On trouvera résumée ici la position actuelle du
Département Santé mentale et toxicomanies
concernant l’aide à apporter aux populations exposées
à des facteurs de stress extrême, par exemple réfugiés,
personnes déplacées dans leur propre pays, survivants
d’une catastrophe ou popu...lations exposées à des actes
de guerre ou à un génocide.
In den vergangenen Wochen hat sich die Situation der COVID-19-Pandemie in Deutschland extrem verschärft. Die Zahl der Infektionen mit SARS-CoV-2 steigen rasant an, unter anderem weil das Bewusstsein über den Ernst der Lage in weiten Teilen der Bevölkerung noch nicht angekommen ist. Gerade wir als... Studierende eines Heilberufes sollten in einer solchen Situation mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen, soziale Kontakte minimieren und Aufklärungsarbeit leisten. Um die Unterstützung besser koordinieren zu können, haben wir diese Website eingerichtet, über die Studierende schnell Apotheken finden, die Hilfe benötigen. Wir haben uns dazu entschieden ein Register für Apotheken anzulegen, um den Aufwand für Apotheken möglichst gering zu halten. Apotheken können auf der Website unkompliziert ein Gesuch erstellen.
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has been facing a prolonged socio-political and economic situation that has profoundly and negatively impacted social and health indicators. The COVID-19 pandemic further aggravated the humanitarian context in the
country, which stretched the limits of an alread...y weakened national health system. Violence and social conflicts, hyperinflation, constant political tensions, the persistence of migratory movements, and intensification of climate threats and natural hazards
have worsened the living conditions and health status of populations in vulnerable situations, including women, children, and indigenous people. A large influx of returnees back to Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) marked the first
two years of the pandemic. However, the country’s continued deteriorating political, socio-economic, and human rights situation resulted in renewed increased migration of Venezuelans in 2022. The profile of Venezuelan migrants has progressively changed
over the years, from single men in search of better economic opportunities to families with women and children in situations of extreme vulnerability. The increasingly irregular and unsafe journeys of those migrants are constantly putting their lives at high risk
Au cours des derniers mois, la situation sécuritaire et humanitaire s'est rapidement détériorée dans les régions du Nord, du CentreNord, du Sahel, de la Boucle du Mouhoun et de l’Est du Burkina Faso. Cette dégradation a entraîné un accroissement substantiel des déplacements internes et ag...gravé l'accès déjà très limité aux services sociaux de base dans un contexte d'extrême pauvreté dans ces localités. Alors que l'insécurité augmente progressivement depuis 2017, l’année 2019 a été particulièrement violente, provoquant une augmentation sans précédent des besoins humanitaires. 2,9 millions de burkinabè sont dans un besoin humanitaire de plus en plus croissant dans tous les secteurs. Parmi ces 2,9 millions de personnes, plus de 920 000 étaient des déplacées internes au 30 juin 2020 et plus de 1,5 millions étaient directement privées d’un accès aux soins de santé et d’éducation
Disabled people in developing countries are the poorest of the poor: if we are serious about tackling extreme poverty, our development work has to target them. The post-2015 development framework offers hope that disabled people will finally get the prominence they deserve on the global development ...agenda. But this will only be possible with sustained political pressure, and the UK’s position will only be credible if it leads by example in its own development work. Disabled people experience some of the most extreme poverty in the world, but there are also realistic opportunities for donors to turn the situation around.
Le Burkina connait depuis les 5 dernières années, une dégradation continue de la situation sécuritaire. Cette situation a connu une détérioration accélérée depuis 2029 principalement dans les régions du Nord, du Centre-Nord, du Sahel, de la Boucle du Mouhoun ,de l’Est et du Centre Est. C...ette dégradation a entraîné un accroissement substantiel des déplacements internes et réduit l'accès déjà très limité aux services sociaux de base, y compris les services de santé, dans un contexte d'extrême pauvreté dans ces localités.
On estime un total de 2,2 millions de burkinabè qui sont dans un besoin humanitaire de plus en plus croissant dans tous les secteurs. Parmi ces populations vulnérables, on compte 1 902 150 déplacés internes à la date du 30 avril 2022 et plus de 1,2 millions étaient directement privées d’un accès aux soins de santé à cause principalement de la fermeture et ou du fonctionnement au minima des formations sanitaires dans les zones à défis sécuritaire. Au total, 290 communes sont concernées par le phénomène des PDIs dont la majorité se retrouvent à Djibo (285 654),
Kaya (123 610), Barsalogho (93 378), Gorgadji (43 651), Fada N’Gourma (85 574), Dori (66 798) et Gorom-Gorom (65 106).
La situation actuelle est rendue complexe par une annonce d’un niveau alarmant d'insécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle selon les analyses faites par le Cadre intégré de Classification (IPC) de la malnutrition aiguë de novembre 2021 (IPC AMN) et du cadre harmonisé (CH) de l’insécurité alimentaire de mars 2022. Tous ces facteurs concourent à la dégradation de la situation alimentaire et nutritionnelle des populations affectées surtout les couches les plus vulnérables que sont les femmes et les enfants. C’est ainsi que le Ministère de la santé en collaboration avec l’UNICEF et le PAM a entrepris de réaliser une nouvelle enquête SMART rapide après celles 2019 et de 2020 auprès de certain nombre de localités abritant un grand nombre de déplacés internes afin d’évaluer la situation nutritionnelle et sanitaire des enfants de 6 à 59 mois et des femmes enceintes et des femmes allaitantes ayant des enfants de moins de 2 ans. Cette enquête a couvert 12 communes et localités qui sont reparties par région et par district sanitaire de la manière suivante: Tougan, Nouna, Kaya, Kongoussi, Tougouri, Pissila, Gayéri, Thiou, Séguénéga, Gorom-Gorom,
Gorgadji et Bani.
