Grand Challenges - Planetary Health- This guide highlights a range of resources to explore solutions to the challenges of rising global temperature, and increased industrial effluences damaging the environment and impacting human health.
Die Kiron University will Flüchtlingen eine Online Plattform für eine exzellente akademische Bildung bieten. Jederzeit, überall und kostenlos. Die Vision der Gründer ist es, die Zugangshürden zur Hochschulbildung für Flüchtlinge zu eliminieren. Die Kiron University nimmt Studienwillige auch d...ann auf, wenn der Aufenthaltsstatus noch nicht geklärt ist, also auch ohne Papiere sowie ohne Zeugnisse. Erst nach Abschluss des zweiten akademischen Studienjahres müssen die Studierenden Dokumente vorlegen, um sich vorschriftsmäßig an den Partneruniversitäten einzuschreiben. Alle Kurse werden in Englisch angeboten und akkreditierte Abschlüsse werden in Zusammenarbeit mit staatlich anerkannten Universitäten ausgestellt.
Our mission ‘To drive transformational change for continuous improvement of health and well-being of humans, animals, and environment through OH principles and approach to research, training and community service’ is a refined version of what we have always known about ourselves. Our focus, comm...itment and mission remain the same.
The spillover of infectious agents from animals to humans in recent decades has had a significant impact on the health of humans, animals, and our environment. To minimize the impact of future pandemic threats, the Southeast Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN) was established in 2011 to dev...elop the next generation of skillful and competent One Health (OH) workforce with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development and its One Health Workforce project.
Research Article
Journal of Addiction
Volume 2016, Article ID 2476164, 8 pages
Sudan Medical and Scientific Research Institute, Khartoum, Sudan
Received 26 November 2015; Accepted 27 January 2016
European Scientific Journal March 2015 edition vol.11, No.9 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431
Objective: To describe the clinical, therapeutic and outcome aspects of emergency obstetric care at the University Hospital of Parakou in Benin
Cancellation of scheduled surgery leads to operating theatre under-occupancy and is recognised as a major cause of emotional trauma to patients and their families. This study aimed to assess the incidence of elective surgery cancellation in order to make proposals for healthcare improvement.
To evaluate the epidemiological evolution of patients with HIV (PtHIV), between 2002 and 2012, in a day-hospital that became an HIV reference centre for south-west Burkina Faso.
This was a retrospective study of PtHIV followed in the Bobo Dioulasso university hospital since 2002. The study was ba...sed on clinical data recorded using ESOPE software and analysed using Excel and SAS.
ACAPS Primary Data Collection report: November 2015.
This report reflects the views and voices of 53 university students in Sierra Leone and results from a focus group discussion held at the Geography Department, at Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone, Freetown, on 20 October 2015. As th...e response moves towards recovery and long-term development planning, the perceptions of the younger generation on the crisis highlight their priorities for the future.
GMS Zeitschrift für MedizinischeAusbildung 2015, Vol. 32(5),ISSN 1860-3572
Internationalizing higher education is considered to be a major goal for universities in Germany and many medical students aspire to include international experiences into their academic training. However, the exact of “internationalizing” medical education is still poorly defined, just as is the possible pedagogic impact and effects. Against this background, this article presents the special track curriculum on global health (in German: Schwerpunktcurriculum Global Health, short: SPC) at Justus Liebig University Giessen, which was established in 2011 as a comprehensive teaching program to integrate international perspectives and activities systematically into the clinical years of the medical curriculum
The maternal deaths audit is one of the three major strategies recommended by WHO for the
reduction of maternal and neonatal mortality.
Objective: To measure the impact of maternal death and nears miss review on maternal mortality and morbidity
after 7 years of practice at the University Hospital... of Mother and Child “Lagoon” of Cotonou.
Hounkpatin, et al., Clinics Mother Child Health
2016, 13:1
Notre étude porte sur les agents de santé et la perception de leur rôle, précisément le cas des infirmiers du centre hospitalier universitaire pédiatrique Charles De Gaulle. Au Burkina Faso, tout comme ailleurs dans le monde, les infirmiers dispensent près de 80% des services de santé. Cepen...dant, dans la pratique leur pouvoir de responsabilité et leur autorité sont très
limités, de même qu’il existe un écart entre rôle défini et celui accompli. Ainsi on y dénote de l’ambiguïté, liée au manque de clarté des missions de son service et de précision dans leur rôle, faisant qu’ils en sont parfois désabusés. Ce qui révèle aussi que le problème pour les diverses catégories de personnel infirmier soit beaucoup lié au manque de définition précise
des rôles, et à la sous-utilisation de leurs compétences.
For the estimated 20 million refugees and 25 million internally displaced people worldwide, well-planned settlements can help to maximise their protection and security, and support them to minimise the spread of disease, manage natural resources sustainably, and maintain good relations with their ho...sts until durable solutions to their displacement are achieved.
The result of extensive consultations with a wide range of specialist organisations, this book takes a holistic view of shelter for displaced populations, extending beyond refugee camps to consider support for all of the settlement and shelter options open to displaced people. It offers co-ordinators and specialists a common planning tool which links strategy, programmes, projects, and technical information for use in the field
The Virtual Microscope is a full-fledged simulation that allows users to select and position slides, adjust lighting, magnification and focus, and measure specimens. A narrated demonstration is available to guide students through the steps required to bring a specimen into focus. There is also a che...cklist that indicates which steps have been completed successfully
The UMN’s Center for Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) has developed an excellent portal, which links to the most important sources of information. Many journals and newspapers have also created their own resource lists, including The Lancet, The New York Times, and Science
The course has an emphasis on health care in the US: "health care professionals need to understand this virus as more patients in the United States are confirmed to have EVD and patients are being transported to the US for treatment". Does anyone know of similar online courses (in English and/or Fre...nch) for health professionals in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea? Courses that can be readily downloaded for offline use would be particularly valuableThe course is offered free for those wishing to obtain the information or for a nominal fee for nurses and physicians who desire CME credits (2.75 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM for $25). to register go to: