This document is the first in a series jointly produced by WHO´s Division of Family Health and the Division of Mental Health around the general theme of women and mental health. The aim of the series is to create a forum to debate issues related to women´s mental health and to their contribution mental health care. This debate will contribute to the general reappraisal of women´s health problems, giving long overdue recognition to their strength and steadfastness in coping with the myriad problems that assail them, and pointing out future directions for research and action to address women´s needs.
A guide to management in Primary Health Care. A practical, instructive training guide that has proven its capacity to improve the managerial skills of middle-level health workers responsible for the management or supervision of health services. Presented as an activity-centered working guide, the bo...ok uses numerous questionnaires, exercises, practical examples, illustrations, charts, and sample forms to help readers relate advice and suggestions to their own daily problems. Emphasis is placed on ways to improve the management of health services provided by full-time, qualified staff. The guide features 18 chapters presented in four main parts, any one of which can be studied separately or as part of the whole, according to individual learning needs.
This chapter is concerned primarily with situations where there are large numbers of deaths following a disaster, requiring organized services for handling the dead.
These recommendations for the education of mid-level rehabilitation workers are based on experiences in planning and implementing training programmes in nine countries. This information is useful in designing and developing training programmes specific to community-based rehabilitation
Das Asylgesetz (AsylG) (frühere Bezeichnung: Asylverfahrensgesetz [AsylVfG]) regelt das Asylverfahren in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Stand:
Neugefasst durch Bek. v. 2.9.2008 I 1798;
Zuletzt geändert durch Art. 1 G v. 20.10.2015 I 1722
Siehe insbesondere §62 Gesundheitsuntersuchung!
Translation provided of the German Asylum Procedure Act (Asylverfahrensgesetz) by the Language Service of the Federal Ministry of the Interior. The translation includes the amendment(s) to the Act by Article 2 of the Act of
23.12.2014 (Federal Law Gazette I p. 2439). BEWARE: This version does no...t include the amendment of Nov. 2011! To compare with the current status of the German version, see
This block contains a wide variety of disorders that differ in severity (from uncomplicated intoxication and harmful use to obvious psychotic disorders and dementia), but that are all attributable to the use of one or more psychoactive substances (which may or may not have been medically prescribed)
Provides clinical descriptions, diagnostic guidelines, and codes for all mental and behavioural disorders commonly encountered in clinical psychiatry. The book was developed from chapter V of the Tenth Revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (...ICD-10).
Catholic Social Teaching (CST) has often been called ‘the Church’s best kept secret’. Thankfully, particularly with the release of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’, and with the new RE GCSE, this is changing. CST is part of our Catholic young people’s heritage and a treasure they sho...uld not be denied.CST reads the ‘signs of the times’ in the light of scripture and offers wisdom and Insights on living the Gospel in today’s world. CAFOD uses CST principles to guide all of its work, and we offer teachers this resource to supplement their RE curricula
El manual contiene las normas y procedimientos para la toma de muestra, la baciloscopia, medidas de bioseguridad, cuidado y conservación del microscopio, de casos de tuberculosis
A guide to management in Primary Health Care. A practical, instructive training guide that has proven its capacity to improve the managerial skills of middle-level health workers responsible for the management or supervision of health services. Presented as an activity-centered working guide, the bo...ok uses numerous questionnaires, exercises, practical examples, illustrations, charts, and sample forms to help readers relate advice and suggestions to their own daily problems. Emphasis is placed on ways to improve the management of health services provided by full-time, qualified staff. The guide features 18 chapters presented in four main parts, any one of which can be studied separately or as part of the whole, according to individual learning needs.
These guidelines provide health workers with information needed to educate families of children with polio to help them to understand the disease, prevent deformities and assist the children's growth and development in the best way possible