UNAIDS Series: Engaging uniformed services in the fight against AIDS - Case Study 1
Fighting AIDS
HIV-related advocacy evaluation training for civil society organisations
Religion, belief and culture should be recognized as potential sources of moral purpose and personal strength in healthcare, enhancing the welfare of both clinicians and patients.
Ethics and communication skills| Volume 44, ISSUE 10, P589-592, October 01, 2016
Available in different languages
Open Journal of Nursing, 2020, 10, 617-635
This booklet presents key messages for action, summarized from a set of
chapters on different environmental health issues.
It explains the importance of faecal sludge management in urban areas in which many people rely on on-site and decentralized sanitation facilities and emphasizes the place of treatment in the overall sanitation service chain. It defines terms used throughout the book, explains why faecal sludge and ...septage treatment is important, and identifies broad treatment objectives.
This Trachoma Action Planning – a planning guide – is published by the
International Coalition for Trachoma Control at the request of the
World Health Organization Alliance for the Global Elimination of Trachoma
by 2020.
This document defines the framework for Malawi’s National HIV Programs. Considering public health benefits and risks, as well as funding and resource implications, deviations from these guidelines are not supported by the Ministry of Health.
Die Broschüre gibt Antworten auf wichtige Fragestellungen wie etwa zur Gleichberechtigung von Männern und Fraün, zur Meinungsfreiheit, zur Religions- und Glaubensfreiheit sowie zu Rechtsangelegenheiten vor einem staatlichen Gericht. Außerdem sind in der Broschüre Kontaktadressen zu staatlichen ...und nichtstaatlichen Beratungsangeboten gesammelt, an die Sie sich wenden können, wenn Sie z.B. bedroht werden oder Probleme in Ihrer Familie haben. In den Sprachen Deutsch, Englisch, Arabisch, Urdu, Paschtu und Dari
September Highlights
Ebola prevention measures began in South Sudan with three border screening points established
Nearly 160,000 people reached with WASH services throughout South Sudan