Submitted to the US Agency for International Development by the Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program. Arlington, VA: Management Sciences for Health. Submitted to the United Nations Children’s Fund by JSI, Arlington, VA: JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc....
This guide will assist program managers, service providers, and technical experts when conducting a quantification of commodity needs for the 13 reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health commodities prioritized by the UN Commission on Life-Saving Commodities for Women and Children. This quantification supplement should be used with the main guide—Quantification of Health Commodities: A Guide to Forecasting and Supply Planning for Procurement. * This supplement describes the steps in forecasting consumption of these supplies when consumption and service data are not available; after which, to complete the quantification, the users should refer to the main quantification guide for the supply planning step.
Soumis à l’Agence des États-Unis pour le développement international par le programme SIAPS (Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services ou Programme des systèmes pour l’amélioration de l’accès aux produits et services pharmaceutiques). Arlington, VA : Management Sciences... for Health. Soumis à l’UNICEF par JSI, Arlington, VA : JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc.
Ce guide aidera les gestionnaires de programmes, les prestataires de service et les experts techniques lorsqu'ils réaliseront une quantification des besoins en intrants pour les 13 produits indispensables à la santé reproductive, maternelle, néonatale et infantile, dont la priorité a été établie par la Commission des Nations Unies pour les produits qui sauvent la vie des femmes et des enfants. Ce supplément à la quantification ne saurait être utilisé sans son guide principal – Quantification of Health Commodities: A Guide to Forecasting and Supply Planning for Procurement (Quantification des intrants de santé : un guide pour la prévision des achats et la planification des approvisionnements). * Ce supplément décrit les étapes à suivre pour la prévision de la consommation de ces intrants, en l’absence de données sur la consommation ou les services. Ensuite, afin de compléter la quantification, les utilisateurs doivent se référer au guide principal de quantification pour l’étape de planification de l’approvisionnement.
The USAID | DELIVER PROJECT, Task Order 4, developed this guide for quantifying health commodities; it will assist technical advisors, program managers, warehouse managers, procurement officers, and service providers in (1) estimating the total commodity needs and costs for successful implementation... of national health program strategies and goals, (2) identifying the funding needs and gaps for procuring the required commodities, and (3) planning procurements and shipment delivery schedules to ensure a sustained and effective supply of health commodities.
The step-by-step approach to quantification presented in this guide is complemented by a set of product-specific companion pieces that include detailed instructions for forecasting consumption of antiretroviral drugs, HIV test kits, antimalarial drugs, and laboratory supplies.
The MSF qualification scheme is concerned with the pharmaceutical quality assessment for drugs. This procedure is applicable to products for international supply, i.e. products supplied through the MSF procurement centres. This qualification procedure is not applicable for local purchase, i.e. purch...ase of drugs within the project countries. For quality assurance principles and assessment of drugs for local purchase refer to the guideline for local pharmaceutical market assessment.
This report presents a framework to link science, policy and practice for a comprehensive assessment of climate mitigation and adaptation investments and their impact on human health.The framework proposes to use weather and climate data to forecast health impacts over time, as well as biophysical a...nd economic models to quantify the outcomes of investments in climate change adaptation and mitigation for relevant sectoral indicators and health co-benefits. It provides guidance on the economic valuation of health co-benefits of climate action, for inclusion in sector-specific cost–benefit analysis (CBA), including the spatial allocation of such costs and benefits.
The framework developed and presented in this study is comprehensive, and provides various entry points for different audiences, including decision-makers in the public and private sectors, researchers and scientists, working in the health sector as well as in other thematic areas and related sectors affected by climate action.
procédures : guide méthodologique
La réanimation a pour objectifs de prévenir et de pallier les différentes défaillances
viscérales aiguës. Elle s’adresse aux malades graves et est actuellement considérée
comme un élément normal de l’arsenal thérapeutique. Les médecins et les soignants ont
démontré l’utilité la présence permanente 24 heures/24 et 7 jours/7 auprès des
malades graves d’une équipe hautement spécialisée. Ensemble, ils ont fait progresser les
techniques nécessaires à la prise en charge de ces malades : ventilation mécanique,
épuration extrarénale, surveillance et exploration cardiovasculaires... La réanimation
médicale née sur le terrain hospitalier a obtenu sa reconnaissance universitaire en 1969.
