Too few physicians are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to repair genital fistulae and care for patients following surgery. Most procedures are performed in Africa and Asia by local physicians, with technical support from surgeons from developed countries where these fistulae are rarely... seen. It would take many years for all the physicians presently able to treat genital fistulae to operate on all the women who need their expertise today, and the number of women who need their expertise increases daily. Although the need for physicians trained in fistula repair has long been recognised, no standard training manual has existed so far. This manual was designed to help meet this need.
This manual was produced with the collaboration of fistula surgeons, professional organizations and specialist health organisations from all over Africa, Asia, Europe and the USA.
Diagnosis of Dengue fever for healthcare providers
The global voice for patient-centred healthcare
IAPO is a unique global alliance representing patients of all nations across all disease areas and promoting patient-centred healthcare across the world.
This Checklist is to minimize healthcare provider exposure when operating on COVID+ or suspected patient.
Colombia is characterized by a fragile and prolonged humanitarian context marked by recurrent multi-hazards affecting its territories and combined with severe structural and systemic challenges within the health system. Recent shocks, including the
COVID-19 pandemic, growing violence within the Col...ombian territories and along the border with Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), and repetitive hydro-meteorological disasters over the last 12 months aggravate such chronic challenges.
In 2022, the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance increased by 300 000 due to deteriorating indicators of maternal and child mortality, pregnancy in adolescent girls, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), suicides, sexually transmitted
infections (STIs), gender-based and sexual violence, and communicable diseases. increasing population trends, primarily due to mass migration movements and the persistence of armed conflicts, create access barriers to essential health services, mobility restrictions, and forced displacement, further impacting the health, lives, and well-being of populations in vulnerable situations. In many territories, geographical distance to health facilities and attacks against medical missions hinder providing appropriate healthcare.
Challenged by the health emergency, Primary Health Care (PHC) professionals remodeled their work processes and realized that many of the innovations implemented in an emergency manner to respond to the pandemic of COVID are here to stay. The initiative APS Forte no SUS - no combate à pandemia de CO...VID-19 gathered experiences from all over the country, executed by engaged health workers who, despite the difficulties imposed by the new disease, fight daily to improve the offer and care in health in the Unified Health System (SUS). With the help of digital technologies, teams and professionals of the Family Health Strategy overcome daily one of the main challenges of APS in this pandemic: ensuring access to health services. Digital tools gain strength in the agenda for strengthening the SUS, so well represented in this initiative.
This SOP describes specific step by step procedures in clinical management like OPD, IPD Housekeeping, Emergency services, OT services, Radiology Services & Pathology services. It should be used as a hands-on reference for service providers providing services, thereby helping to standardize the prac...tice in all hospitals, with the ultimate goal of optimizing the quality & standard patient care. The manual may also be used as a reference for health service providers for effective health management.
Evaluation and Diagnosis of Penicillin Allergy for Healthcare Professionals
This Cardiac Rehabilitation Change Package was completed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in collaboration with the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) with the purpose of helping cardiac rehabilitation programs, hospital quality improv...ement teams, and public health professionals who partner with these groups to implement systems and strategies that improve care for patients who are eligible for cardiac rehabilitation. AACVPR is a multidisciplinary professional association comprised of health professionals who serve in the field of cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation.
To help trainers to create awareness,attitude and skills in waste handlers in day to day management of medical waste in health care settings.
In many of Myanmar’s contested regions, healthcare services are provided through two parallel governance systems – by the government’s Ministry of Health, and by providers linked to ethnic armed organizations. Building upon efforts to build trust between these two actors following ceasefires s...igned in 2011 and 2012, the new National League for Democracy-led government offers an unprecedented opportunity to increase cooperation between these systems and to ensure health services reach Myanmar’s most vulnerable populations.
The report provides an overview of existing health service arrangements in these areas, from both the Ministry of Health and from ethnic and community-based health organizations. It then unpacks the concept of “convergence”, highlighting key opportunities and policy recommendations for both government and non-government actors.
In many of Myanmar’s contested regions, healthcare services are provided through two parallel governance systems – by the government’s Ministry of Health, and by providers linked to ethnic armed organizations. Building upon efforts to build trust between these two actors following ceasefires s...igned in 2011 and 2012, the new National League for Democracy-led government offers an unprecedented opportunity to increase cooperation between these systems and to ensure health services reach Myanmar’s most vulnerable populations.
The report provides an overview of existing health service arrangements in these areas, from both the Ministry of Health and from ethnic and community-based health organizations. It then unpacks the concept of “convergence”, highlighting key opportunities and policy recommendations for both government and non-government actors.
Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 Year 2014 about the Clinical Practice Guide for Physicians at Primary Health Care Facilities
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