampers fulfilment of several of the Sustainable Development Goals. Access to effective antibiotics should be part of every adult and child’s right to health.
Diese Basissprache für Notfälle ist hilfreich für Professionelle aus dem Gesundheitsbereich, wenn sie sich in Notfällen mit Migranten verständigen müssen. Das Kit dient auch den Migranten selbst als Material zum Lernen. Es ist in 17 Sprachen erhältlich. Klicken Sie auf eine Sprachversion, um ...ein pdf herunterzuladen.
Also available in: Bulgarian, Arabic, Dutch, English, German, Greek, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Chinese, Croatian, Polish, Russian, Turkish, French, Ukrainian
Website last accessed on 07.06.2023 is an initiative of the VISAVET Health Surveillance Centre (UCM), the National Centre of Microbiology (ISCIII), the Animal Protection Centre (Madrid City Council) and the Directorate of Public Health (Regional Government of Madrid). This proj...ect launches the possibility of collaboration with other research centres, feeding the site with updated information on this disease.
Leishmaniosis prevention and control should include novel communication strategies that must be easily accesible and would include new advances in the knowledge of the disease. Recently, other animals different than dogs have been described as competent reservoirs of Leishmania, playing an important epidemiological role in recent outbreaks in Europe and Asia. At the moment, most of the information available is fundamentally devoted to humans and dogs, and there is no a global approach to the disease, taking into account all possible reservoirs.
The contents are available in Spanish and English, and come from the knowledge and experience in the disease of the above mentioned organisms, including research and information outreach.
The result is a website mainly focused on dissemination of the fundamental aspects for the control and prevention of the disease, taking into account that leishmaniosis due to its zoonotic condition, requires a multidisciplinary vision in accordance with the "One Health" principles. The web is complemented by a collaborative tool where the registered research groups can present themselves and disseminate their research results, therefore providing updated information on the scientific advances in the disease control.
Available in English and Spanish, Hesperian’s comprehensive app on pregnancy and birth contains a wealth of information on:
how to stay healthy during pregnancy
how to recognize danger signs during pregnancy, birth, and
after birth
what to do when a danger sign arises
whe...n to refer a woman to emergency care
instructions for community health workers with step-by-step explanations such as “How to take blood pressure,” “How to treat someone in shock,” “How to stop bleeding.”
The Early Childhood Development Policy and its Strategic Plan seek to provide a framework to ensure such a holistic and integrated approach to the development of young children. International research has demonstrated the high economic returns on ECD investment and its positive impact on health and outcomes as well as the overall economic development of a nation. The implementation of the ECD Policy will thus provide Rwanda with the basis for achieving the objectives and goals of the EDPRS and Vision 2020.
Instructional Manual for the care of pregnant and postpartum women in the context of the covid-19 pandemic
Este Manual de Recomendações para a Assistência à Gestante e Puérpera visa orientar o acesso e a horizontalidade da assistência durante a pandemia Covid-19, abordando as vias de transmis...são, o diagnóstico precoce e o adequado manejo das gestantes e puérperas nas diversas fases da infecção, definindo diretrizes que evitem a morbimortalidade materna e os agravos ao concepto.
This film explains the importance of screening, early detection and treatment of cervical cancer. This film is for use in community health education.
This film will explain how pre-cancer cells and cervical cancer develops. It will also explain what you can do to protect yourself from the disease b...y making healthy choices, attending cervical screening and seeking treatment if necessary.
Avilable in different languages: English, Bemba, Somali, haitian Creole, French, Yoruba, Hausa, Swahili
For use in the training of skilled health workers, we have an additional two films available
Lung Cancer, Understanding, Managing, Living looks at what happens when a person is diagnosed with lung cancer through to available treatments and living with cancer.
It provides expert medical information from a team of health professionals involved in caring for people with lung cancer, as well... as experiences from people living with lung cancer.
If you or someone you love has lung cancer this DVD may help you understand and make sense of what is happening, and what others have experienced. It contains information split into 20 short chapters.
The movie is available in several other languages.
Accessed 18th November 2015
The World Population Dashboard showcases global population data, including fertility rate, gender parity in school enrolment, information on sexual and reproductive health, and much more. Together, these data shine a light on the health and rights of people around the world, especially women and yo...ung people. The numbers here come from UNFPA and fellow UN agencies, and are updated annually.
Accessed 26 February 2019
This short paper aims to identify key evidence gaps in our knowledge of livestock- and fisheries-linked antimicrobial resistance in the developing world, and to document on-going or planned research initiatives on this topic by key stakeholders.
The antimicrobial resistant (AMR) infections in that are of most potential risk to human health are likely to be zoonotic pathogens transmitted through food, especially Salmonella and Campylobacter. In addition, livestock associated methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA MRSA) and extended spectrum beta lactamase E. coli (ESBL E. coli) are emerging problems throughout the world.
La pandemia del coronavirus (COVID-19) ha afectado la vida familiar alrededor del mundo. El cierre de escuelas y colegios, el trabajo a distancia, el distanciamiento físico: es mucho para cualquier persona, pero especialmente para los padres. Un grupo de colaboradores nos juntamos con la iniciativa... 'Parenting for Lifelong Health' (en español, Paternidad y Crianza para Salud de por Vida) para brindar a los padres y responsables de niños una serie de consejos prácticos para ayudar a manejar esta nueva (temporaria) normalidad.
Antimicrobial Resistance or AMR continues to pose a major threat to human development and to the fight against infectious diseases. It also endangers animal health and welfare, and food production, and severely impacts our economies and societies. An holistic approach must be used to mitigate AMR ri...sks in Africa. Therefore, AMR governance is essential to promote sustainable actions that include proper institutional collaborations from public and private sectors to meet the dynamic societal demands in the continent. So join us in being part of the solution to Antimicrobial Resistance in Africa!
The Video is available in English, French, Arabic and Portuguese