Tests zur Detektion einer Infektion mit SARS-CoV-2 (neuartiges Coronavirus) sowie zum Nachweis von Antikörpern gehören zu den sog. In-vitro-Diagnostika (IVD). Das erstmalige Inverkehrbringen von In-vitro-Diagnostika auf dem deutschen Markt ist nach §§ 25 und 30 Medizinproduktegesetz (MPG) anzeig...epflichtig. Das DIMDI betreibt dafür die Datenbank "In-vitro-Diagnostika-Anzeigen (MPIVDA)", in welcher demnach auch Daten von "Corona-Tests" von den anzeigepflichtigen deutschen Herstellern und Bevollmächtigten bzw. Einführern erfasst werden.
To help increase continental testing efforts and reduce COVID-19 transmission in Africa, Africa CDC has launched the Partnership to Accelerate COVID-19 Testing (PACT): Test, Trace, Treat. PACT will mobilize experts, community workers, supplies and other resources to TEST, TRACE and TREAT COVID-19 c...ases in a timely manner to minimize the impact of the pandemic on the Africa continent.
The material is available in English, French and Portuguese
To help increase continental testing efforts and reduce COVID-19 transmission in Africa, Africa CDC has launched the Partnership to Accelerate COVID-19 Testing (PACT): Test, Trace, Treat. PACT will mobilize experts, community workers, supplies and other resources to TEST, TRACE and TREAT COVID-19 ca...ses in a timely manner to minimize the impact of the pandemic on the Africa continent.
Available in English and French
ASLM in collaboration with the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, and in partnership with the Clinton Health Access Initiative, Amref and Last Mile Health present the Quality Assurance Framework for SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Testing for Diagnosis of COVID-19. This framework aims to pr...ovide general technical guidance to African Union Members States on the rollout, establishment, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 Ag RDT interventions so as to effectively and efficiently detect, control and minimise errors in the performance of COVID-19 laboratory testing processes. It describes the core components for quality assurance, resources mobilisation and advocacy for scale up, monitoring, evaluation, learning and accountability for SARS-CoV-2 implementation.
Testing coverage is a critical component of pandemic response, providing a view on the data available to inform policy and monitor the effectiveness of public health measures. While many countries do not publish official numbers of tests conducted, others are doing this across individual websites, s...tatistical reports and press releases, often in multiple languages and updated with different periodicity. FIND is working to build a global picture of the testing coverage for COVID-19 and facilitate the accurate interpretation and study of case and death numbers.
When is laboratory testing for Zika Virus infection reasonable? Testing algorithm for patients with and without symptoms.
Testing and diagnosis of hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV) infection is the gateway for access to both prevention and treatment services, and is a crucial component of an effective response to the hepatitis epidemic. Early identification of persons with chronic HBV or HCV infection enables them to recei...ve the necessary care and treatment to prevent or delay progression of liver disease. Testing also provides an opportunity to link people to interventions to reduce transmission, through counselling on risk behaviours and provision of prevention commodities (such as sterile needles and syringes) and hepatitis B vaccination.
3rd Edition – July 2017
Available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish
wird ständig aktualisiert
04.März 2021
MEDBOX Issue Brief no. 10
Dieser Issue Brief gibt einen kurzen Überblick über Teststrategie, Testverfahren, Videos zur Handhabung und weiterführende Literatur.
100 méthodes d'essai pour 100 principes pharmaceutiques actifs
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