Accessed on 21.05.2020
Considering a hotline? This set of tools will help you assess, set up and manage different types of channels to communicate with communities during humanitarian crises.
This note provides a few ideas to a challenging problem of reaching survivors who cannot easily access phone-based GBV support. It is very much a living document given the evolving nature of the pandemic and may be adapted as more evidence, insights and lessons become available. It is intended to sp...ark conversation in the hope that additional contributions and innovations from others will result.
Mit einer Info-Hotline auf Russisch will das Klinikum Ingolstadt die neu Angekommenen bei der Orientierung unterstützen und sie über Hilfsmöglich
Центр психічного здоров’я надає можливість людям, що змушені були покинути Украї...ну і знаходяться у гострій психологічній ситуації отримати інформацію щодо можливостей допомоги.
Ви можете звернутись російською мовою до наших працівників за номером телефону 0841 880 2206 з понедiлка по п’ятницю, з 08:00 до 15:00 години.
Пiсля закiнчення прийомного часу будьласка звертайтесь письмово за електронною поштою: zpg@klinikum-ingolstadt.dekeiten vor Ort unterrichten
Accessed: 31.03.2020
ÉTATS MEMBRES DE L’UNION AFRICAINE NUMÉROS D’URGENCE DE LA COVID-19 (HOTLINES) - Centres africains de prévention et de contrôle des maladies
أرقام الطوارئ المخصصة للكوفيد-١٩ في الدول... الأعضاء في) الاتحاد الأفريقي (الخطوط الساخنة)
Accessed: 08.10.2019
Based on the National Guidelines for the Management of Tuberculosis in Children 2013, Department of Health, South Africa.
Dolmetscher-Hotline für Arabisch und Persisch für Ehrenamtliche.
Die qualifizierten Sprachmittler stehen Ihnen montags bis freitags von 14 bis 17 Uhr zur Verfügung –unter den Nummern 0 18 06-56 53 70-1 für Arabisch und 0 18 06-56 53 70-2 für Persisch (für 0,20 € aus dem de...utschen Festnetz und maximal 0,60 € aus dem deutschen Mobilfunk pro Anruf).
external webpage, accessed 30/03/2018
Hotline Corona VIrus
Прийом біженців: упорядкування та забезпечення прозорості
Kostenlose Hotline der Bundeskontaktstelle für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine mit Behinderungen und/oder Pflegebedarf +49 30 85 404 789
Warum braucht es eine zentrale Koordinierungsstelle?
Das Fluchtgeschehen der betroffenen Personengruppen verläuft bislang weitgehend ungeordnet und intransparent. Häufig erlangen aufnehmende Länder und Gemeinden erst spät Kenntnis über ankommende Transporte. Das erschwert eine vorausschauende Planung passender Hilfsangebote, die notwendig wäre, um die je nach Einzelfall häufig komplexen Hilfebedarfe decken zu können. Und es birgt die Gefahr einer Überlastung einzelner Regionen.
More than 8 million children have access to distance learning thanks to partnerships with 322 radio stations and 23 TV channels
1.2 million community masks distributed
25 million people reached with key messages on how to prevent COVID-19 through mass media channels (300 radio stations and... 50 TV channels)
64,283 calls managed by the COVID-19 Hotline
71,532 people (including 21,415 children) affected by COVID-19 and 6,005 frontline workers provided with psychosocial support since the beginning of the epidemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the world and consequently increased MHPSS needs across various contexts. While National Societies respond to the rising mental health and psychosocial support needs, they are also adapting to and implementing remote support, such as telephone hotlines or other onl...ine services. Accordingly, many trainings in psychological first aid (PFA) of staff and volunteers have moved to online platforms.
Throughout the pandemic, the PS Centre developed online approaches, guidances, adaptable tools, videos, podcasts, and other materials on MHPSS. This was to ensure easy access to tools and resources that assist National Societies in their training efforts in MHPSS during COVID-19.
Always talk to a GBV specialist first to understand what GBV services are available in your area. Some services may take the form of hotlines, a mobile app or other remote support.
Be aware of any other available services in your area. Identify services provided by humanitarian pa...rtners such as health, psychosocial support, shelter and non-food items. Consider services provided by communities such as mosques/ churches, women’s groups and Disability Service Organizations.
Remember your role. Provide a listening ear, free of judgment. Provide accurate, up-to-date information on available services. Let the survivor make their own choices. Know what you can and cannot manage. Even without a GBV actor in your area, there may be other partners, such as a child protection or mental health specialist, who can support survivors that require additional attention and support. Ask the survivor for permission before connecting them to anyone else. Do not force the survivor if s/he says no.
Do not proactively identify or seek out GBV survivors. Be available in case someone asks for support.
