Educational materials (slide presentations) from FAO covering important biosecurity aspects in poultry farms
Accessed on 01.03.2020
Since its inception in 1995, the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys, known as MICS, has become the largest source of statistically sound and internationally comparable data on women and children worldwide. In countries as diverse as Costa Rica, Mali and Qatar, trained teams conduct face-to-face interviews with household members on a variety of topics – focusing mainly on those issues that directly affect the lives of children and women.
Accessed on 28.02.2020
Quickstats Senegal
Revided Version
September 2013
Safe disposal of children’s feces is as essential as the safe disposal of adults’ feces. Th is brief provides an overview of the available data on child feces disposal in Burkina Faso and concludes with ideas to strengthen safe disposal practices, based on emerging good practice. Th e Joint Mon...itoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation (JMP) tracks progress toward the Millennium Development Goal 7 target to halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. Th e JMP standardized defi nition for an improved sanitation facility is one that hygienically separates human excreta from human contact.
Accessed on 16.03.2020
According to the Recensement general de la population et de l'habitation de 2006, the disability prevalence rate in Burkina Faso is 1.2%
Camp profile focused for the effective and efficient coordination
at camp level; continuity of service monitoring as per the
minimum or sectors’ standard; care and maintenance of the
service provisions; and immediate future planning for bridging
the gaps.
The Government of Malawi, in fulfilling its primary role of protecting the lives of its vulnerable citizens during disasters and reducing their exposure to risk through preparedness, led the development of a National Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Preparedness and Response Plan.
10 May 2021
This scientific brief replaces the WHO Scientific Brief entitled “’Immunity passports’ in the context of COVID-19”, published 24 April 2020.
This update is focused on what is currently understood about SARS-CoV-2 immunity from natural infection. More information about considera...tions on vaccine certificates or “passports” will be covered in an update of WHO interim guidance, as requested by the COVID-19 emergency committee.
As information about COVID-19 is rapidly evolving, it can be challenging to navigate and synthesize all of the information. The purpose of this document is to provide a synthesized, indexed reference of accurate, standardized COVID-19 information from trustworthy sources. Information is presented in... simple, clear language to support the development of messages and materials needed for social and behavior change interventions.
This evaluation is the fifth in a series of structured evaluations of CFS and was completed as part of three-year collaboration with World Vision and Columbia University. It was conducted with Syrian refugees in an urban setting in Zarqa, Jordan during the months of February to August 2014. The CFS ...was implemented through partners and supported and monitored by World Vision Jordan. Interviews were conducted during a one-week registration period hosted by partner staff and preceded by awareness campaigns in the community. Measurement tools were selected to assess impact in three areas in line with the programme’s key objectives: (a) the protection of children from risk, (b) supporting caregivers and communities in strengthening systems of child protection, and (c) the promotion of children’s psychosocial wellbeing (including the acquisition of skills and knowledge).
In 2021, the humanitarian community continued to support those in need, placing protection at the centre of its response. Learning from and building on past efforts, humanitarian actors will continue to respond and adapt their response to the various shocks impacting populations in Cameroon, such as... violence against civilians, natural disasters, and epidemics, including the COVID-19 pandemic.
This guideline document lays out the indicators for monitoring the 2016 Political Declaration on ending AIDS. The Global AIDS Monitoring (GAM) process has been often referenced as a benchmark for successful international accountability mechanisms.
Ten Principles of Catholic Social Teaching
accessed July 2020
Global COVID-19 Clinical Platform: Case Record Form for suspected cases of Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS) in children and adolescents temporally related to COVID-19