Environmental Health in Emergencies and Disasters
Chapter 10
Guidelines and tools for Health Professionals
Towards the Peoples Health Assembly Book - 4
(August 28 – October 10, 2017)
A nutrition and mortality assessment using SMART methodology was applied and the survey covered 15 statistical (14 districts plus 1) domains countrywide. The main objective of the survey was to assess the current nutrition status of the population, especially ch...ildren 6-59 months old and women of reproductive age (15-49 years of age). The survey also looked at the major contextual factors contributing to undernutrition such as infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices; food security indicators; water, sanitation and hygiene indicators; and health situation in Sierra Leone
BMJ Glob Health 2019;4:e001272. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2018-001272
Trust is an essential component of successful cooperative endeavours. The global health response to the 2014–2016 West Africa Ebola outbreak confronted historically tenuous regional relationships of trust. Challenging sociopolitical co...ntexts and initially inappropriate communication strategies impeded trustworthy relationships between communities and responders during the epidemic. Social scientists affiliated with the Ebola 100-Institut Pasteur project interviewed approximately 160 local, national and international responders holding a wide variety of roles during the epidemic
A Program To Improve The Care For Patients With Common Mental Disorders In Primary Health Care.
The essence of the MANAS model is to shift mental health care from mental health specialists to primarycare doctors and lay HCs (someone similar to other more widely available... health workers) working as aprimary care team to improve the coverage and efficiency in treating CMD. This manual has been prepared based on the experience gained through the MANAS program and incorporates feedback from doctors who were involved in the program implementation. It outlines the details of the MANAS model and provides information on treatments that are relevant to doctors working in Primary Health Clinics
This manual will contribute directly to the fourth focus area of the FAO Action Plan by promoting the prevention of infections and the prudent use of antibiotics in the pig and poultry sectors. The pig and poultry sectors are addressed together, as these sectors generally have the highest use of ant...ibiotics. This manual is jointly applicable to veterinarians, other health professionals and farmers; a key to success in using antibiotics effectively and prudently is good dialogue among these professions.
The GFF needs an additional US$2.5 billion from 2021 to 2025 to enable countries to protect health gains and accelerate progress toward the 2030 Goals. Of this amount, the GFF urgently needs to secure new pledges of US$1.2 billion by the end of 2021 to help its current 36 partner countries protect ...and maintain essential health services and implement time-sensitive service delivery and health system improvements to enable a sharp bend of the curve back to a positive trajectory to close the gap to the SDGs.
The Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Guidelines aim to support healthcare workers improve quality and safety health care. The Guidelines further aim to promote and facilitate the overall goal of IPC by providing evidence-based recommendations on the critical aspects of IPC, focusing on the fun...damental principles and priority action areas. All health service organizations should consider the risk of healthcare-associated infection(s) (HAI) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) transmission to implement these recommendations. The IPC Guidelines also set national standards for the prevention and control of HAIs and to ensure compliance to the National Quality Standards.
Advancing Health, Learning and Equity through WASH in Schools
Designed for trainers of health workers, this manual offers skills-building sessions on developing more “male-friendly” health services. Utilizing participatory and experiential activities, the manual examines attitudinal and structural barriers that inhibit men from seeking HIV and AIDS service...s (both from the client and the provider perspectives), as well as strategies for overcoming such barriers. The manual is designed for all workers in a health care system—frontline staff, clinicians, and administrative, operational, and outreach workers.
Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series No. 59
This Quick Guide is based entirely on information contained in TIP 59, published in 2014. No additional research has been conducted to update this topic since publication of TIP 59. | This Quick Guide provides succinct, easily accessible informatio...n to behavioral health administrators about developing culturally competent organizations. The guide is based entirely on Improving Cultural Competence, Number 59 in the Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) series. Users of the Quick Guide are invited to consult the primary source, TIP 59, for more information and a complete list of resources for improving cultural competence. To order a copy of TIP 59 or to access it online, see the inside back cover of this guide.
Since the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995, gender mainstreaming has become a widespread strategy for changing unequal social and institutional structures which discriminate against women and girls, with the goal of achieving gender equality. Much has changed for women since 1995:... they have become more visible as actors in society, economy and politics. Public awareness regarding their discrimination has increased. However, most societies remain based on patriarchy and male hegemony. Patriarchal structures and institutions cannot easily be changed and the struggle for gender equality is still far from being won.
How to use these Guidelines
These guidelines are a general set of recommendations about how you can help someone who may be at risk of suicide.
Each individual is unique and it is important to tailor your support to that person’s needs. These recommendations therefore
may not be appropriate for... every person who may be at risk of suicide.
Also, the guidelines are designed to be suitable for providing first aid in India. They may not be suitable for other cultural
groups or for countries with different health systems.
The COPSI project is divided into three phases: the first in which the intervention is developed, the second in which researchers evaluate the intervention in a randomised controlled trial, and the final one in which the results of the trial are analysed and disseminated.
A COPSI resource kit has ...been developed comprising the COPSI training manual for the community health workers, intervention flip chart, 14 intervention handouts, recovery stories booklet and videos about people with schizophrenia and their families telling their stories of illness and recovery in a deeply personal way.
To access the videos, please click to http://www.sangath.in/copsi/ to watch the video based in Tamil Nadu and to watch the video based in Maharashtra.
Cette affiche est destinée au grand public et montre comment prévenir le COVID-19. Il fournit également un numéro de téléphone pour plus d'informations
Food and nutrition security in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is subject to the relentless impact of conflict, epidemics and climate events that have persisted in the country for decades, further compounded by the global COVID-19 pandemic. Lack of infrastructure and investment in agriculture, ...health and human capital development combine to impede progress towards the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals 2 and 17. While there are several legal instruments and policies that promote food and nutrition security, poor coordination, weak national capacity and exponential population growth present serious obstacles to the achievement of zero hunger. Political instability and siloed sectoral responses to humanitarian and development needs have also affected results to date.
Combatting the rising global threat of AMR through a One Health Approach
After introducing Ethiopia's WASH sector challenges and trends, the plan describes IRC Ethiopia's vision and strategy which draws from IRC and Water For People's joint framework - Destination 2030. It then details the organisational changes and business development needed to implement the strategic ...plan. Detailed targets are provided in the annexes.
At IRC, we believe that turning on a working tap should not be a surprise or cause for celebration. We believe in a world where water, sanitation and hygiene services are fundamental utilities that everyone is able to take for granted. For good.
We face a complex challenge. Every year, thousands of projects within and beyond the WASH sector fail – the result of short-term targets and interventions, at the cost of longterm service solutions.
This leaves around a third of the world’s poorest people without access to the most basic of human rights, and leads directly to economic, social and health problems on a global scale. IRC exists to continually challenge and shape the established practices of the WASH sector.
Through collaboration and the active application of our expertise, we work with governments, service providers and international organisations to deliver systems and services that are truly built to last.
Guidance book for health workers who working in the handling of health crisis caused by natural disasters in Indonesia.
This manual refers to international standards.