Remember your mandate. All humanitarian practitioners are mandated to provide non-judgmental and non-discriminatory support to people in need regardless of: gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability status, age, ethnicity/tribe/race/religion, who perpetrated/committed violence, and the situation in which violence was committed. Use a survivor-centered approach by practicing:
Respect: all actions you take are guided by respect for the survivor’s choices, wishes, rights and dignity.
Safety: the safety of the survivor is the number one priority.
Confidentiality: people have the right to choose to whom they will or will not tell their story. Maintaining confidentiality means not sharing any information to anyone.
Non-discrimination: providing equal and fair treatment to anyone in need of support.
If health services exist, always provide information on what is available. Share what you know, and most importantly explain what you do not. Let the survivor decide if s/he wants to access them. Receiving quality medical care within 72 hours can prevent transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and within 120 hours can prevent unwanted pregnancy.
Provide the opportunity for people with disabilities to communicate to you without the presence of their caregiver, if wished and does not endanger or create tension in that relationship.
If a man or boy is raped it does not mean he is gay or bisexual. Gender-based violence is based on power, not someone’s sexuality.
Sexual and gender minorities are often at increased risk of harm and violence due to their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Actively listen and seek to support all survivors.
Anyone can commit an act of gender-based violence including a spouse, intimate partner, family member, caregiver, in-law, stranger, parent or someone who is exchanging money or goods for a sexual act.
Anyone can be a survivor of gender-based violence – this includes, but isn’t limited to, people who are married, elderly individuals or people who engage in sex work.
Protect the identity and safety of a survivor. Do not write down, take pictures or verbally share any personal/identifying information about a survivor or their experience, including with your supervisor. Put phones and computers away to avoid concern that a survivor’s voice is being recorded.
Personal/identifying information includes the survivor’s name, perpetrator(s) name, date of birth, registration number, home address, work address, location where their children go to school, the exact time and place the incident took place etc.
Share general, non-identifying information
To your team or sector partners in an effort to make your program safer.
To your support network when seeking self-care and encouragement.
DM for Care
In northeastern Nigeria—“Boko Haram’s den”—at least 3 in 10 people suffer from untreated mental illness. Despite high suicide rates and risks of radicalization, care is reserved for treating substance use or disorders like schizophrenia.
Nonprofits like NEEM Foundation a...nd Mentally Aware Nigeria Initiative are working to provide mental health first aid via Twitter and Whatsapp. NEEM also helps reintegrate former Boko Haram fighters, and MANI runs a suicide hotline and advocates for decriminalizing suicide attempts.
“Our counselors are volunteer psychiatrists and medical officers that are, a lot of times, the thin line between life and death,” says MANI’s Rasheedat Olarinoye.
Putting Human Rights at the Heart of the Response
Topic in Focus: COVID-19 and Women’s Human Rights
15 April 2020
Stay-at-home restrictions and other measures restricting the movement of people contribute to an increase in genderbased violence, a finding confirmed by media reports, official ...statements and information received from OHCHR field presences and human rights defenders in many countries.
Women and girls already in abusive situations are more exposed to increased control and restrictions by their abusers, with little or no recourse to seek support. Hotlines receive reports of women being threatened with being thrown out of their homes, exposed to the infection, or having financial resources and medical aid withheld.
24 Nov. 2021
Action against gender-based violence being pushed to the outlying margins of the global COVID-19 response
A new Oxfam report shows an undeniable increase in gender-based violence (GBV) during the COVID-19 pandemic around the world to which too many governments and donors are not enough to tackle.
The report, The Ignored Pandemic: The Dual Crisis of Gender-Based Violence and COVID-19, showed the number of calls made by survivors to domestic violence hotlines in ten countries during the first months of lockdown. The data reveals a 25 – 111 percentage surge; in Argentina (25%), Colombia (79%), Tunisia (43%), China (50%), Somalia (50%), South Africa (69%), UK (25%), Cyprus (39%), Italy (73%) and the largest increase in Malaysia where calls surged by over 111%.
We know that your current situation is incredibly dangerous and distressing for you and your loved ones. You are not alone. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Ukrainian Red Cross Society are doing their best to help you.
You can contact the Ukrainian Red Cross Society from ...anywhere in the country: 0 800 331 800.
To contact the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC): • Kyiv 0 800 300 155 ; • Slaviansk 0 800 300 115; • Severodonetsk 0 800 300 125; • Mariupol 0 800 300 165; • Donestsk 0 800 300 185; • Luhansk 0 800 300 195
On the 31st December 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) China country office reported a cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China now known to be caused by a novel virus. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been confirmed as the causative v...irus of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Cases have now been identified in over 100 countries including South Africa.