How the Greek reception system is failing to protect the most vulnerable people seeking asylum.
Greece and its EU partners are failing pregnant women, unaccompanied children, victims of torture or sexual violence and other vulnerable people who seek protection in Europe. These people are being put risk by flawed processes and chronic understaffing in EU ‘hotspot’ camps on the Greek islands. They do not receive adequate support from the authorities that are legally responsible for protecting them and are being abandoned in overcrowded camps in squalid conditions. Many people live in unheated tents and do not have sufficient access to washing facilities and toilets, and winter is only making their situation worse
International Journal of Current Research Vol. 10, Issue, 04, pp.68266-68270, April, 2018
ISSN: 0975-833X
The U.S. President‘s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
TB situation in vulnerable populations. Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) vol.13 no.1 Itauguá jun. 2021
La pandemia de covid-19 ha afectado la detección y tratamiento de pacientes con TBC en Paraguay que lejos de ser una enfermedad erradicada, es motivo de preocupación sanitaria y sigue afectando a miles de ...personas, si bien se inician actividades de campo con apoyo del PNCT para la búsqueda activa, seguimiento de casos y control de contactos en comunidades indígenas y asentamientos, estas tareas no son continuas debido al aumento de los casos de covid-19 en el país, que favorece el temor a acudir a los hospitales para el diagnóstico, a sus controles e incluso se ve afectado el retiro de los medicamentos. En el marco de la pandemia, es probable que aumenten los fracasos terapéuticos con el consiguiente desenlace fatal, por lo que debe hacerse una revisión de las estrategias dirigidas a poblaciones vulnerables con un compromiso verdadero del sector político, sumado a una fuerte colaboración multisectorial e intercultural para lograr el fin de la TBC
This guidance provides an overview of interventions to improve early diagnosis of TB and treatment completion in these populations, as well as factors to consider when developing programmes for health communication, awareness and education, and programme monitoring and evaluation
Working Document, September 2017
The following document outlines the principles, objectives and strategies of a national policy for the protection of orphans and other vulnerable children in Rwanda. The propositions constitute a first step towards a comprehensive framework, which will assist the Government and its partners to plan,... implement and monitor projects and programmes in favour of orphans and other vulnerable children.
CBDRR Practice. Case Studies 1
No publication year indicated.
CBDRR Practice. Case Studies 1
No publication year indicated.
Case Study
Accessed: 30.10.2019
The Open AIDS Journal, 2012, 6, 245-258
Issues in Educational Research, 26(1), 2016
Women, the elderly, adolescents, youth, and children,
persons with disabilities, indigenous populations, refugees,
migrants, and minorities experience the highest degree
of socio-economic marginalization. Marginalized people
become even more vulnerable in emergencies.1 This is due
to factors as their lack of access to effective surveillance
and early-warning systems, and health services. The
COVID-19 outbreak is predicted to have significant impacts
on various sectors.
The populations most at risk are those that:
• depend heavily on the informal economy;
• occupy areas prone to shocks;
• have inadequate access to social services or political
• have limited capacities and opportunities to cope and
adapt and;
• limited or no access to technologies.
By understanding these issues, we can support the capacity
of vulnerable populations in emergencies. We can give
them priority assistance, and engage them in decision-making
processes for response, recovery, preparedness, and
risk reduction.