The 40-page field guide outlines possible causes of separation, discusses the psychosocial impacts of being separated, such as how we experience loss, and provides guidelines on how to support those who have been separated from family members – including delivering difficult news to loved ones, ba...sic helping skills, interviews, on-going support and referrals, and reunification. There is also a chapter on self-care for staff and volunteers. The materials provided here will need to be adapted to suit local contexts. The aim of this field guide is to build both confidence and skills in responding to disaster and crisis situations, and to raise awareness of the broader goals of the Movement’s work in supporting families separated from their loved ones
Broken Links: Psychosocial support for people separated from family members (Training
module) and the corresponding Broken Links field guide are designed to support staff and
volunteers in a wide range of settings where they may be in contact with families who have
been separated from their loved... ones. The field guide and the training module outline the
causes and consequences of being separated from family members, as well as the types of
contact staff and volunteers might have with families affected by separation.
Accessed on 28.02.2023
The 20th century was a period of unprecedented ecological change, with dramatic reductions in natural ecosystems and biodiversity and equally dramatic increases in people and domestic animals. Never before have so many animals been kept by so many people—and never before have so many opportunities... existed for pathogens to pass from wild and domestic animals through the biophysical environment to affect people causing zoonotic diseases or zoonoses. The result has been a worldwide increase in emerging zoonotic
diseases, outbreaks of epidemic zoonoses as well as a rise in foodborne zoonoses globally, and a troubling persistence of neglected zoonotic diseases in poor countries.
An ICRC Guidance Document
DHS Methodological Report No. 20
This study used Service Provision Assessment (SPA) and Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) data from Haiti, Malawi, and Tanzania to compare traditionally used additive methods with a data reduction method—principal component analysis (PCA).
We scored ...the quality of health facilities with three approaches (simple additive, weighted additive, and PCA) for two constructs: quality of services, with only facilities-level data, and quality of care, which incorporates observation and client data. We ranked facilities as high, medium, or low quality based on their scores. Our results indicated that the rankings change with the scoring methodology. There was more consistency in the rankings of facilities by the simple additive and PCA methods than the weighted additive and PCA-based rankings. This may be due to the low factor loadings and little variance explained by the first component in the PCA. We aggregated facility scores to their respective DHS clusters (Haiti, Malawi) or regions (Tanzania) and geographically linked them to women interviewed in DHS surveys to test associations between the use of family planning services and the quality environment, as measured with each index.
Further Analysis of the 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2014 Cambodia Demographic and Health Surveys | DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 106
DHS Further Analysis Reports No 102
DHS Analytical Studies No. 51
Child Health, Family Planning, Geographic Information, HIV, Malaria, Maternal Health
This Special Collection includes Cochrane Reviews on the following topics: medication; behavioural support; and gradual quitting. Interventions that mimic the act of smoking, notably e-cigarettes, have been excluded from this collection as the risks associated with their use in relation to the curre...nt pandemic are not clear. Cochrane Tobacco Addiction are working to remain up to date on all the relevant information, to provide support to people attempting to stop smoking during this difficult time.
این مجموعه ویژه شامل مرورهای کاکرین در موضوعات زیر است: دارو، پشتیبانی رفتاری، و ترک تدریجی. مداخلاتی که عمل سیگار کشیدن را تقلید میکنند، بهویژه سیگارهای الکترون...یکی، بهعلت اینکه خطر مرتبط با استفاده از آنها در همهگیری اخیر واضح نیست؛ از این مجموعه خارج شدهاند. گروه اعتیاد به دخانیات کاکرین در حال کار هستند تا همه اطلاعات مرتبط را به منظور ارائه پشتیبانی به افرادی که در این زمان سخت در تلاش برای ترک سیگار هستند؛ بهروز نگهدارند.
Cette collection spéciale comprend des revues Cochrane sur les sujets suivants : les médicaments, le soutien comportemental et le sevrage tabagique progressif. Les interventions qui imitent l'acte de fumer, notamment les cigarettes électroniques, ont été exclues de cette collection car les risq...ues associés à leur utilisation en relation avec la pandémie actuelle ne sont pas clairs. Le Groupe Cochrane sur le Tabagisme travaille pour rester à jour sur toutes les informations pertinentes, afin d'apporter un soutien aux personnes qui tentent d'arrêter de fumer pendant cette période difficile.
Diese Sonderkollektion enthält Cochrane Reviews zu den folgenden Themen: Medikamente; Verhaltensunterstützung; und allmähliches Aufhören. Interventionen, die den Vorgang des Rauchens imitieren, insbesondere E-Zigaretten, wurden von dieser Sonderkollektion ausgeschlossen, da die Risiken ihrer Ver...wendung vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Pandemie unklar sind. Cochrane Tobacco Addiction arbeitet daran, zu allen relevanten Informationen auf dem aktuellen Stand zu bleiben, um Menschen, die während dieser schwierigen Zeit mit dem Rauchen aufhören wollen, Unterstützung zu bieten.
Koleksi Istimewa ini termasuk Ulasan Cochrane mengenai topik berikut: ubat-ubatan; sokongan tingkah laku; dan berhenti secara beransur-ansur. Intervensi yang meniru tindakan merokok, terutamanya e-rokok, telah dikecualikan daripada koleksi ini kerana risiko yang berkaitan dengan penggunaannya berhub...ung dengan pandemik semasa tidak jelas. Ketergantungan Tembakau Cochrane sedang berusaha untuk terus kemaskini pada semua maklumat yang berkaitan, untuk memberikan sokongan kepada orang yang cuba berhenti merokok dalam masa yang sukar ini.
Esta Coleção Especial inclui Revisões Cochrane sobre os seguintes tópicos: medicação; apoio comportamental; e desistência gradual. As intervenções que imitam o ato de fumar, especialmente os cigarros electrónicos, foram excluídas desta coleção uma vez que os riscos associados ao seu uso... em relação à atual pandemia não são claros. O grupo Cochrane Tobacco Addiction está trabalhando para se manter atualizado com todas as informações relevantes, para apoiar as pessoas que tentam parar de fumar durante este período difícil.
Эта Специальная Коллекция включает Кокрейновские обзоры по следующим темам: лекарственное лечение, поведенческая поддержка и постепенный отказ от курения. Вмеша...ельства, имитирующие акт курения, в частности, электронные сигареты, были исключены из этой коллекции, поскольку риски, связанные с их использованием в связи с текущей пандемией, не ясны. Кокрейновская группа по табачной зависимости работает над тем, чтобы вся соответствующая информация была актуальна (обновлена), чтобы обеспечить поддержку людям, пытающимся бросить курить в это трудное время.
La colección incluye revisiones Cochrane sobre los siguientes temas: medicamentos; apoyo conductual; y abandono gradual. Las intervenciones que imitan el acto de fumar, especialmente los cigarrillos electrónicos, se han excluido de esta colección ya que los riesgos asociados a su uso en relación... con la pandemia actual no están claros. El Grupo Cochrane de Adicción al Tabaco está trabajando para mantenerse al día con toda la información relevante y brindar apoyo a las personas que intentan dejar de fumar durante este momento difícil.
DHS Analytical Studies No. 57