Service Availability and Readiness Assessment Tool
The purpose of this booklet is to help readers understand why data on children with disabilities are currently inadequate, the difficulties that surround the gathering of high-quality data on disabled children, and why there is a real need to improve the collection, analysis, dissemination... and use of disability data.
Chapter 29: Refugees and Displaced Women:
Flight and Arrival,
Basic Needs,
Reproductive Health,
Mental Health,
Women as Leaders
Technical and operational ‘how-to’: practical considerations
As knowledge on Ebola-related safety measures accumulates, this guidance is provisional. This guide focuses on psychological first aid, which involves humane, supportive and practical help to follow human beings suffering serious crisis events. The guidance has been written for people who help during Ebola virus disease outbreaks.
Nosocomial infections, or hospital-acquired infec-tions (HAI), are among the most significant causesof morbidity and mortality in healthcare settingsthroughout the world.Prevention of HAIs iscentral to providing high quality and safe health-care, even in settings with limited resources.Transmi...ssion of infectious agents between patientsby health workers and irrational use of antibioticsare two important preventable factors involved inmany HAIs.
Research Article
Karo et al. BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14:148
This document is one of eight PDF documents that comprise the Guidance on Child-focused Victim
Assistance. All are available in PDF at . The full document is also available.
This first section contains the Acknowledgements, Foreword, Acronyms and Chapters 1 th...rough 4: Chapter 1. Introduction: The Need for Child-focused Victim Assistance Guidance; Chapter 2. Mine Action, UNICEF and Guidance on Child Victim Assistance ;Chapter 3. Victim Assistance: Stakeholders and International Standards; Chapter 4. Principles, Coordination and Cross-cutting Aspects of Victim Assistance
Provisional recommendations May 2014