The WHO Global strategy on human resources for health: workforce 2030 encourages development partners and global health initiatives to leverage their support to health systems in countries to sustainably strengthen the health workforce. To assess the impact of these investments, a methodology was de...veloped and pilot tested by WHO.
The impact assessment tool (consisting of an MS Excel calculator with two subsets) supports users to:
• assess and quantify the health impact of HRH investments made in the context of HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria programmes through their modelled effect on health service coverage of these three diseases; and
• provide aggregate indicative estimates of the range of health workers required to attain high coverage of selected health services.
This handout provides guidance on the use of the vitamin A data from the 2006, 2011, and 2016 Uganda Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS).
An international collaborative working on religion within health and community systems
Seeking to strengthen evidence on the functioning of religiously-inspired health institutions and communities within their contextualized health systems, especially in development settings
Our work includes:
Facilitating interdisciplinary research on the intersection between religion, public health and development
A focus on health systems and policy
Building capacity in research-practitioners, especially in development contexts
Multi-sectoral networking
Development and dissemination of research materials and tools
Research and evaluation of key projects and initiatives
Here you can download Infographics & Posters for Communication and Medica Actions
This document summarizes several air quality measurement and modelling methods that can be used to estimate ground-level air pollutant concentrations and presents multiple approaches to monitoring ambient air pollution at different spatial and temporal scales. These methods are crucial for estimatin...g population exposures, which can be defined as the product of the pollutant concentration and the time over which a person is in contact with this pollutant.
This guideline provides global, evidence-informed recommendations on the use of indicators for assessing a population’s
iron status and application of the use of ferritin concentrations for monitoring and evaluating iron interventions.
The COVID-19 CARE pathway is a living tool to support health care workers visualize the current clinical and therapeutic recommendations to be considered in the care planning for patients with COVID-19.
The COVID-19 CARE pathway is aligned with the eighth version of the WHO Therapeutics and COVID...-19: living guideline published on the 14 January 2022 and the third version of the WHO COVID-19 Clinical management: living guidance published on the 23 November 2021.
The COVID-19 CARE pathway is a living tool to support health care workers visualize the current clinical and therapeutic recommendations to be considered in the care planning for patients with COVID-19.
The COVID-19 CARE pathway is aligned with the eighth version of the WHO Therapeutics and COVID...-19: living guideline published on the 14 January 2022 and the third version of the WHO COVID-19 Clinical management: living guidance published on the 23 November 2021.
To provide recommendations on the initial care of persons with acute respiratory illness (ARI) in the context of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in healthcare facilities based on a decision-making process flowchart. These recommendations are preliminary and subject to review as new evidence becomes a...vailable. The recommendations provided in this document apply for adults olden than 18 years old.
To assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health and HIV expenditure, UNAIDS carried out a modelling study on fiscal space for health and HIV. From a sample of 28 countries, three countries—the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Jamaica, and Lesotho—were selected to capture health and HIV ...expenditure impacts across countries with especially marked differences in burdens of disease (including HIV prevalence), HIV donor dependency, level of economic development, and geographic location. While the three-country sample is too small to permit findings to be generalized to other countries, these analyses are useful for informing UNAIDS’ work to identify some policy positions to minimize the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on the HIV response.
This article aims to assess the impact of cerebral palsy on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of Nigerian children.
For the Assesor's Guide Vol 1 and 2 see:
Including a Tool to Assess the Adolescent Health and Development Component in Pre-Service Education of Health-Care Providers
This field study to assess the pharmaceutical situation was undertaken in Ghana in May-June 2008 using a standardized methodology developed by the World Health Organization. The study assessed medicines availability and affordability, geographical accessibility, quality and r...ational use among other issues. The survey was conducted in six regions. In each region, 6 public health care facilities, 12 private pharmacies and 1 warehouse were surveyed.