These materials are designed for use at a training course on medical preparedness and response for a nuclear or radiological emergency. They contain a wide range of lectures and supporting materials, which cover the basic topics and more specific areas of medical preparedness... and
The purpose of this training is to prepare clinicians in first receiver settings to: (1) Identify factors impacting immediate medical response to mass casualties following major types of radiological incidents, and (2) Demonstrate appropriate patient assessment, triage, treatment and disposition dec...ision-making required during a radiological mass casualty incident.
14 March 2022. Ukraine emergency response
WHO appreciates offers of contributions of supply support in solidarity with the affected population of the current conflict in Ukraine.
Please note that supply into and within Ukraine is seriously constrained by continuously shifting conflict zones, d...amage to infrastructure and potential shortages of power and fuel. The WHO priority is to supply critically needed items in a manner that is safe, secure, and responsive to the environment in which we are operating in. Access constraints require that logistics planning and capacity are paramount if supplies are to move smoothly to destinations where they are needed.
Successful detonation of an improvised nuclear device (IND) would be a catastrophic event, causing an unprecedented number of injuries and lives lost, as well as economic, political, and social disruption. However, an effective medical response and an infrastructure prepared to protect itself from f...allout could save tens of thousands of lives. Since 2001, all levels of government, academic institutions, and professional organizations have done significant work to enhance our ability to prepare for and respond to a nuclear detonation. The following manual is intended to simplify and translate the necessary protective actions and medical response modalities in order to make them more accessible and easier to translate into practice. The approach of this manual is to provide a common baseline application for various allied response disciplines (to include senior operational responders, emergency managers, public health advisors, and municipal, State, and Federal executives and elected officials). This manual will enhance mutual understanding of the basics of nuclear response.
This document describes recommended measures for dealing with medical and other staff employed either in patient care or in outbreak control during the 2014 Ebola outbreak.
Teaching Cases in Medical Peace Work. Medical Peace Work is an emerging field of expertise in health work, violence prevention, and peace-building. These interactive cases will introduce you to some of the key concepts, opportunities and dilemmas in the peace health field. This audiovisual case is r...elated to domestic violence. Contents of this case study: Introduction & prevalence, Risk groups, signs & symptoms, Issues around disclosure, Danger assessment, Safety planning, Referral pathways, Summing up.
BMJ Glob Health 2019;4:e001272. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2018-001272
Trust is an essential component of successful cooperative endeavours. The global health response to the 2014–2016 West Africa Ebola outbreak confronted historically tenuous regional relationships of trust. Challenging sociopolitical co...ntexts and initially inappropriate communication strategies impeded trustworthy relationships between communities and responders during the epidemic. Social scientists affiliated with the Ebola 100-Institut Pasteur project interviewed approximately 160 local, national and international responders holding a wide variety of roles during the epidemic