An applied approach to the training of trainers who, in turn,
train teams to implement psychosocial and mental health
interventions in developing countries affected by emergencies.
The film
used in conjunction with this guidebook, presents an applied of Trai-
(TOT) approach. They are designed to educate trainers to prepare teams to provide psychosocial and mental
health assistance for populations in developing countries affected by wars, conflict, natural disasters and other emer-
gencies. The film and guidebook offer a practical framework for the training of trainers that enables psychosocial
and mental health workers to train others. Through modifications for local culture and context, the framework
presented can be used in training programmes on the road to peace of mind around the globe.
Junio 2020.Este documento describe las intervenciones de salud mental y apoyo psicosocial (SMAPS) fundamentales que se recomienda desarrollar de manera intersectorial en los países y en las comunidades. Para ello se propone utilizar como marco de referencia la pirámide de intervenciones para los s...ervicios de SMAPS del Comité Permanente entre Organismos (IASC).
La presente publicación describe la literatura científica revisada sobre las intervenciones farmacológicas para el tratamiento de la enfermedad por el coronavirus 2019. El Ministerio de Salud solicitó la revisión de la evidencia disponible para nueve intervenciones terapéuticas frente a COVID-...19. Este listado contempla 03 intervenciones que no fueron consideradas en la Revisión Rápida de Intervenciones farmacológicas para el tratamiento de la enfermedad por el coronavirus 2019 . Serie Revisión Rápida N° 02-2020, correspondiendo a Ivermectina, Tocilizumab y pulsos de corticoides. En vista del rol potencial de cada intervención en el tratamiento de COVID-19, se plantearon dos respuestas PICO a fin de revisar la evidencia disponible respecto a siete potenciales opciones para tratamiento específico y dos fármacos que se han señalado como terapia adyuvante para frenar la respuesta inflamatoria presentada en COVID-19.
Esta publicación pertenece al compendio Publicaciones Minsa sobre COVID-19.
Las intervenciones de autocuidado ofrecen un enorme potencial para mejorar la autonomía individual y reducir
las desigualdades sanitarias al aumentar la disponibilidad de opciones de atención sanitaria accesibles, aceptables
y asequibles que se suman a los servicios y la atención recibidos en u...n centro sanitario y los complementan
The key updates include: content update in various sections based on new evidence; design changes for enhanced usability; a streamlined and simplified clinical assessment that includes an algorithm for follow-up; inclusion of two new modules
- Essential Care and Practice that includes general guid...elines and Iminterventions and implementation module to support the proposed interventions by necessary infrastructure and resources; and, revised modules for Psychoses, Child and Adolescent Mental and Behavioural Disorders and Disorders due to Substance Use
This learning paper describes Malaria Consortium’s experience with Integrated Community Case Management (ICCM) in malaria prevention and treatment in Mozambique and Uganda. ICCM is an approach where community-based health workers are trained to identify, treat, and refer complex cases malaria (an...d other diseases) in children
“mhGAP Intervention Guide for mental, neurological and substance use disorders in non-specialized health settings” is a technical tool for implementation of the mhGAP Programme. The Intervention Guide has been developed through a systematic review of evidence, followed by an international consul...tative and participatory process. It provides the full range of recommendations to facilitate high quality care at first- and second-level facilities by the non-specialist health-care providers in resource-poor settings
WHO’s mhGAP Intervention Guide 2.0 app, launched in October, is now available in both iOS and Android. The app provides non-specialized health-care providers with access to comprehensive information to help them diagnose and treat a range of mental, neurological and substance use (MNS) disorders i...ncluding depression, epilepsy and dementia from their tablets or mobile phones. Each module includes a description and guidance on assessment and management of priority MNS conditions. The tool can be downloaded free of charge. It is currently available in English. Other languages are expected to be available soon
Download the iOS Version under:
The Android Version under:
Manual for use in primary care
Q9: What is/are the effective and safe interventions to treat somatoform disorders in children and adolescents in non- specialist health settings?
Saving Lives Through Safe Surgery (SaLTS)
The new guide provides practical, first-line management recommendations for mental, neurological and substance use conditions. Contents include modules on assessing and managing conditions such as acute stress, grief, moderate-severe depressive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, epilepsy, and... harmful use of alcohol and drugs.
Reference book specifying the principles of intervention for all food security activities, from initial assessment to programme implementation.