Examination of the business behaviour of Boehringer Ingelheim, Bayer and Baxter in Uganda
Skin and mucosal conditions are extremely common in all children and adults in particular in HIV-infected adults and children and are one of the commonest daily management problems faced by health care workers caring for patients with HIV infection
La santé de la reproduction des adolescent(e)s reste encore une préoccupation de
santé publique. Le but de cet article est de partager l’expérience d’un projet visant
l’intégration des services de santé de la reproduction en milieu scolaire au Sénégal et
d’exposer les leçons ...apprises de cette expérience.
Ce présent article relate les différentes actions menées dans le cadre de l’offre des services de SR en milieu scolaire et les leçons apprises d’une telle expérience.
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) is a premalignant lesion that may exist at any one of three stages: CIN1, CIN2, or CIN3. If left untreated, CIN2 or CIN3 (collectively referred to as CIN2+) can progress to cervical cancer. Instead of screening and diagnosis by the standard sequence of cytolo...gy, colposcopy, biopsy, and histological confirmation of CIN, an alternative method is to use a ‘screen-and-treat’ approach in which the treatment decision is based on a screening test and treatment is provided soon or, ideally, immediately after a positive screening test. This guideline provides recommendations for strategies for a screen-and-treat programme
1.HIV infections – drug therapy. 2.Anti-HIV agents – adverse effects. 3.Anti-retroviral agents. 4.Benzoxazines – adverse effects. 5.Pregnancy. 6.Disease transmission, Vertical - prevention and control. 7.Treatment outcome. I.World Health Organization
Programmatic update
April 2012
Executive Summary
July 2012
Working Paper No. 3
A book of methods, aids, and ideas for instructors at the village level
An indispensable resource for health educators, this book provides hundreds of methods, aids, and learning strategies to make health education engaging and effective, encouraging community involvement through participatory edu...cation.
You can download chapter by chapter free of charge
The previous version (2005) is freely available here
Assessing and improving quality and human rights in mental health and social care facilites
Essential Drug list on page 36!!