What every clinician should know
Nursing Times [online]; 117: 11, 18-21.
This manual is about the basic nursing care - desinfection, cleaning, sterilization, nursing documentation, hygiene, surgical care and preparation and much more. This booklet has been prepared by the NED Volunteers Foundation.
This is the 3rd edition of the Nursing Service Standard manual and its contains nursing professionals ethics, roles and responsibilities of nurses in delivering the nursing services.
This edition of the nursing services, administrative manual has the revised activities of various nursing ac...tivities. It also has additional services incorporated : Like Individual Work Plan (IWP), Nursing Care Process and Guideline and Standards Operating Procedures (SOPs).
SAJCC July 2011, Vol. 27, No. 1
This article looks at the Baseline Standards developed by the International Society for Paediatric
Oncology (SIOP) for paediatric oncology nursing care in low- and middle-income countries. The
Baseline Standards lay the foundation for effective care and address barriers such as inadequate
staffin...g levels, lack of support, limited access to nurse education and unsafe nursing environments.
Clincial Excellence for Nursing Care, Vol. 2 (1998) no.6 pp.-343-351. Open Access with the permission of the publisher and the author.
Ebola continues to attract worldwide attention as a highly lethal virus of unknown origin that leaves victims bleeding to death and has no known vaccine or cure. Th...e purpose of this historical research was to review and analyze the primary and secondary sources available on Ebola for use by primary care nurses in the event of future outbreaks.
You could send comments to the author: susanamundsen@comcast.net
The overall aim of the study was to understand the acceptability and usefulness of PHC clinical placements for nursing and midwifery students.
Nurses play a key role in the provision of primary health care (PHC) and the coordination and organization of medical care overall. Nurses are often the first point of contact with the health system and have an important role to play in leaving no one behind.
Large-scale reform of PHC in Uk...raine started in 2018, and evolving and expanding practices have led to new challenges for both medical facilities and staff. It has become critically important to initiate new practices in the organization of the nursing profession, to adapt and increase their competencies, invest in skills development and create more nursing posts.
This brochure, available in English and Spanish, provides an overview of pediatric palliative care and answers questions that parents and families may have, such as:
How do I know if my child or family needs palliative care?
Does accepting palliative care mean our family is giving up on ot...her treatments?
How can my child’s pain be managed?
How can our family get palliative care?
Preoperative Nursing Checklist
The semi-structured guided interviewing on ICU nurses in a medical center of southern Taiwan wasapproved by the IRB at the research department of the hospital and data collection was carried out from January toJune 2012. The investigator repeatedly read the transcribed text, and found statements rel...evant to the themes in thetranscriptions to form significant statements as the basis of data analysis. To ensure the rigor of this study, theinvestigator adopted the approach of trustworthiness of qualitative research proposed by Lincoln and Gu.
The course has an emphasis on health care in the US: "health care professionals need to understand this virus as more patients in the United States are confirmed to have EVD and patients are being transported to the US for treatment". Does anyone know of similar online courses (in English and/or Fre...nch) for health professionals in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea? Courses that can be readily downloaded for offline use would be particularly valuableThe course is offered free for those wishing to obtain the information or for a nominal fee for nurses and physicians who desire CME credits (2.75 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM for $25). to register go to: http://www.uab.edu/nursing/home/office-of-professional-development
Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity. The decade ahead will test the nation's nearly 4 million nurses in new and complex ways. Nurses live and work at the intersection of health, education, and communities. Nurses work in a wide array of settings and practice at a range of professional levels. T...hey are often the first and most frequent line of contact with people of all backgrounds and experiences seeking care and they represent the largest of the health care professions.
Free download available, register for free
Over the last decade, there have been numerous disasters and major emergencies that have profoundly impacted the lives of millions of people worldwide. To support these crises, national and international emergency medical teams (EMTs) are often deployed to assist disaster affected populations. EMTs ...are teams of healthcare professionals composed most frequently of doctors, nurses, psychologists and others to provide direct clinical care to people affected by disasters and conflicts and to support local health systems. In agreement with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Health Emergency Health Workforce programme, any health professional coming from another country to practice health care in a disaster setting must be part of a team that is qualified, trained, equipped, resourced, and meets minimum acceptable standards to practice.