CBM está comprometida con el principio de que las personas con discapacidad deben poder participar plenamente en la sociedad en igualdad de condiciones. Nuestro planteamiento se basa en los principios de la Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (CDPD) y ...en la responsabilidad de CBM de fomentar la accesibilidad y los principios del diseño universal en todos los ámbitos de su trabajo, incluyendo las comunicaciones y el contenido digital de CBM. La fnalidad de este set de herramientas es compartir una selección de herramientas y recomendaciones correspondientes a la accesibilidad de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC). Basándose en estándares internacionales y en el análisis de las tecnologías disponibles, estas herramientas y recomendaciones tienen como objetivo contribuir a la inclusión social y económica de las personas con discapacidad garantizando que la información sea equitativamente accesible.
WHO Secretariat Information paper July 2016
Integrating WASH and MHCP interventions will always require imagination and creativity to adapt the approach to specific conditions, opportunities and constraints in each context. The book is designed to stimulate reflection and encourage initiatives to seek opportunities for closer integration of t...hese two sectors. It provides examples and tools for integration, highlights possible obstacles and proposes strategies for overcoming them. It provides ideas, examples and resources that can be used at all stages of the project cycle. It is intended for readers at strategic and operational levels, in ACF country missions and at headquarters.
Modellprojekt von Ärzte ohne Grenzen zusammen mit dem Krankenhaus St. Josef in Schweinfurt.
Der vorliegende überarbeitete Leitfaden ist stark praxisorientiert und soll als ‚open source‘ zur Nachahmung anregen. Beschrieben werden die Schritte der Entwicklung unseres Modellprojektes ‘Niedersc...hwellige psychosoziale Hilfen für Geflüchtete’ in Deutschland von der Idee bis hin zur praktischen Umsetzung. Er ist als Erfahrungsbericht zu verstehen, die Arbeitsweise von ärzte ohne grenzen aus den Projektländern auf den deutschen Kontext zu übertragen. Ein besonderer Fokus liegt auf der Beschreibung der Ausbildung und der Arbeitsweise der Psychosozialen Peer-BeraterInnen. Sie stellen das Kernstück unseres Ansatzes im
Bereich der niederschwelligen psychosozialen Versorgung dar.
Conceived as part of the CWS-A/P project on regional security and risk management, this book presents a
collection of testimonies from aid workers in some of the most insecure and volatile environments in the world.
The participants recount a broad array of security incidents, such as kidnappings,... suicide bombings, mob
violence, road ambushes, and point-blank range shootings. Their narrative provides valuable information on
how organizations can manage security risks and streamline safety policies.
The aim of this publication is to provide practical guidance for public information officers on the preparation for and response to a nuclear or radiological emergency, and to fulfil in part functions assigned to the IAEA in the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a... Nuclear
Accident or Radiological Emergency (Assistance Convention), as well as meeting requirements stated in IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SF-1, Fundamental Safety Principles, and in IAEA Safety Standards No. GS-R-2, Preparedness and Response for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency.
Also available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish: https://www-pub.iaea.org/books/IAEABooks/8889/Communication-with-the-Public-in-a-Nuclear-or-Radiological-Emergency
The risks of the use of nuclear, radiological, biological or chemical (NRBC) weapons are heterogeneous. Each risk has its own implications for developing and deploying any capacity to assist victims of an NRBC event and, in parallel, for the health and security of the people bringing this assistance.... At an international level, there are no plans for assisting the victims of an NRBC event which are both adequate and safe. Recognizing
the realities of the contexts associated with each risk throws up numerous challenges; such recognition is also a prerequisite for addressing these challenges. The realities that have to be considered relate to:
1. developing, acquiring, training for and planning an NRBC response capacity;
2. deploying a response capacity in an NRBC event;
3. the mandates and policies of international organizations pertaining to NRBC events. The challenges that will pose the greatest difficulty for a humanitarian organization are those for which the solutions are ‘non-buyable’ and which involve making extremely difficult decisions. Attempting to assist victims of an NRBC event without a reality-based approach might generate ineffective and unacceptably dangerous situations for those involved.
This baseline survey and report examine the Durable Peace Programme (DPP) in Myanmar, which delivers a broad range of activities. The report provides an insight into the current situation facing both internally displaced persons (IDPs) and conflict-affected non-IDP communities in Kachin state, Myanm...ar. It is based on a comprehensive and systematic research process involving just over 2,200 interviews conducted in 12 townships across Kachin. The research provides data and analysis on the socioeconomic situation, attitudes towards peace and conflict, gender dynamics, return and resettlement, among others. The Durable Peace Programme Consortium has decided to share the results of this baseline, as it provides insights into the Kachin context for interested stakeholders, and also to encourage cooperation and information sharing. The report adopts a highly visual approach to communicate the large amount of data collected.
This guideline consists of two main parts:
i.) Guidelines for Red Cross and Red Crescent national societies on how to start up and engage with other stakeholders in country in rolling out disaster risk reduction (DRR) education and awareness activities for children - not only in school, but also... in the community;
ii.) Games and activities to engage children with key lessons and messages to carry away. With a focus on Southeast Asia, cases from Viet Nam and Indonesia are highlighted.
DHS Working Papers No. 105 - Rwanda has developed and implemented many strategies at the national level to reduce the incidence of HIV in the general population. One of the main objectives of such interventions is to improve the general level of knowledge of HIV, with the hypothesis that increasing... HIV knowledge will reduce risky sexual behavior. However, there has been a concern that HIV knowledge may not necessarily reduce risky sexual behavior. Only a limited number of population-based studies describe the results of these interventions in terms of how HIV knowledge affects risky sexual behavior. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to fill in this gap, by exploring HIV knowledge and its effect on risky sexual behavior among men in Rwanda.
This document provides a generic model that can be used for risk assessment of exposure to insecticide products applied as indoor residual sprays. It aims to harmonize the risk assessment of such insecticides for public health use in order to generate comparable data for their registering and labell...ing by national regulatory authorities. The assessment considers both adults and children (all age groups) as well as people in the following specific categories:
- those preparing the spray;
- those applying the spray;
- residents living in the treated houses;
- residents who participate in preparing and applying insecticides.
CORE Group has developed a module to improve preparedness for and response of communities in countries at risk of a cholera epidemic. The module consists of four lesson plans with accompanying flipcharts, intended to be delivered through community health workers. The lessons target mothers and careg...ivers of children under age five, a group that is at particular risk of death if infected. The module shares information about symptoms and risks; what families can do to prevent infection; how, when, and where to seek care; and what actions to take in the aftermath of an outbreak.