The Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (PIP) Framework is a World Health Assembly resolution adopted unanimously by all Member States in 2011. It brings together Member States, industry, other stakeholders and WHO to implement a global approach to pandemic influenza preparedness and response. The includes a benefit-sharing mechanism called the Partnership Contribution (PC). The PC is collected as an annual cash contribution from influenza vaccine, diagnostic, and pharmaceutical manufacturers that use the WHO Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS). Funds are allocated for: (a) pandemic preparedness capacity building; (b) response activities during the time of an influenza pandemic; and (c) PIP Secretariat for the management and implementation of the Framework.
Respiratory sample collection for Influenza and other respiratory viruses diagnosis - Infographic
Methodology for evaluating national national arboviral disease prevention and and control of arboviral diseases in the Americas
This third edition of the landscape analysis provides regional and country-specific data. This report illustrates the complexities in surveillance of influenza and other respiratory viruses and highlights differences in the countries’ preparedness capacities through charts, infographics, tables, a...nd brief narratives.
revised version December 2020
Обновленная версия Декабрь 2020 г.
Auf dieser Webseite können Sie alle Pandemieplände Bundesländer herunterladen
The goal of the strategy is to prevent seasonal influenza, control the spread of influenza from animals to humans, and prepare for the next influenza pandemic.
The new strategy is the most comprehensive and far-reaching that WHO has ever developed for influenza. It outlines a path to protect popul...ations every year and helps prepare for a pandemic through strengthening routine programmes.
It is recommended that egg based quadrivalent vaccines for use in the 2019-2020 northern hemisphere influenza season contain the following:
an A/Brisbane/02/2018 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus;
an A(H3N2) virus to be announced on 21 March 2019*;
a B/Colorado/06/2017-like virus (B/Victoria/...2/87 lineage); and
a B/Phuket/3073/2013-like virus (B/Yamagata/16/88 lineage).
It is recommended that the influenza B virus component of trivalent vaccines for use in the 2019-2020 northern hemisphere influenza season be a B/Colorado/06/2017-like virus of the B/Victoria/2/87-lineage.
* In light of recent changes in the proportions of genetically and antigenically diverse A(H3N2) viruses, the recommendation for the A(H3N2) component has been postponed.
Der Nationale Pandemieplan besteht aus zwei Teilen. Teil I beschreibt Strukturen und Massnahmen, Teil II stellt die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen für die Inflünzapandemieplanung und -bewältigung dar. Der vorliegende Teil I wurde von der Arbeitsgruppe Infektionsschutz der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der O...bersten Landesgesundheitsbehörden unter Mitwirkung des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit, des Robert Koch- Instituts, des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts und der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung erstellt. Er beschreibt die Strukturen auf Bundesund Länderebene, erörtert Massnahmen und gibt Empfehlungen zur Vorbereitung auf eine Inflünzapandemie sowie für die Pandemiebewältigung auf unterschiedlichen Planungs- und Handlungsebenen. Damit dient er als Grundlage für die Pandemieplanung im medizinischen und nichtmedizinischen Bereich und in der öffentlichen Verwaltung.
A WHO guide to inform & harmonize national & international pandemic preparedness and response
The main updates from the 2013 interim guidance are:
Alignment with other relevant United Nations policies for crisis and emergency management, and
Inclusion of the significant development in re...cent years of the strategies for pandemic vaccine response during the start of a pandemic.
The guide is available in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Spanish and Russian
Guide de l’OMS pour prisede décisions éclairéeset harmonisation,à l’échelle nationale et internationale, dela préparation et la réponseen cas de grippe pandémique