This document provides additional guidance for the responsible and prudent use of antimicrobials in food-producing animals, and should be read in conjunction with the Recommended International Code of Practice for Control of the Use of Veterinary Drugs CAC/RCP 38-1993. Its objectives are to minimize... the potential adverse impact on public health resulting from the use of antimicrobial agents in food-producing animals, in particular the development of antimicrobial resistance.
Maldives has made significant strides in the area of infectious disease prevention and control. This is exemplified by elimination of malaria from Maldives in 2015 and successes in TB control. In addition, Maldives is a front runner in infectious disease prevention through successful water, sanitati...on, hygiene and vaccination campaigns and coverage. However, given the limited evidence that exists with respect to the occurrence of resistant organisms in the nation, it is hard to estimate the exact antimicrobial resistance (AMR) scenario. Also, it becomes difficult to compare the current situation with other countries in the region. Moreover, limited evidence exists on the trends of use of antimicrobial agents (AMA) in Maldives. Although, recent prescription audits have indicated overuse of antibiotics, especially for common conditions such as flu, cough and fever.
This document provides additional guidance for the responsible and prudent use of antimicrobials in food-producing animals, and should be read in conjunction with the Recommended International Code of Practice for Control of the Use of Veterinary Drugs CAC/RCP 38-1993. Its obj...ectives are to minimize the potential adverse impact on public health resulting from the use of antimicrobial agents in food-producing animals, in particular the development of antimicrobial resistance. It is also important to provide for the safe and effective use of veterinary antimicrobial drugs in veterinary medicine by maintaining their efficacy. This document defines the respective responsibilities of authorities and groups involved in the authorization, production, control, distribution and use of veterinary antimicrobials such as the national regulatory authorities, the veterinary pharmaceutical industry, veterinarians, distributors and producers of food-producing animals.
Women, the elderly, adolescents, youth, and children,
persons with disabilities, indigenous populations, refugees,
migrants, and minorities experience the highest degree
of socio-economic marginalization. Marginalized people
become even more vulnerable in emergencies.1 This is due
to factors as their lack of access to effective surveillance
and early-warning systems, and health services. The
COVID-19 outbreak is predicted to have significant impacts
on various sectors.
The populations most at risk are those that:
• depend heavily on the informal economy;
• occupy areas prone to shocks;
• have inadequate access to social services or political
• have limited capacities and opportunities to cope and
adapt and;
• limited or no access to technologies.
By understanding these issues, we can support the capacity
of vulnerable populations in emergencies. We can give
them priority assistance, and engage them in decision-making
processes for response, recovery, preparedness, and
risk reduction.
The decontamination of instruments and medical devices plays a very important role in the prevention of health care-associated infections (HAIs). Indeed, improper decontamination of surgical instruments, endoscopic devices, respiratory care devices and reusable haemodialysis devices still occurs in ...many settings, leading to HAIs. This course is based on the WHO manual on decontamination and reprocessing of medical devices for health care facilities, as well as in collaboration with the US CDC.
Coronaviren sind eine grosse Familie von Viren, von denen bekannt ist, dass sie Krankheiten verursachen, die von Erkaeltungen bis hin zu schwereren Erkrankungen wie dem Atemwegssyndrom im Nahen Osten (MERS) und dem schweren akuten Atemwegssyndrom (SARS) reichen.
Ein neuartiges Coronavirus (COVID-...19) wurde 2019 in Wuhan, China, identifiziert. Dabei handelt es sich um ein neues Coronavirus, das bisher noch nicht beim Menschen identifiziert wurde.
Dieser Kurs bietet eine allgemeine Einfuehrung in COVID-19 und neu auftretende Atemwegsviren und richtet sich an Fachleute des oeffentlichen Gesundheitswesens, Manager fuer Zwischenfaelle und Personal, das fuer die Vereinten Nationen, internationale Organisationen und Nichtregierungsorganisationen arbeitet.
The Clinical Management of Patients with COVID-19 course series is developed for healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The course provides crucial knowledge necessary to provide safe, effective quality patient care. Presentations address all aspects of clinical management, including facil...ity preparation and surge planning; health worker infection prevention and control; interfacility transfer; clinical management of mild, moderate, and severely ill patients with COVID-19; special considerations for geriatric, pregnant, and pediatric patients with COVID-19; rehabilitation; and ethics and palliative care.
The course series consists of 6 courses, which include video lectures and downloadable presentations that have been updated with the latest guidance and evidence. Each module contains 5-8 lectures, and each lecture includes a quiz to evaluate knowledge acquisition.
This infodemic management course applies evidence-based guidance to the COVID-19 pandemic. It covers key risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) principles and illustrates how they can be operationalized in the context of an extended outbreak that affects different populations with varyin...g risk levels. Illustrations from WHO headquarters, regions, and Ministries of Health provide concrete examples of messaging and other communication interventions developed during COVID-19.
Online Course. Infection prevention and control (IPC) is an essential component of healthcare quality and patient safety. In this module you will learn how and why healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) occur and how IPC reduces their risk and spread.
This standard Operating procedure (SOP) for JDWNRH is intended to describe and
address various important areas like admission procedure, on call process of the
doctors, interdepartmental consultation, patient discharge process and verity of
other areas which was so far solely based on verbal i...nstruction in the workplace by
the seniors which very often led to mishaps and other associate problems. This SOP,
though not comprehensive, would serve as a guidebook for newly recruited health
staff as well as a reference book for existing health professionals in JDWNRH while
delivering health care services
This course is based on the Manual on Safety in Administering Medicines for Neglected Tropical Diseases which provides practical tools, training modules and jobs aids to further improve the planning, preparation, and monitoring of safe administration of NTD medicines.
Surgical site infections (SSI) are a serious problem globally; they are the most frequent type of health care-associated infection (HAI) observed on admission in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Approximately one in 10 people who have surgery in LMICs acquire an SSI, and SSI is reported as ...the second most common HAI in Europe and the United States of America. Therefore, it is crucial to include SSI prevention activities in your overall IPC programme.
The Lancet, Planetary Health Volume 5, ISSUE 11, e766-e774, November 01, 2021
Increasing human demand for water and changes in water availability due to climate change threatens water security worldwide. Additionally, exploitation of water resources induces stress on freshwater environments, to biodiversity loss and reduced ecosystem services. We aimed to conduct a spatially detailed assessment of global human water stress for low to high environmental flow (EF) protection.
The response to a cholera outbreak must focus on limiting mortality and reducing the spread of the disease. It should be comprehensive and multisectoral, including epidemiology, case management, water, sanitation and hygiene, logistics, community engagement and risk communication. All efforts must b...e well coordinated to ensure a rapid and effective response across sectors.
This document provides a framework for detecting and monitoring cholera outbreaks and organizing the response. It also includes a short section linking outbreak response to both preparedness and long-term prevention activities.
A catalogue of family planning job aids for low resource settings, which includes a brief description and key messages as well as pros and cons for each job aid.
Accessed June 2014.