Journal of Cancer Education
This article looks at the Baseline Standards developed by the International Society for Paediatric
Oncology (SIOP) for paediatric oncology nursing care in low- and middle-income countries. The
Baseline Standards lay the foundation for effective care and address barriers such as inadequate
staffin...g levels, lack of support, limited access to nurse education and unsafe nursing environments.
This technical report has been developed within the framework of the WHO Global Initiative for
Childhood Cancer. Its goal is to improve the situation of children and adolescents with cancer worldwide,
giving them the best chances of survival, living a full life and, above all, enjoying quality of and dying
without suffering
One of the main aims of the WHO Global Initiative for Childhood Cancer and the CureAll Americas framework is to strengthen centers of excellence and promote the training of the health workforce, especially pediatric oncology nurses, specialized in nursing care for children and adolescents with cance...r and their families. These health personnel provide compassionate, non traumatic, complex, continuous, ethical, conscious patient- and family-centered care in order to meet the physical, emotional, psychosocial, and cultural needs of the people involved. This publication is aimed at health administration teams, hospital management teams, and professional pediatric oncology nursing groups. Its objective is to identify, systematize, and consolidate available evidence on the scope of pediatric oncology nursing practice in Latin America and the Caribbean based on core competencies, in order to incorporate them into clinical practice, teaching, and research. The preparation process included a systematic review aimed at finding the best evidence on this subject. Patient- and family centered care and the conceptual model of competencies for teenagers and young adults with cancer, developed by the Teenage Cancer Trust with the support of the Royal College of Nursing, were the theoretical foundations supporting the systematization of recommendations.
"This document has been developed for outpatient oncology
facilities to serve as a model for a basic infection
control and prevention plan. It contains policies
and procedures tailored to these settings to meet minimal
expectations of patient protections as described
in the CDC Guide to Infecti...on Prevention in Outpatient
Recommendations for the management of oncology patients during the SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19 pandemic
ecancer has just published a comprehensive set of guidelines for paediatric cancer surgery, applicable to low and high resource settings across the world. You can read the guidelines online
The guidelines have been developed by the International Society of Paediatric Surgical Oncology (IPSO) with... authors from both High Income Countries and Lower and Middle Income Countries, and have been further validated by experts in the respective fields with the aim of providing evidence-based information for surgeons who care for children with cancer.
These guidelines include information on the care and treatment of children with malignancies, including making a diagnosis, obtaining adequate venous access, performing a surgical resection for solid tumours (with staging and reconstruction), performing procedures for cancer prevention and its late effects, and managing complications of treatment; all with the goal of improving survival and quality of life.
La presente edición de “La práctica de la enfermería oncológica pediátrica en América Latina y el Caribe” fue redactada por Regina Aparecida García de Lima (enfermera titulada, enfermera pediátrica certificada, Doctora en Enfermería), Profesora Titular
del Departamento de Enfermería M...aternoinfantil y Salud Pública de la Escuela de Enfermería de Ribeirão Preto de la Universidad de São Paulo (Centro Colaborador de la Organización Mundial de la Salud/Organización Panamericana de la Salud para
el Desarrollo de la Investigación en Enfermería), con la colaboración de Luís Carlos Lopes-Júnior (enfermero titulado, enfermero oncológico certificado, Doctor en Ciencias), Profesor Adjunto del Departamento de Enfermería del Centro de Ciencias
de la Salud de la Universidad Federal de Espírito Santo, y Edmara Bazoni Soares Maia (enfermera titulada, enfermera pediátrica certificada, Doctora en Enfermería),Profesora Afiliada del Departamento de Enfermería Pediátrica de la Escuela Paulista
de Enfermería de la Universidad Federal de São Paulo. La doctora Regina Aparecida García de Lima también estuvo a cargo de la sistematización de las sugerencias aportadas al documento.
