This version of Field Trials of Health Interventions includes seven new chapters on conducting systematic literature reviews, trial
governance, preliminary studies and pilot testing, budgeting and accounting, intervention costing and economic analysis, and Phase IV studies. Before new interventions... are released into disease control programmes, it is essential that they are carefully evaluated in ‘field trials’. These may be complex and expensive undertakings, requiring the follow-up of hundreds, or thousands, of individuals, often for long periods. This manual was designed to provide guidance on the practical issues in great detail
Trials (2017) 18:152, DOI 10.1186/s13063-017-1881-z
Trials (2018) 19:271
Based on the findings of this trial, we will examine the potential use and scale up of iSupport for caregiver distress in India. This style of online self-help programs could be expanded to other regions or countries or to other suitabl...e caregiver groups
Trailer zum Dokumentarfilm über den Kampf gegen Chagas, eine tödliche Krankheit, die weltweit 6-7 Millionen Infizierte bedroht. Inklusive Interviews mit internationalen Experten und einem Besuch in Argentinien, wo eine Koalition von Ärzten, mobilen medizinischen Einsatz- und Aufklärungsteams sow...ohl die Landbevölkerung, die kaum Zugang zur richtigen Diagnose, Behandlung und Medizin hat, als auch Stadtbewohner untersucht und versorgt.
Trailer zum Dokumentarfilm über den Kampf gegen Chagas, eine tödliche Krankheit, die weltweit 6-7 Millionen Infizierte bedroht. Inklusive Interviews mit internationalen Experten und einem Besuch in Argentinien, wo eine Koalition von Ärzten, mobilen medizinischen Einsatz- und Aufklärungsteams sow...ohl die Landbevölkerung, die kaum Zugang zur richtigen Diagnose, Behandlung und Medizin hat, als auch Stadtbewohner untersucht und versorgt.
Document No. : FDA/SMC/CTD/GL-CCT/2013/01
UNAIDS and the World Health Organization have published this updated guidance on ethical considerations in HIV prevention trials. The new guidance is the result of a year-long process that saw more than 80 experts and members of the public give inputs and is published 21 years after the first editio...n appeared.
Ein Dokumentarfilm über den Kampf gegen Chagas, eine tödliche Krankheit, die weltweit 6-7 Millionen Infizierte bedroht. Inklusive Interviews mit internationalen Experten und einem Besuch in Argentinien, wo eine Koalition von Ärzten, mobilen medizinischen Einsatz- und Aufklärungsteams sowohl die ...Landbevölkerung, die kaum Zugang zur richtigen Diagnose, Behandlung und Medizin hat, als auch Stadtbewohner untersucht und versorgt.
A Guide For Multicentre Trials in High-Burden Countries
Supplement Article J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Volume 78, Supplement 1, August 15, 2018
Solidarity” is an international clinical trial to help find an effective treatment for COVID-19, launched by the World Health Organization and partners.
The Solidarity Trial will compare four treatment options against standard of care, to assess their relative effectiveness against COVID-19. By... enrolling patients in multiple countries, the Solidarity Trial aims to rapidly discover whether any of the drugs slow disease progression or improve survival. Other drugs can be added based on emerging evidence.
Until there is sufficient evidence, WHO cautions against physicians and medical associations recommending or administering these unproven treatments to patients with COVID-19 or people self-medicating with them. WHO is concerned by reports of individuals self-medicating with chloroquine and causing themselves serious harm.
This two-site randomised trial compared the effectiveness of a voluntary sector-led, community-based diabetes prevention programme to a waiting-list control group at 6 months, and included an observational follow-up of the intervention arm to 12 months.
Nature, vol.513 (4 September 2014) 13-14