Do you sometimes have sudden attacks of
anxiety and overwhelming fear that last for
several minutes? Maybe your heart pounds,
you sweat, and you feel like you can’t
breathe or think. Do these attacks occur at
unpredictable times with no obvious trigger,
causing you to worry about the possibi...lity of
having another one at any time?
A panic attack is a distinct episode of high anxiety, with fear or
discomfort, which develops abruptly and has its peak within 10
minutes. During the attack, several of the following symptoms are
Multiple pandemics, numerous outbreaks, thousands of lives lost and billions of dollars of national income wiped out—all since the turn of this century, in barely 17 years—and yet the world’s investments in pandemic preparedness and response remain woefully inadequate. We know by now that the will see another pandemic in the not-too-distant future; that random mutations occur often enough in microbes that help them survive and adapt; that new pathogens will inevitably find a way to break through our defenses; and that there is the increased potential for intentional or accidental release of a synthesized agent. Every expert commentary and every analysis in recent years tells us that the costs of inaction are immense. And yet, as
the havoc caused by the last outbreak turns into a fading memory, we become complacent and relegate the case for investing in preparedness on a back burner, only to bring it to the forefront when the next outbreak occurs. The result is that the world remains scarily vulnerable.
¿Hay ocasiones en que tiene ataques repentinos de ansiedad y temor abrumador que duran varios minutos? Tal vez el corazón le late rápidamente, comienza a sudar y siente como si no pudiera respirar o pensar. ¿Estos
ataques ocurren en momentos impredecibles sin ningún factor desencadenante obvio..., llenándole de inquietud de que pudiera tener otro en cualquier momento?
Don’t Panic” is a one-hour long documentary produced by Wingspan Productions and broadcasted on BBC on the 7th of November 2013.
Indian J Psychiatry. 2017 Jan; 59(Suppl 1): S67–S73.
doi: 10.4103/0019-5545.196975: 10.4103/0019-5545.196975
Policy Note: Thailand Health Systems in Transition
By 2002, Universal Health Coverage was achieved through three public insurance schemes: the Civil Servant Medical Benefit Scheme (CSMBS) for civil servants and their dependents, Social Health Insurance (SHI) for formal sector employees, and the U...niversal Coverage Scheme (UCS) for the remainder of the population.
The establishment of these three schemes has changed the way health care is financed. A supply-led system, under which all Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) health facilities received an annual budget allocation from the MOPH, has now been completely replaced by a system in which the three public purchasers - separated through a purchaser-provider split - manage a demand-led system of financing.
Activities during precautionary measures (age group 6-13).
During infectious disease outbreaks, children may experience distress for a variety of reasons. The collective anxiety and grief that a community experiences can impact heavily on children. Limited public knowledge of the disease may trigge...r misinformation, rumors and panic.
Dialogues Clin Neurosci. 2017 Jun; 19(2): 93–107.
Q 12: In children and adolescents with anxiety disorders, what is the effectiveness and safety, considering system issues in low- and middle-income countries, of using pharmacological interventions in non-specialist settings?