Devant le nombre grandissant de personnes diagnostiquées d’un cancer et de décès qui y sont associés, les soins palliatifs gagnent en importance pour améliorer la qualité de vie et soutenir la personne et sa famille durant leurs expériences de santé. Dans ce contexte, l’intégration pré...coce des soins palliatifs aux soins oncologiques standards semble être une approche sous-utilisée et novatrice qui pourrait répondre aux besoins spécifiques de la clientèle oncologique palliative. Les infirmières en oncologie doivent assumer un rôle crucial en dispensant des soins tout au long de la trajectoire de la maladie, soins palliatifs compris. Le but de cette revue rapide est de synthétiser et présenter les avantages des interventions de soins palliatifs précoces et de décrire leurs caractéristiques. La recherche documentaire sur CINAHL et PubMed a fait ressortir cinq essais randomisés réalisés entre 2010 et 2018, qui ont été analysés. La majorité des études sélectionnées ont conclu que l’intégration précoce des soins palliatifs aux soins oncologiques standards, tels que la chimiothérapie et la radiothérapie, permettrait d’améliorer la qualité de vie, les symptômes anxiodépressifs et la survie globale. Mots-clés : soins palliatifs, soins palliatifs précoces, intervention, cancer, oncologie
El presente protocolo es de aplicación en las Instituciones Prestadoras de Servicios de Salud del Ministerio de Salud, a través de las Direcciones de Redes Integradas de Servicios de Salud y de los gobiernos regionales, a través de las Direcciones Regionales de Salud o Gerencias Regionales de Sal...ud , EsSalud, Sanidad de las Fuerzas Armadas y Policiales y las entidades privadas. En el documento encontrarás información referida al flujo de atención (admisión, triaje, punto de vacunación, monitoreo y observación), consideraciones generales y específicas, entre otros.
Website last accessed on 16.03.2024
GO developed our Cancer Education Materials (CEM) tool to improve the patient diagnosis and treatment experience in resource-limited settings, reduce stigma, help facilitate dialogue between patients and providers, and ensure that no patient stops treatment beca...use they haven’t received complete information about the care process. These picture-based and culturally-appropriate materials were originally developed for a partner in Malawi, and the GO team continues its work to adapt, refine, evaluate, and expand our efforts, adding more languages and modes of treatment.
You can download “Cancer and You” in a number of languages including English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, Setswana, Luganda, Kiswahili, and Kinyarwanda.
Lancet Oncol 2022; 23: e251–312Published OnlineMay 9, 2022
In sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), urgent action is needed to curb a growing crisis in cancer incidence and mortality.
Without rapid interventions, data estimates show a major increase in cancer mo...rtality from 520 348 in 2020 to about
1 million deaths per year by 2030. Here, we detail the state of cancer in SSA, recommend key actions on the basis of
analysis, and highlight case studies and successful models that can be emulated, adapted, or improved across the
region to reduce the growing cancer crises. Recommended actions begin with the need to develop or update national
cancer control plans in each country. Plans must include childhood cancer plans, managing comorbidities such as
HIV and malnutrition, a reliable and predictable supply of medication, and the provision of psychosocial, supportive,
and palliative care. Plans should also engage traditional, complementary, and alternative medical practices employed
by more than 80% of SSA populations and pathways to reduce missed diagnoses and late referrals. More substantial
investment is needed in developing cancer registries and cancer diagnostics for core cancer tests.
Recommendations of an Expert Meeting June 2008
Presentatation sur le défis des soins palliatifs en Oncopédiatrie en Afrique
The study analyzes the global burden of cancer in 2020 attributable to alcohol consumption. Using data from the GLOBOCAN 2020 database and alcohol consumption patterns, it estimates that 4.1% of all new cancer cases globally (approximately 741,300 cases) were caused by alcohol. The most affected can...cers include esophageal, liver, and breast cancer, with heavy drinking contributing the most cases, followed by risky and moderate drinking. The study highlights regional differences, with the highest attributable fractions in Eastern Asia and Central and Eastern Europe. It underscores the need for policies to raise awareness about alcohol-related cancer risks and reduce alcohol consumption globally.
Deuxième d’une série consacrée à la prévention de la thrombose associée au cancer (Cancer-Associated Thrombosis, ou CAT en anglais), le présent article a pour but d’améliorer l’enseignement aux patients et leur état de santé. Le premier article, intitulé « Importance de la thromboe...mbolie veineuse liée au cancer », expliquait la pathologie ainsi que les lacunes cernées dans les connaissances des patients atteints de cancer (Sardo, Bayadinova, Jenkins et Penton, 2021). Il mettait en lumière le fait que ces patients reçoivent très peu d’information sur le risque de thromboembolie veineuse (TEV). Les stratégies proposées dans le présent article visent à sensibiliser les patients atteints de cancer à la TEV, à fournir des outils d’enseignement aux patients et, en fin de compte, à réduire le fardeau de la thrombose associée au cancer.
NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) are posted with the latest update date and version number.
These Guidelines are intended to provide knowledge to the treating ophthalmologists, pediatricians, ocular oncologists, pediatric oncologists, and general physicians to arrive at an early diagnosis of retinoblastoma in the settings of district hospital, in private clinics and hospitals. The will enable the contact health personnel to refer at the right
time to the tertiary care hospital for management of retinoblastoma.