Interim Guidance, published 11 January 2021.
The cold chain is necessary to prevent damage to vaccines caused by heat exposure. However, improper use of cold chain equipment may cause damage to freeze-sensitive vaccines (i.e. those vaccines containing alum adjuvant or oil-emulsion adjuvant). Studie...s conducted in several countries with hot and cold climates show frequent occurrences of sub-zero temperatures in the cold chain. The most common cause of exposure to freezing temperature is the failure to correctly condition ice packs prior to transport. Vaccines that are inadvertently frozen lose potency, increase wastage rates and increase the risk of adverse events following immunization (AEFI). Vaccine carriers protect vaccine potency during immunization sessions and transport to outreach sites. This guidance document is intended to help inform which type of vaccine carrier to select based on local context, to maintain vaccine quality, especially at service delivery points.
This resource explains how WHO EUL COVID-19 vaccines without vaccine vial monitor or VVM should be handled at the vaccination site, to ensure that safe and potent vaccines are administered.
This document has been updated: 31 August 2021
WHO Vaccine Management Handbook
A handbook for district and health facility staff
Vaccins antirabiques: Note de synthèse de l’OMS – avril 2018
Weekly epidemiological record / Relevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire
20 APRIL 2018, 93th YEAR / 20 AVRIL 2018, 93e ANNÉE
Accessed Sept, 5 2018
Weekly epidemiological record, Relevé épidémiologique hebdomadaire : Vol.93 (2018) No.13
A handbook for district and health facility staff
The COVID-19 Vaccine (Whole Virion Inactivated) BBV152, COVAXIN® vaccine explainer includes key information on the vaccine specific requirements.
6 June 2022
These WHO interim recommendations on the use of the Janssen Ad26.COV2.S (COVID-19) vaccine were developed on the basis of advice issued by the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) and the evidence summary included in the background document referenced below. document has been updated: Version 6 June 2022.
27 September 2022
These WHO interim recommendations for use of the Novavax NVX-CoV2373 vaccine were developed on the basis of advice issued by the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE) and the evidence summary included in the background document and annexes referenced below.
Vaccines are powerful weapons in the fight against pandemic viruses as shown by responses to both the 2009 H1N1 influenza and the COVID-19 pandemics. However, planning for accessing, allocating and deploying vaccines in a pandemic situation is a complex endeavour, beset with multiple challenges at a...ll levels – local, regional and global. The World Health Organization (WHO) and its partners have prepared this revised guidance document to assist countries update their national deployment and vaccination plans (NDVPs) by leveraging global learnings from past pandemic responses, including the recent COVID-19 vaccination effort. The development and testing of a NDVP would not only advance pandemic preparedness efforts but would also have benefits in terms of increasing national capabilities to manage other health emergencies which require emergency vaccination campaigns.
4 August 2021. Currently, Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine COMIRNATY® (Tozinameran) is the only COVID-19 vaccine that should be stored and transported at -60ºC to -86ºC ultra-low temperature (ULT) conditions. Prior to use the vaccine can be transferred to -20ºC freezer or +2-8ºC refrigerator at... the lower store levels and immunization service points. However, vaccine shelf life is affected when vaccine is transferred to a different storage temperature. Health workers in charge of managing the storage, transport and administration of the vaccine should be well trained to maintain vaccine quality. Good cold chain planning, strong management of vaccine supply, logistics and distribution, including installation and effective monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the storage equipment and infrastructure, are also necessary.