This rapid compilation of data analyses provides a ‘stock-take’ of social science and behavioural data related to the on-going outbreak of Ebola in North Kivu, South Kivu and Ituri provinces. Based on data gathered and analysed by organisations working in the Ebola response and in the region mor...e broadly, it explores convergences and divergences between datasets and, when possible, differences by geographic area, demographic group, time period and other relevant variables. Data sources are listed at the end of the document.
This brief summarises key considerations about the social, political and economic context of Goma in relation to the outbreak of Ebola in the DRC as of March 2019. Goma is the administrative capital of North Kivu province and a major urban centre in the Great Lakes Region. The city is home to an est...imated 1.5 million people and serves as an important economic and transportation hub that links eastern Congo to the broader East African sub-region. The arrival of Ebola in Goma would substantially increase the at-risk population and heighten the potential for cross-border transmission to neighbouring countries, particularly Rwanda. This brief therefore focuses on local social and political structures that can be leveraged to promote preparedness and readiness actions.
This brief draws out some recommendations for Ebola response actors in North Kivu. It includes lessons learned primarily from (i) historical outbreaks in Congo; (ii) outbreaks in Uganda in 2000-01 and 2012; (iii) the 2014-2016 West African epidemic; (iv) the outbreak in Equateur Province in DRC (May...- July 2018), and (v) the ongoing outbreak in North Kivu and Ituri Provinces in DRC (August 2018 - ongoing). The full report can be accessed here:
Planetary Health is a scientific discipline, a philosophy for living and a social movement. The first lecture will gave an introduction to key aspects, latest developments and emerging solutions. Dr. Samuel Myers, Director of the Planetary Health Alliance, focused on planetary health as a scientific... discipline as well as emerging solutions. Melvine Otieno, initiator of the planetary health hub in Eastern Africa, talked about the situation in Kenya and eastern Africa. Martin Herrmann, chair of the German Climate Change and Health Alliance, pointed to the highly dynamic and fastly growing planetary health movement in the German speaking countries. The movement has its focus on converting knowledge into transformative action.
Chagas Disease (CD) affects 6–7 million people worldwide and isrelated topoverty-promo ting conditions. Chronic asymptomatic cases are mostly invisible tohealth systems. Aiming totranslate CD discoveries into education/information practices toraise alertness and empowerment ofaffected people; and ...toperform an active search of CD cases, articulating intersectoral actions toimprove the access ofinfected people tothe local health service for the treatment of CD; our research group developed and tested under field conditions as innovative social technology: an itinerant education interdisciplinarysetting named “Chagas Express XXI”
International Workshop on Ideologies, Values and Political Behaviors
in Central and Eastern Europe
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 183 ( 2015 ) 135 – 140
Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 8 ( 2016 ) 792 – 797
Brazilian media and science communicators must understand the main characteristics of misinformation in social media about COVID-19, so that they can develop attractive, up-to-date and evidence-based content that helps to increase health literacy and counteract the spread of false information.
This paper reviews the effects of vertical responses to COVID-19 on health systems, services, and people’s access to and use of them in LMICs, where historic and ongoing under-investments heighten vulnerability to a multiplicity of health threats. We use the term ‘vertical response’ to describ...e decisions, measures and actions taken solely with the purpose of preventing and containing COVID-19, often without adequate consideration of how this affects the wider health system and pre-existing resource constraints.
Cette note stratégique porte spécifiquement sur le Grand Nord : soit les territoires de Beni et de Lubero au nord du Nord-Kivu constituant l’épicentre de la flambée épidémiquee. D’autres enquêtes participatives doivent être menées auprès des populations touchées, mais étant donné l...actuelle transmission du virus, la priorité a été accordée à la communication des considérations clées et des recommandations immédiates.
This brief focuses specifically on the Grand Nord (Great North): the Beni and Lubero territories of northern North Kivu that are the epicentre of the outbreak. Further participatory enquiry should be undertaken with the affected populations, but given ongoing transmission, conveying key consideratio...ns and immediate recommendations have been prioritised.
This brief is based on a rapid review of existing published and grey literature, professional ethnographic research in DRC, personal communication with administrative and health officials and practitioners in the country, and experience of previous Ebola outbreaks.
This brief considers the rationale for shielding individuals at high risk of severe disease or death from COVID-19 in low- and middleincome countries. It provides an overview of proposed approaches to shielding, discusses the categories of individuals who may be identified for shielding, and outline...s the likely difficulties of these measures and ways to mitigate them.
English Analysis on Brazil about Health, Protection and Human Rights and Epidemic; published on 26 May 2021 by SSHAP