The Participation Handbook for humanitarian field workers contains detailed practical advice on the participation of affected people in humanitarian action. It has three sections:
Developing a participatory approach (main issues, key factors, building mutual respect, communication methods and... advice on reviewing your approach);
Implementing your participatory approach at every stage of the project cycle (initial assessment, project design, implementation, monitoring and final evaluation);
A list of tools and additional resources (books, internet sites, etc.)
A scale to measure (social) participation for use in rehabilitation, stigma reduction and social integration programmes
A scale to measure (social) participation for use in rehabilitation, stigma reduction and social integration programmes
The Participation Scale (P-scale) is a scale to measure (social) participation for use in rehabilitation, stigma reduction and social integration programmes
Le programme de Participation Communautaire pour la Santé Reproductive et Sexuelle des Jeunes au Burkina se fonde sur la conviction que pour mieux contribuer à la résolution des problèmes des jeunes, l’élaboration et la mise en ouvre des programmes doivent se faire de sorte que ce soient les ...jeunes eux-mêmes qui soient les principaux acteurs, avec l’appui des adultes. Ainsi les jeunes ne devraient plus être considérés tout simplement comme des cibles vers lesquelles il faut développer des interventions ; mais plutôt des partenaires par qui et pour qui les programmes doivent être développés.
Guía para el Equipo de Salud del Primer Nivel de Atención.
En esta guía presentamos los conceptos fundamentales sobre la importancia de la participación
comunitaria y el rol del equipo de salud en la prevención y control de la tuberculosis, así como también
los pasos orientadores para real...izar un proyecto comunitario para ser aplicado en tuberculosis como
en cualquier otra problemática u oportunidad sanitaria local.
Programa Nacional de Control de la Tuberculosis
Una Colaboración en Investigación entre el Refugee Law Initiative y Save the Children
La participación de las poblaciones afectadas y las
metodologías participativas han surgido como una
tendencia dominante en el discurso de la rendición
de cuentas humanitaria de una amplia gama de
organiz...aciones de asistencia y sus donantes. Este
estudio analiza cómo Save the Children Colombia
puede trabajar en el fomento de la participación
significativa de los niños, de las niñas y de los
adolescentes en todas las etapas de su programa,
y cómo esto se puede poner en práctica para el
aprendizaje organizacional, la adaptación y el
programa de rendición de cuentas.
Testimonies from Humanitarian Workers with Disabilities.
By reading the first-hand accounts, we hear how persons with disabilities, not through any particular talent or skill but from unique knowledge gained through life experience, are ideally placed to provide insights, ideas and leadership, to s...upply essential data, and to fill the gaps in humanitarian response that cause this exclusion.
Women and girls are paying the price of the war in Yemen – Humanitarian actors must increase the priority given to women and girls’ needs, with specific attention to GBV prevention and response, and reproductive health services
The World Food Programme (WFP) has taken important steps to progress disability inclusion across its programming and operations. In late 2022, WFP commissioned the Nossal Institute, University of Melbourne in partnership with the Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia to identify ...pathways for increasing disability inclusion in WFP’s emergency preparedness and response (EPR) programming.
The study explored WFP’s programming in Indonesia and the Philippines, including WFP’s advisory, technical assistance and service provision roles to government and partners and informed the development of this guide (see appendix 2). As general guidance on disability inclusion is increasingly available, the purpose of this guide is to contextualize disability inclusion in WFP’s emergency preparedness and response programming. The guide builds on core reference materials, such as the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Guidelines on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action, 2019. While of wider relevance, this guide is directed at WFP’s EPR programming in Asia and the Pacific.
Good practices from South & South-East Asia in disability inclusive disaster risk management
CBDRR Practice. Case Studies 4
No publication year indicated.
CBDRR Practice. Case Studies 4
No publication year indicated.