Diese Seite bietet einen Überblick über verschiedene Themen, die für geflüchtete Menschen und ihre Unterstützer*innen relevant sind, sowie eine Sammlung weiterführender Materialien und Publikationen zu diesen Themen. Im Bereich „Wissen kompakt“ finden Sie überblicksartige Texte auf Deutsc...h und Materialsammlungen zu über 60 einzelnen Themen, übersichtlich aufgeteilt in elf inhaltliche Kategorien. Zusätzlich haben wir in einem eigenen Bereich mehrsprachige Informationen zu vielen dieser Themen gesammelt.
Відчувати наш Гнів, Смуток або Страх і добре обходитися з цими відчуттями - це справа тренування особливо для дітей, тому що вони як раз тільки знайомляться зі своїм...и почуттями. Завдяки Папіліо – гіду почуттів ми б хотіли Тебе підтримати зануритися разом зі своєю дитиною у її та Твої відчуття світу.
Багато людей, яким доводиться тікати від жахливої війни в Україні, приїжджають також до Німеччини. В чужій країні неодмінно виникає безліч питань, особливо щодо ас...ектів перебування, медичного забезпечення та соціальної інтеграції. У десяти відео ми даємо відповіді на найважливіші питання для біженців з України і беремо до уваги такі аспекти: життя з ВІЛ та/або туберкульозом, права представників ґендерних меншин, вживання наркотиків і замісна підтримувальна терапія, також робота у сфері інтим-послуг та біженство без українського паспорта.
Viele Menschen, die vor dem furchtbaren Krieg in der Ukraine fliehen müssen, kommen auch nach Deutschland. In einem fremden Land treten unweigerlich viele Fragen auf, gerade hinsichtlich des Aufenthalts, gesundheitlicher Versorgung und gesellschaftlicher Aspekte. Wir geben in zehn Videos Antworten ...auf die wichtigsten Fragen für geflüchtete Menschen aus der Ukraine. Dabei berücksichtigen wir die Aspekte: Leben mit HIV und/oder Tuberkulose, queeres Leben, Drogenkonsum und Substitution sowie Sexarbeit und geflüchtete Menschen ohne ukrainischen Pass.
Humanitarian Response. Please find here the latest reports and updates
If you are fleeing the war in Ukraine and coming to the European Union, you will find key information about your rights with regard to crossing the border into an EU country, eligibility for temporary protection and applying for international protection, as well as the rights of travel inside the Eu...ropean Union.
Available in English, Russian and Ukrainian
WHO is working closely with our offices in Ukraine and neighbouring countries, as well as partners to rapidly respond to the health emergency triggered by the conflict and to minimize disruptions to the delivery of critical healthcare services.
WHO continues to deliver much-needed support on urge...nt health needs.
During the crisis, health must remain a priority pillar, with health workers being protected so they can continue to save lives and with health systems and facilities being protected so that they remain functional, safe and accessible to all who need essential medical services. It is imperative to ensure that life-saving medical supplies – including oxygen – reach those who need them
Informationen rund um Einreise, Aufenthalt, medizinische Versorgung, aktuelle Updates für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine und Behörden, Kommunen, Gemeinschaftsunterkünfte
The geographical area directly affected by military operations has increased dramatically. Affected areas are not limited as before to a strip along the contact line (which continues to exist) but are scattered across the country. There are many territories outside eastern conflict area are directly... affected for the first time (including urban centres).
Previously accessible areas or unaffected areas are now isolated settlements due to active fighting, not reachable by both humanitarian agencies and public actors. Access to these locations is still not possible, as military activities are ongoing.
Residential buildings are not a direct target, but collateral damages are registered. Civilian infrastructure – such as gas, central heating systems and electricity – is also affected, with an even higher impact on the population due to the cold season and to the impossibility to access markets for solid fuel and state winterization subsidies.
Russia began an all-out invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, carrying out extensive military operations marked by war crimes and other violations of international humanitarian law. Using indiscriminate weapons such as cluster munitions in populated areas, including in cities such as Kharkiv and ...Chernihiv, Russian forces have killed civilians and demolished residential structures, including apartment blocks. The hardest-hit city of all has been Mariupol, where relentless Russian attacks have left many areas in ruins. In Bucha and other towns northwest of Kyiv, Russian soldiers have extrajudicially executed civilians and looted civilian property. More than 14 million people have been uprooted by the conflict, with close to six million fleeing to neighbouring countries as refugees. Sexual crimes have been reported.
There are reports that Ukrainian forces have operated out of residential areas, drawing Russian fire there and endangering the civilian population. There is also compelling evidence to indicate that both Russian and Ukrainian forces have mistreated prisoners of war.