Q 12: In children and adolescents with anxiety disorders, what is the effectiveness and safety, considering system issues in low- and middle-income countries, of using pharmacological interventions in non-specialist settings?
Q8: What is the effectiveness, safety and role of pharmacological interventions, by non-specialized health care providers, for the broad category of Disruptive Behaviour Disorders (DBDs), Conduct Disorder (CD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and comorbid (but not exclusively) Attention-Deficit ...Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?
Q15. SCOPING QUESTION: Is pharmacological intervention effective and safe for treatment of psychotic disorders in adolescents (including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder)?
Q9: What is/are the effective and safe interventions to treat somatoform disorders in children and adolescents in non- specialist health settings?
Q7: What is the effectiveness, safety and role of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions, within non- specialist health care for children with a diagnosis of Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?
The global epidemic of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) presents significant challenges to world health both in terms of financial costs as well as morbidity. Thus, considerable research has been focussed on the prevention or delay of the onset of T2DM.
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is one of the ...most costly and burdensome of chronic diseases and is a global epidemic. Estimates by the International Diabetes Federation indicate that 387 million people have diabetes, and that this figure is expected to rise to 592 million by 2035 with an additional 175 million cases currently undiagnosed.
The purpose of this guide is to offer recommendations for improving the implementation of non‑pharmacological public health measures during the COVID-19 response and compliance with these measures by population groups in situations of vulnerability. This requires determining the main barriers to i...mplementing these measures so that we can identify the groups and territories most affected during the different phases of the pandemic. With this objective in mind––and within the framework of an equity, human rights, and diversity approach––, policies, strategies, and interventions to accompany the implementation and flexibilization of the measures are recommended to ensure that no one is left behind.
The new guidelines provide public health guidance on pharmacological agents for managing hyperglycaemia in type 1 and type 2 diabetes for use in primary health-care in low-resource settings. These guidelines update the recommendations for managing hyperglycaemia in the WHO Package of Essential NCD I...nterventions (WHO PEN) for primary care in low-resources settings, reviewing several newer oral agents as second- and third-line treatment: dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors, sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors and thiazolidinediones. The guidelines also present recommendations on the selection of type of insulin (analogue versus human insulin) for adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Learning objectives
• Promote respect and dignity for people with psychoses.
• Name common presentations of psychoses.
• Name assessment principles of psychoses.
• Name management principles of psychoses.
• Perform an assessment for psychoses.
• Use effective communicatio...n skills when interacting with a person psychoses.
• Assess and manage physical health concerns in psychoses.
• Assess and manage emergency presentations of psychoses.
• Provide psychosocial interventions to persons with psychoses and their carers.
• Deliver pharmacological interventions as needed and appropriate in psychoses
considering special populations.
• Plan and performs follow-up sessions for people with psychoses.
• Refer to specialist and links with outside agencies for psychoses as appropriate and
Learning objectives
• Promote respect and dignity for people with depression.
• Recognize common symptoms of depression.
• Know the assessment principles of depression.
• Know the management principles of depression.
• Perform an assessment for depression.
• Use effective... communication skills in interactions with people with depression.
• Assess and manage physical health conditions as well as depression.
• Assess and manage emergency presentations of depression (see Module: Self-harm/
• Provide psychosocial interventions for people with depression and their carers.
• Deliver pharmacological interventions as needed and appropriate, considering special
• Plan and perform follow-up for depression.
• Refer to specialists and link with outside services where appropriate and available.
Learning objectives
• Name the general principles of essential care and practice.
• Name management principles of priority MNS conditions.
• Use effective communication skills in interactions with people with MNS conditions.
• Perform assessments for priority MNS conditions.
... Assess and manage physical health in MNS conditions.
• Know the impact of violence and gender-based violence on mental health.
• Provide psychosocial interventions to a person with a priority MNS condition and their
• Deliver pharmacological interventions as needed and appropriate in priority MNS
conditions considering special populations.
• Plan and perform follow-up for MNS conditions.
• Refer to specialists and links with outside agencies for MNS conditions as appropriate and
• Promote respect and dignity for people with priority MNS conditions.
