Dolutegravir HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) data from Africa remain sparse. We reviewed HIVDR results of Malawians on
dolutegravir-based antiretroviral therapy (November 2020– September 2021). Of 6462 eligible clients, 33 samples were submitted to South Africa, 27 were sequenced successfully, and 8 ...(30%) had dolutegravir HIVDR. Malawi urgently requires adequate HIVDR testing capacity.
PLOS ONE | June 7, 2019
Men are underrepresented in HIV testing services throughout sub-Saharan Africa. HIV testing is critical to achieve the UNAIDS 95-95-95 goals, as it is the first entry point to HIV care. In Malawi, an estimated 14% of HIV positive men are undiagnosed, while only 6% of HIV positive women remain undiag...nosed. Improved HIV testing among men is key to reaching UNAIDS goals, and to curbing HIV epidemics in the region.
Journal of the International AIDS Society Vol. 21 (2018) e25133
Many prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission programmes across Africa initiate HIV-infected (HIV positive) pregnant women on lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ART) on the first day of antenatal care (“same-day” initiation...). However, there are concerns that same-day initiation may limit patient preparation before starting ART and contribute to subsequent non-adherence, disengagement from care and raised viral load. We examined if same-day initiation was associated with viral suppression and engagement in care during pregnancy.
The data suggest that same-day ART initiation during pregnancy is not associated with lower levels of engagement in care or viral suppression through 12 months post-delivery in this setting, providing reassurance to ART programmes implementing Option B+.
WHO’s sentinel surveys of acquired HIV resistance to dolutegravir among people receiving dolutegravir-containing antiretroviral therapy is intended for easy and frequent implementation. Results from sentinel surveys provide insight into the prevalence and year-over-year trends of dolutegravir resi...stance in adults, children and adolescents receiving dolutegravir-based ART.
This sentinel method is implemented complementary to WHO-recommended methods for estimating nationally representative levels of acquired HIV drug resistance.
Цель этого документа – повысить уровень осознания актуальности приоритетных направлений научных исследований по проблеме ТБ/ВИЧ (то есть по тем направлениям, кот...орые требуют срочного финансирования и внимания ученых), содействовать координации информационно-пропагандистской работы и стимулировать финансирование научных изысканий. Поставленная задача заключается в наращивании темпов осуществления высококачественных и интегрированных вмешательства по борьбе с ТБ/ВИЧ в условиях ограниченных ресурсов. В документе дается описание пересмотренной повестки дня по приоритетным научным вопросам, в основе которой лежат недавно полученные фактические данные по шести ключевым проблемам коинфекции ТБ и ВИЧ.
Avec l’essor des traitements antirétroviraux (TAR) à base de dolutégravir (DTG) pour soigner les personnes vivant avec
le VIH dans le monde, il est important d’estimer la vitesse à laquelle la résistance acquise au DTG apparaît dans les
populations sous TAR. Bien que la résistance au DT...G ne soit pas apparue dans les populations naïves aux TAR incapables
de supprimer la charge virale dans les essais cliniques, certains éléments portent à croire que la résistance au
DTG peut émerger chez les personnes suivant des schémas thérapeutiques incluant le DTG. L’OMS recommande aux
pays qui étendent les TAR incluant le DTG d’accompagner ce déploiement d’une surveillance en routine de la pharmacorésistance
A medida que el tratamiento antirretrovírico con dolutegravir se extiende a más personas que viven con el VIH en el
mundo, adquiere más importancia estimar la frecuencia con que surge la farmacorresistencia adquirida a este
antirretrovírico en las poblaciones tratadas con esquemas que lo conti...enen. Si bien no se ha detectado resistencia
al dolutegravir en los ensayos clínicos con poblaciones no tratadas antes con antirretrovíricos en las que se ha
detectado una viremia persistente pese al tratamiento, los datos indican que puede surgir en quienes toman esquemas
con dolutegravir. La OMS recomienda a los países que estén ampliando el tratamiento con dolutegravir que acompañen
su despliegue con la vigilancia sistemática de la farmacorresistencia.
The study sought to understand the factors that facilitate women to adhere to treatment and return to health facilities for routine care from their own perspective. The researchers focused on Malawi, Uganda and Zambia, early adopters of the global guidance to provide lifelong treatment for pregnant ...women living with HIV (Option B+) and spoke to women living with HIV, healthcare workers and programme managers to discover which factors and practices show promise in supporting women to initiate and remain in care.
This study found that women living with HIV who access these services to prevent vertical transmission have a strong sense and understanding of what factors support their retention and how health facilities, the wider community and their friends and relations can best support them. This report shares their words to describe how it feels to walk in their shoes on the path of life long treatment.
Choko AT et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2017, 20:21610 |
AIDS Research and Therapy 2015, 12:12 (24 April 2015)
Sub-Saharan African Journal of Medicine: Year : 2014 | Volume : 1 | Issue : 1 | Page : 1-14