This guideline for the prevention and control of chikungunya fever
(CF) is intended for use by all peripheral health workers in the Region and
is based on the strategy outlined above. This document will focus mainly
on preventing, predicting and detecting outbreaks, and after detection,
investig...ating and containing them.
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Course is designed to increase knowledge and develop competency in the management of patients suspected of infection with dengue virus.
El propósito de este curso es proveer al personal de salud encargado de atender casos sospechosos de dengue la información necesaria para realizar un diagnóstico y manejo clínico oportuno, evitando la progresión a las formas graves y las muertes ocasionadas por esta enfermedad.
This first online course is geared at helping healthcare workers in diagnosing and managing all aspects of dengue in order to avoid complications and fatalities.
This course was developed with a comprehensive vision. It is divided into seven modules that include:
Epidemiological informatio...n on dengue,
Pathophysiology of clinical manifestations,
Clinical and differential diagnosis,
Severity classification,
Recommendations for the management of dengue according to its severity and
Managing patients with comorbidities.
Dengue Fever & What You Need to Know, including Pathophysiology, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment. Dengue fever is a viral infection with potentially fatal consequences. In this lesson, we discuss how people are infected with Dengue fever, pathophysiology of the condition, along with phases of infect...ion, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, preventative methods (vaccines, mosquito repellent).
Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral disease that has rapidly spread to all regions of WHO in recent years. Dengue virus is transmitted by female mosquitoes mainly of the species Aedes aegypti and, to a lesser extent, Ae. albopictus. These mosquitoes are also vectors of chikungunya, yellow fever and Zik...a viruses. Dengue is widespread throughout the tropics, with local variations in risk influenced by climate parameters as well as social and environmental factors.
El dengue es una enfermedad vírica transmitida por mosquitos que en los últimos años se ha propagado rápidamente a todas las regiones de la OMS. El virus del dengue se transmite a través de mosquitos hembra principalmente de la especie Aedes aegypti y, en menor grado, de la especie Ae. Estos mosquitos también son vectores de los virus de la fiebre chikungunya, la fiebre amarilla y el Zika. La enfermedad está muy extendida en los trópicos, con variaciones locales en el riesgo que dependen de los parámetros climáticos y de los factores sociales y ambientales.
La dengue est une maladie virale transmise par les moustiques qui s’est rapidement propagée dans toutes les Régions de l’OMS ces dernières années. Le virus de la dengue est transmis par des moustiques femelles, principalement de l’espèce Aedes aegypti, mais aussi dans une moindre mesure A...e. albopictus. Ces moustiques sont aussi vecteurs du virus du chikungunya, du virus amaril et du virus Zika. La dengue est largement répandue sous les tropiques, avec des variations locales du risque qui dépendent des caractéristiques climatiques, ainsi que de facteurs sociaux et environnementaux.
Dengue Epidemiology
The first record of a case of probable dengue fever is in a Chinese medical encyclopedia from the Jin Dynasty (265–420 AD) which referred to a “water poison” associated with flying insects. The first recognized Dengue epidemics occurred almost simultaneously in Asia, Afr...ica, and North America in the 1780s, shortly after the identification and naming of the disease in 1779. The first confirmed case report dates from 1789 and is by Benjamin Rush, who coined the term "breakbone fever" because of the symptoms of myalgia and arthralgia.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare providers in areas where dengue is endemic or who are treating patients with recent travel history to these areas, need to consider dengue and COVID-19 in the differential diagnosis of acute febrile illnesses.
Diferencias y similitudes del dengue y el COVID-19