Le champ d’application de la réanimation s’étend à toute la pathologie et en particulier aux malades chirurgicaux. La distinction entre réanimation médicale et réanimation chirurgicale a été nécessaire pour une répartition raisonnable des tâches, surtout en
CHU, et aucunement en raison de connaissances pratiques et théoriques différentes. Cette distinction est obsolète, car il n’y a pas plusieurs façons de faire de la réanimation.
With sustained economic growth in many parts of the developing world, an increasing number of countries are transitioning away from the most subsidized development finance as they exceed income and other qualification requirements. Cross-country evidence suggests that Development Assistance Committe...e (DAC) donors view the crossing over of the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) eligibility threshold to signal that a country needs less aid, with subsequent reductions in both IDA and other donors’ concessional funding. Within the health sector, it is particularly important to understand the implications of these status changes for children under five years of age since improving early childhood health is critical to fostering health and social and economic development. Therefore, we examine the implications of the IDA transition by measuring the extent t which World Bank commitments—including both IDA and IBRD—are directed to infant and child health needs in Nigeria. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) models were used in a difference-indifferences (DID) strategy to compare World Bank IBRD/IDA lending before and after the crossover to regions with varying initial levels of under-five and infant need.
This important research emphasises that many governments are not meeting spending goals, and in many countries the financing gaps are so great that, even if they met the spending goals, expenditure would still fall short of what is needed (expenditure would cover only 64% of estimated future funding... requirements, leaving a gap of around a third of the total US$7·9 billion needed). Quantification of the gaps in domestic spending encourages us to consider whether the amount of funding is appropriate and how much more could and should be done to fight HIV/AIDS. The important question of how governments make allocation choices also comes to the forefront. The aim of this Comment is to draw attention to the many dimensions that contribute to the complexity of these decisions on health resource allocation.
Ce guide sera particulièrement utile pour les gestionnaires de programme qui concoivent, gèrent et évaluent les systèmes logistique pour les programmes de santé. En outre, décideurs, intervenants du système et toute personne travaillant dans la logistique trouveront dans ce guide une utile a...pproche globale du système. Les concepts et termes clés sont clairement définis et expliqués; le document comprend des informations détaillées sur la conception et la mise en œuvre de systèmes d’information, de la gestion logistique et des systèmes de contrôle d’inventaire. Aperçus de quantification; processus d’approvisionnement; stockage, transport et sélection des produits sont aussi inclus dans le document.
The Dublin Regulation (Regulation No. 604/2013; sometimes the Dublin III Regulation; previously the Dublin II Regulation and Dublin Convention) is a European Union (EU) law that determines the EU Member State responsible to examine an application for asylum seekers seeking international protection u...nder the Geneva Convention and the EU Qualification Directive, within the European Union.
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Dengue is a significant public health problem. There are four dengue virus serotypes identified; however, its diagnosis is difficult due to the existence of many viruses, bacteria, and parasites producing the same clinical presentation, being present in the same geographical area and even producing ...coinfections. Therefore, determining whether a person has, had, or is infected with dengue virus is of great importance. In order to do so, direct and indirect laboratory tests have been developed to identify the virus or part of its structure that generally detects the antibody response. These techniques are used for diagnosis, epidemiological studies, monitoring, assessment and production of vaccines and antivirals, etc. They range from the use of cell cultures, animal models, inoculation by insects, and serology tests to the use of detection molecular tests and quantification of genetic material that are described in this chapter herein, a brief explanation of this methodology, its strengths and weaknesses, and its application in the dengue research.
interim guidance, 25 November 2024
Document opérationnel technique sur la prévention et la prise en charge des cas de paludisme en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)
ALTER Revue Européene de Recherche sur le handicap 2 (2008) 32-43
Licensed pharmaceutical products (marketing authorization) should be manufactured only by licensed manufacturers (holders of a manufacturing authorization) whose activities are regularly inspected by competent national authorities. This guide to GMP shall be used as a standard to justify GMP status,... which constitutes one of the elements of the WHO Certification Scheme on the quality of pharmaceutical products moving in international commerce, through the assessment of applications for manufacturing authorizations and as a basis for the inspection of manufacturing facilities. It may also be used as training material for government medicines inspectors, as well as for production, QC and QA personnel in the industry