Developmental disorders
Chapter C.5
IACAPAP Textbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Child psychiatry & pediatrics
Chapter I.1
Somatoform disorders
Mental Health Policy and Service Guidance Package
Languages: Arabic, English, French, Chinese, Russian
Les enfants sont notre avenir. Des politiques et plans bien conçus permettent aux gouvernements de promouvoir la santé mentale des enfants dans l'intérêt des familles, de la communauté et de la société tout entière.
Les enfants et les adolescents qui sont en bonne santé mentale peuvent se ...procurer et maintenir un bien-être et un comportement social et psychologique optimums. Ils ont le sens de l’identité et de la confiance en soi, de la famille stable et des rapports d’égalité, la capacité d’être productif et d’apprendre, le potentiel pour relever les défis du développement et se servir des ressources culturelles pour porter la croissance à un niveau aussi élevé que possible.
Данное руководство представляет собой попытку объединения проверенных универсальных подходов к оказанию психологической и психиатрической помощи в чрезвыча...ных ситуациях с одной сто-роны, и необходимость учета факторов, специфичных для каждой отдельной культуры, с другой.
Accessed on 2019
This content is from the Advance Chapters of the NEW Where There Is No Doctor. You can download this chapter in Bangla, English, Haitian Kreyol, Lao, Nepali, Spanish, and Swahili
The Hand Hygiene Self-Assessment Framework is a systematic tool with which to obtain a situation analysis of hand hygiene promotion and practices within an individual health-care facility.
A guide to help you create an Action Plan specific for your health-care facility
Recognition, Assessment and Treatment
National Clinical Guideline Number 159
The project was developed by the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA), in line with the Federation’s statement “a world in which students are equipped with knowledge, skills and value to take on health leadership roles locally and globally so to... shape a sustainable future”. This was supported by an ongoing and vital engagement from the World Health Organization (WHO) and their work the United Nations Alliance on Climate Change Education, Training and Public Awareness. The overall objective was to create a “all in one” type of resource to bring together climate change, health and youth advocacy.
Asia-Pacific Human Development Report
This toolkit will help you to plan and run an event that helps to change the way that people in your community think about, and behave towards, people with mental health problems
This study provides information about vulnerabilities within the targeted population and contributes to reflection within UNHCR on how to interpret their multisectorial Home Visit assessments. By exploring relationships between vulnerability indicators and other data collected, the report outlines k...ey trends and relationships. The report details predefined VAF indicators and then provides an in-depth descriptive analysis for each sector
The case is intended to be used as the basis for group work and class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a Medical Peace Work situation. This is one of seven Medical Peace Work courses.
Climate change is the single biggest health threat facing humanity, and health professionals worldwide are already responding to the health harms caused by this unfolding crisis.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has concluded that to avert catastrophic health impacts and prevent... millions of climate change-related deaths, the world must limit temperature rise to 1.5°C. Past emissions have already made a certain level of global temperature rise and other changes to the climate inevitable. Global heating of even 1.5°C is not considered safe, however; every additional tenth of a degree of warming will take a serious toll on people’s lives and health.
Цель данного доклада – стать ресурсом, позволяющим руководителям и другим заинтересованным сторонам рассматри-вать предупреждение самоубийств как императив. То...ько в этом случае страны смогут предпринять своевременные и эффективные меры на национальном уровне и, таким образом, избавить граждан, семьи, местные сообществаи общество в целом от бремени страданий, вызываемых самоубийствами и суицидальными попытками.
В данном издании представлены результаты оценки системы материнской и неонатальной помощи в Кыргызстане и соответствующие программы. Здесь описана текущая деяте...льность, направленная на улучшение здоровья матери и новорожденного, и инновационные пути для решения существующих трудностей, а также предложена модель проведения оценки эффективности программ, которые созданы на основе доказательной медицины и могут изменить сложившуюся ситуацию.
“Effective Altruism” — What it is, how philanthropic foundations use it and what are its risks and side-effects
The Health Systems in Transition (HiT) series consists of country-based reviews that provide a detailed description of a health system and of reform and policy initiatives in progress or under development in a specific country.