The principles and practice of the surgical lmanagment of wounds produced by missiles or explosions
Guide pratique pour bien prescrire les médicaments - On y voit comment la prescription d’un médicament s’inscrit dans un processus participant de maintes considérations, quels principes président au choix d’un médicament, et comment constituer progressivement une liste de médicaments de... prédilection - des produits avec l’emploi desquels on s’est pleinement familiarisé en vue de les utiliser dans la pratique quotidienne. Des exemples illustrent la façon de choisir et de prescrire les médicaments, de s’assurer de l’observance du traitement et de communiquer véritablement avec les patients. Enfin, on examine les différentes sources d’information pharmaceutique en en décrivant les qualités et les défauts.
DesInventar as a Disaster Information Management System: DesInventar is a conceptual and methodological tool for the generation of National Disaster Inventories and the construction of databases of damage, losses and in general the effects of disasters. The Disaster Information Management System is ...a tool that helps to analyze the disaster trends and their impacts in a systematic manner. With increased understanding of the disaster trends and their impacts, better prevention, mitigation and preparedness measures can be planned to reduce the impact of disasters on the communities.
Drug Distribution and Control: Preparation and Handling
This Technical Assistance Bulletin is intended to assist pharmacists in the extemporaneous compounding of non-sterile drug products for individual patients. Included in this document is information on facilities and equipment, ingredient... selection, training, documentation and record keeping, stability and beyond-use dating, packaging and labeling, and limited batch compounding. This document is not intended for manufacturers or licensed repackagers.
Una guía práctica para la prescripción de medicamentos - Muestra cómo la prescripción de un medicamento es un proceso que implica muchas consideraciones, qué principios rigen la elección de un medicamento y cómo construir gradualmente una lista de medicamentos preferidos, productos con los q...ue uno se ha familiarizado plenamente para su uso en la práctica diaria. Se dan ejemplos de cómo seleccionar y prescribir medicamentos, garantizar su cumplimiento y comunicarse eficazmente con los pacientes. Por último, se examinan las distintas fuentes de información farmacéutica, describiendo sus cualidades y deficiencias.
These recommendations for the education of mid-level rehabilitation workers are based on experiences in planning and implementing training programmes in nine countries. This information is useful in designing and developing training programmes specific to community-based rehabilitation
This guide is designed to support mid-level rehabilitation workers on work with children with cerebral palsy and their families. The manual includes information on early detection and assessment of the level of development of the child, equipment to support their needs and suggestions to promote mob...ility and improved communication. You can download this guide in Arabic and Italian, too
Guide pour les agents de réadaption de niveau intermédiare
Techniques for the district Hospital
Six maladies évitables par la vaccination ont été incluses dès le
début dans le PEV : la diphtérie, la rougeole, la coqueluche, la
poliomyélite, le tétanos et la tuberculose.
Neugefasst durch Bek. v. 5.8.1997 I 2022;
Zuletzt geändert durch Art. 3 G v. 23.12.2014 I 2439.
Zum Thema Gesundheit siehe insbesondere §4 Leistungen und §6 Sonstige Leistungen!
The main purpose of this manual is to define a limited number of objective measures that can describe the drug use situation in a country, region or individual health facility. Such measures, or indicators, will allow health planners, managers and researchers to make basic comparisons between situat...ions in different areas or at different times.
CHAPTER 206 | An Act to establish a national drug policy and a national drug authority to ensure the availability, at all times, of essential, efficacious and cost-effective drugs to the entire population of Uganda, as a means of providing satisfactory health care and safeguarding the appropriate us...e of drugs.
This monograph presents 12 reports of successful programs serving children with special needs in various nations. The program locations and the program report titles and authors are as follows: (1) Austria: "Integration Models for Elementary and Secondary Schools in Austria" (Volker Rutte)...; (2) China: "Integrated Education Project, Anhui Province" (Janet C. Holdsworth); (3) Ghana: "The Community-Based Rehabilitation Programme in Ghana" (Lawrence Ofori-Addo); (4) Guyana: "Involvement of Volunteers, Parents and Community Members with Children with Special Needs" (Brian O'Toole); (5) India: "Teacher Development Initiative To Meet Special Needs in the Classroom" (N. K. Jangira and Anupam Ahuja); (6) Jamaica: "Early Intervention and Education Initiatives in Rural Areas" (M. J. Thorburn); (7) Jordan: "The Role of Institutions in Community-based Rehabilitation and in Community-based Special Education" (Andrew L. de Carpentier); (8) Jordan: "The Resource Room at the Amman National School" (Hala T. Ibrahim); (9) Netherlands: "Individual Integration of Children with Down's Syndrome in Ordinary Schools" (Trijntje de Wit-Gosker); (10) Norway: "In Harmony We Learn" (Marna Moe); (11) International: "INITIATIVES for Deaf Education in the Third World" (Andrew L. de Carpentier); and (12) Sri Lanka: "The Integrated Education of Visually Impaired Children in Sri Lanka" (B. L. Rajapakse).
The aim of these Guidelines is to provide a framework for the conservation and sustainable use of plants in medicine. To do this, the Guidelines describe the various tasks that should be carried out to ensure that where medicinal plants are taken from the wild, they are taken on a basis that is sust...ainable.
The Guidelines conform to the principles of Caring for the Earth, prepared in partnership by IUCN, UNEP and WWF. Caring for the Earth extends the message and scope of the World Conservation Strategy to an ethic of sustainable living, and explains how to integrate conservation with development. Its message is particularly relevant to the issue of medicinal plants, which in many parts of the world are being seriously depleted due to over-exploitation and loss of habitats, resulting in a lack of essential medicines and so reducing options for the future.