The aim of this brief is to ensure that the COVID-19 pandemic does not disrupt the supply of and demand generation for condoms. Sexual relations may be transformed in the new context of the pandemic, but they have not stopped. While access to male and female condoms has been critical in the global r...esponse to reduce HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies over the past three decades, these gains can be lost if condoms are not included in the essential commodities that are freely available to populations during the lockdown of countries. This brief for country condom programme managers and experts provides a summary of relevant actions to sustain supplies of male condoms, female condoms and lubricants, and to adjust approaches for condom promotion during the time of COVID-19
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, this guidance provides information on infection and prevention control (IPC) for older people, their friends and families, carers, and healthcare providers. Anyone who manages, works, volunteers or provides care at any type of facilities where older people care at (long-term care facilities, non-acute care facilities, and home care services), should practice strict IPC to prevent and control COVID-19 outbreaks. It has been observed in different countries that older people have higher case-fatality rate compared to other age groups. Therefore, it is especially important to implement and follow IPC measures at facilities, homes, and other venues that older people frequent.
Дитячий фонд ООН (ЮНІСЕФ) доставив на Полтавщину критично важливу гуманітарну допомогу на 800 000 доларів. 340 тон гуманітарного вантажу мають покрити потреби більш як ...півмільйона мешканців Полтавcької області.
Велика частина вантажу - товари медичного призначення: акушерські та гігієнічні набори, бинти, глюкоза, інфузійні та аспіраційні помпи, портативні реєстратори електрокардіографії, портативні апарати ультразвукової
діагностики, пульсоксиметри.
To support countries in adapting their response to different COVID-19 scenarios, the World Health
Organization (WHO) Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Ageing commissioned this scoping review of published and grey literature. The objective was to identify interventions... implemented to maintain the provision and use of essential services for MNCAAH during disruptive events and to summarize lessons learned during these interventions. The review included outbreaks of Ebola virus disease (EVD), severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Zika virus disease (ZVD), the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and natural disasters and humanitarian emergencies that caused disruption to services, transport and other activities.
Дитячий фонд ООН (ЮНІСЕФ) доставив на Полтавщину критично важливу гуманітарну допомогу на 800 000 доларів. 340 тон гуманітарного вантажу мають покрити потреби більш як ...півмільйона мешканців Полтавcької області.
Велика частина вантажу - товари медичного призначення: акушерські та гігієнічні набори, бинти, глюкоза, інфузійні та аспіраційні помпи, портативні реєстратори електрокардіографії, портативні апарати ультразвукової
діагностики, пульсоксиметри.
COVID-19 is a serious disease and all people living with HIV should take all recommended preventive measures to minimize exposure to, and prevent infection by, the virus that causes COVID-19. As in the general population, older people living with HIV or people living with HIV with heart or lung prob...lems may be at a higher risk of becoming infected with the virus and of suffering more serious symptoms.
Based on the Vulnerability Index developed in this review, an estimated 22.7 million persons in Myanmar, or 44% of the population, were found to have some form of vulnerability related to human development and/or exposure to active conflict/violence. These people experience varying combinations of p...oor housing, lack of education, poor educational attainment, lack of access to safe sanitation and improved drinking water, and direct exposure to conflict.
Shan and Ayeyarwady have the largest populations of vulnerable persons, a function of both their size and relative vulnerability in comparison to other States and Regions. Yangon and Shan show the widest variation in vulnerability across townships (in terms of the number of vulnerable persons and their level of vulnerability), followed by Mandalay, Chin and Rakhine.
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The full-scale invasion of Ukraine has caused a deterioration in the level of access to health-care services and medicines in the country, particularly for people living in regions close to the front line and areas that are not partially or fully controlled by the Government of Ukraine, and for peop...le who have been internally displaced. Cost and time constraints involved in getting to and from health facilities, as well as limited transportation options were the main barriers to accessing essential health-care services. At the same time, the findings show that the country’s health system remains resilient and that overall access to health services is fairly high.This report is based on data collected through a quantitative cross-sectional survey of self-reported health needs of the general population in Ukraine. It presents results of the first round survey conducted in September 2022 and could help to address the specific health-care needs of the population groups concerned.
There are indigenous communities at high risk in every country of the region. At stake are the lives of 45 million people who belong to more than 800 indigenous peoples. Of these, some 100 are spread across several countries, around 200 maintain voluntary isolation or are in initial contact, and nea...rly 500 are at risk of disappearing due to their reduced numbers. Due to their lower immune resistance, their lack of access to hospital care and the increasing penetration of extractive activities in their territories, indigenous communities in voluntary isolation or in initial contact are cause for particular concern.
Far from hospitals and the news cameras, indigenous people in Latin American become ill and die without access to the means needed to protect themselves. They face the pandemic in conditions of social exclusion, racism and discrimination, which highlights historical inequalities and extreme precariousness in basic and health services.
This study, although not generalizable, builds up the literature on worker training needs in developing countries, and would be of benefit for speech-language pathologists and worker trainers. This paper aimed to investigate the training needs of Malaysian workers in relation to people with communic...ation disability. The primary aim was to investigate common self-perceived training needs in relation to communication disability and to find how important these needs are to workers. A secondary aim was to explore the relationship between selected worker variables and training needs.
WHO MiNDbank is an online platform bringing together country and international resources, covering mental health, substance abuse, disability, general health, human rights and development. It is part of WHO’s QualityRights campaign to end violations against people with mental disabilities. MiNDban...k aims to facilitate dialogue, advocacy and research, to promote reform in these areas in line with international human rights and best practice standards.
This document outlines the concept and content of the WHO people-centred approach to addressing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the human health sector. The proposed approach recognizes and aims to address the challenges and health system barriers people face when accessing health services to prev...ent, diagnose and treat (drug-resistant) infections. It puts people and their needs at the centre of the AMR response and guides policy-makers in taking programmatic and comprehensive actions to mitigate AMR in line with a proposed package of core interventions. These interventions are based on a review of four pillars and two foundational steps that are critical to overcome barriers faced by people and health systems in addressing AMR.
HelpAge International is a global network of organisations promoting the right of all older people to lead dignified, healthy and secure lives. Convite is a humanitarian, independent, nonprofit, non-governmental organisation that works to guarantee and promote social, economic and cultural rights ac...ross Venezuela and is a new member of the HelpAge Global Network. Convite provides direct support to older people, as well as assisting the National Committee of the Pensioned and Retired of Venezuela as part of the Latin American Democracy Network. One of the organisation’s main objectives is to the raise the profile of the crisis in the country internationally.