Learning objectives
• Promote respect and dignity for children and adolescents with mental and behavioural
• Know common presentations of children and adolescents with mental and behavioural
• Know assessment principles of child and adolescents with mental ...and behavioural
• Know management principles of child and adolescents with mental and behavioural
• Use effective communication skills in interactions with children and adolescents with
mental and behavioural disorders.
• Perform an assessment for children and adolescents with mental and behavioural
• Assess and manage physical conditions of children with mental and behavioural
• Provide psychosocial interventions to children and adolescents with mental and
behavioural disorders and their carers.
• Deliver pharmacological interventions as needed and appropriate to children and
adolescents with mental and behavioural disorders.
• Plan and perform follow-up for children and adolescents with mental and behavioural
• Refer to specialists and link children and adolescents with mental and behavioural
disorders with outside agencies where available.
Q3: Can febrile seizures (simple or complex) be managed at first or second level care by non-specialist health care providers in low and middle income country settings? What is the role of diagnostic tests in the management of febrile seizures by non-specialists in low and middle income settings? Fo...r prophylaxis to prevent recurrence of simple or complex febrile seizures, which of the pharmacological interventions when compared with placebo/comparator produce benefit/harm in specified outcomes?
- continuous anticonvulsant therapy - intermittent anticonvulsant therapy - intermittent antipyretic treatment
Learning objectives
• Promote respect and dignity for people with other significant mental health complaints.
• Know the common presentation of other significant mental health complaints.
• Know the assessment principles of other significant mental health complaints.
• Know the... management principles of other significant mental health complaints.
• Perform an assessment for other significant mental health complaints.
• Use effective communication skills in interaction with people with other significant
mental health complaints.
• Assess and manage physical health in other significant mental health complaints.
• Provide psychosocial interventions to persons with other significant mental health
complaints and their carers.
• Know there are no specific pharmacological interventions for other significant mental
health complaints.
• Plan and perform follow-up for other significant mental health complaints.
• Refer to specialists and links with outside services for other significant mental health
complaints where appropriate and available.
A century after its discovery, Chagas' disease still represents a major public health challenge in Latin America. Moreover, because of growing population movements, an increasing number of cases of imported Chagas' disease have now been detected in non-endemic areas, such as North America and some E...uropean countries. This parasitic zoonosis, caused by Trypanosoma cruzi, is transmitted to humans by infected Triatominae insects, or occasionally by non-vectorial mechanisms, such as blood transfusion, mother to fetus, or oral ingestion of materials contaminated with parasites. Following the acute phase of the infection, untreated individuals enter a chronic phase that is initially asymptomatic or clinically unapparent. Usually, a few decades later, 40-50% of patients develop progressive cardiomyopathy and/or motility disturbances of the oesophagus and colon. In the last decades several interventions targeting primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of Chagas' disease have been attempted. While control of both vectorial and blood transfusion transmission of T cruzi (primary prevention) has been successful in many regions of Latin America, early detection and aetiological treatment of asymptomatic subjects with Chagas' disease (secondary prevention) have been largely underutilised. At the same time, in patients with established chronic disease, several pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions are currently available and have been increasingly used with the intention of preventing or delaying complications of the disease (tertiary prevention). In this review we discuss in detail each of these issues.
Q10: In individuals with psychotic disorders (including schizophrenia) and bipolar disorders are psychoeducation, family interventions and cognitive-behavioural therapy feasible and effective?
The key updates include: content update in various sections based on new evidence; design changes for enhanced usability; a streamlined and simplified clinical assessment that includes an algorithm for follow-up; inclusion of two new modules
- Essential Care and Practice that includes general guid...elines and Iminterventions and implementation module to support the proposed interventions by necessary infrastructure and resources; and, revised modules for Psychoses, Child and Adolescent Mental and Behavioural Disorders and Disorders due to Substance Use
The manual contains basic principles of prescribing followed by chapters on medicines used in psychotic disorders; depressive disorders; bipolar disorders; generalised anxiety and sleep disorders; obsessive-compulsive disorders and panic attacks; and alcohol and opioid dependence
Q 10: In adults and children with epilepsy, which psychological interventions used as adjunctive therapies with antiepileptic drugs when compared to placebo/comparator produce benefits/harm in specified outcomes?
Externalizing disorders
Chapter 1.1