This study examines the ability of political, legal, health, and communities to respond to gender-based violence in Kigali, Rwanda.
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine
Guide technique pour la prise en charge des maladies cardiovasculaires dans le cadre des soins de santé primaires
O protocolo a seguir foi desenvolvido para investigar o alcance da infecção, conforme determinado pela soropositividade da população geral, em qualquer país com casos confirmados de infecção pelo COVID-19. Os países talvez tenham que adaptar alguns aspectos deste protocolo para os respectivo...s sistemas de saúde pública, bem como sistemas laboratoriais e clínicos, de acordo com a capacidade, disponibilidade de recursos e adequação cultural. No entanto, usando-se um protocolo padronizado, tal como o descrito abaixo, dados de exposição epidemiológica e amostras biológicas podem sercoletados de forma sistemática, e rapidamente compartilhados em um formato que facilite sua agregação, tabulação e análise em diferentes cenários globais, para estimar prontamente a gravidade as taxas de ataque da infecção pelo vírus COVID-19, bem como embasar respostas de saúde públicae decisões relativas a políticas públicas. Isso é particularmente importante no contexto de um novo patógeno respiratório, como o COVID-19.
Abschlussbericht. Repräsentative Untersuchung von geflüchteten Fraün in unterschiedlichen Bundesländern in Deutschland
The WHO Regional Office for Europe has established the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative in more than half the countries in the Region for routine monitoring of the policy response to the emerging obesity epidemic. The aim of the Initiative is to measure trends in overweight and obesity in c...hildren aged 6.0–9.9 years to get a clear understanding of the epidemic and to allow inter-country comparisons. This document outlines the common protocol agreed for use in the Initiative.
MSF International AIDS Working Group
Este documento ha sido concebido para proporcionar un marco que respalde los estudios de prevalencia de las ITS en los niveles local y nacional. El propósito de estos estudios es conocer la carga de las infecciones por NG y CT, dos ITS prioritarias que dan lugar a resultados obstétricos y perinata...les adversos.
Untersuchung und Dokumentation von Folter und Menschrechtsverletzungen. 2. Auflage
Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights | The present study focuses on inclusive education as a means to realize the universal right to education, including for persons with disabilities. It analyses the relevant provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Per...sons with Disabilities, highlights good practices and discusses challenges and strategies for the establishment of inclusive education systems.
Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. (2013) 10(5):210-229
Plants are important sources of medicines. Herbal medicines in Lesotho are exposed to excessive exploitation and habitat destruction. Comprehensive information to promote proper use and conservation of these herbal medicines is lacking. ...This study described the uses of medicinal plants in Lesotho with comparative reference between practice and the literature, highlighting important ethno-medicinal information and conservation status of the plants. Additionally, the study established a repository and monograph for the herbal medicines in Lesotho.
Women and girls have specific needs that are often ignored during crisis. While on the run or while living in shelters, women and girls continue to become pregnant, but they often lack access to basic sexual and reproduc-tive health care. Without assistance by midwifes or access to contraceptives, w...omen and girls are at increased risk of unsafe sex, unwanted pregnancy and unsafe delivery, and are at a higher risk of infection by HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. In addition, displaced women have virtually no access to protection, security, justice, and other services related to gender-based violence (GBV). For these reasons, the delivery of sexual and reproduc-tive health and rights (SRHR) as well as GBV services to conflict-affected communities – most of whom are living in protracted displacement – is a key part of UNFPA’s Women and Girls First Programme (WGF). The initia-tive is a commitment to prevent and respond to violence perpetrated against women and girls in Myanmar, and to realize their sexual and reproductive health and rights.