Climate change is one of the most urgent challenges for people and ecosystems worldwide. The recently published sixth Assessment Report (AR6) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stresses the occurrence of widespread adverse impacts of climate change. Increased frequency and inten...sity of extreme weather events, as well as slow-onset processes cause enormous losses and damages to human and natural systems. Marginalized groups and people in vulnerable situations are often disproportionally affected. While the impacts of climate change already become more tangible and threatening, action for addressing them remains insufficient. Adaptation to climate change is, thus, becoming a necessity for governments, companies, and private citizens.
To provide practical and scientifically sound guidance on how to conduct vulnerability assessments, GIZ published its Vulnerability Sourcebook in 2014. The Vulnerability Sourcebook was used in over twenty different GIZ partner countries and provides a step-by-step guidance for designing and implementing a vulnerability assessment. It is also one of the methodological foundations for the ISO 14091:2021 standard on vulnerability, impacts and risk assessment for climate change adaptation.
Bioethics - Medical, Ethical and Legal Perspectives
There’s evidence that implementing the four medical ethics principles may be challenging especially in low income country contexts with extreme resource scarcity and limited capacity to facilitate deliberations on the different ethical dilemmas.... These challenges can partly be explained by the social, economic, and political contexts in which the decisions are made, as well as the limited time, training and guidance to facilitate ethical decision making. Based on current literature, and using the example of bedside rationing; this chapter synthesizes the challenges clinicians face when operationalizing the four principle; identifying the opportunities to address them. We suggest that clinicians’ ability to implement the four principles are constrained by meso‐ and macro‐level decision making as well as their lack of training, explicit guidelines, and peer support. To ameliorate this situation, current efforts to strengthen the clinicians’ capacity to make ethical decisions should be complimented with developing of context relevant guidelines for ethical clinical decision making. The renewed global commitment to the sustainable development goals and universal healthcare coverage should be recognized as an opportunity to leverage resources and champion the integration of equity and justice as a core value in resource allocation at the bedside, meso-, macro- and global levels.
Globally, millions of vulnerable people are experiencing increased hunger and poverty due to droughts, floods, storms and extreme temperature fluctuations as a result of a climatic occurrence: El Niño. This phenomenon is not an individual weather event but a climate pattern which occurs every two t...o seven years and lasts 9-12 months. The 2015/2016 occurrence is one of the most severe in a half-century and the strongest El Niño since 1997/1998 which killed some 21,000 people and caused damage to infrastructure worth US$ 36 billion. The negative consequences of El Niño are foreseen to continue through 2017, particularly in Southern Africa where this event has followed multiple droughts compounding the already fragile situation.
Noma (cancrum oris) is a serious gangrenous disease of the mouth and face, mainly affecting children aged 2 to 6 years in sub-Saharan Africa.
Despite substantial knowledge gaps, it is reported to be linked with malnutrition, poor oral hygiene, immunosuppression, and living in extreme poverty situ...ations.
This course addresses epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, treatment, and public health considerations, including the human rights perspective of noma.
After five consecutive below-average rains, the humanitarian crisis in the Horn of Africa is expanding and deepening.
Combined with insecurity and macroeconomic volatility, the impact of the drought on food and nutrition security has been devastating. Across Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia, an estima...ted 22 million people are now acutely food insecure because of the drought. The malnutrition situation is also critical. Some 5.1 million children across drought-affected areas of the three countries are acutely malnourished in 2023, with dire implications for their health, growth and survival. Concerningly, the upcoming March-May 2023 rains are also forecast to be below-average. Should these rains fail, and humanitarian assistance not be delivered at scale, food insecurity will continue to deteriorate.
Regardless of how the 2023 rains perform, extremely high humanitarian needs will persist through 2023 while a full recovery from a drought of this magnitude will take years. To address the devastating drought-induced hunger and malnutrition across the region, WFP is pursuing an integrated dual track approach; meeting immediate life-saving food and nutritional needs while simultaneously building resilience to extreme climate variability.
Moral emotions are a key element of our human morals. Emotions play an important role in the
caring process. Decision-making and assessment in emergency situations are complex and they frequently result in
different emotions and feelings among health-care professionals.
Issue Brief 33: Since 21 June 2023, 57 024 new cholera cases, including 399 new death have been reported worldwide (European Center for Disease Prevention and Control). In total, 25 countries have reported cases since the beginning of 2023. The major underlying causes of potential outbreaks are poor... environmental infastructure, lack of health care services, lack of save water and sanitation as well as increase population movement. Climate change becomes an additional trigger, as extreme climate events like cyclones,floods and droughts reduce access to clean water and create an ideal environment for cholera to thrive. The overall capacity to respond to the multiple outbreaks is obstructed by a global lack of resources.
This issue brief provides an overview of the current outbreaks, treatment guidelines, information material, countries strategies and more.
Yemeni people continue to show incredible resilience after five years of conflict, recurrent flooding, constant threats of famine and cholera, extreme hardship to access basic services like education or health and dwindling livelihoods opportunities– and now, COVID-19. Nearly four million people h...ave now been displaced throughout the country and have thus lost their home.
Integritas 4.3 (Fall 2014), pp. 1-30.
doi: 10.6017/integritas.v4i3p1
Rapport sur les populations clès
Accessed November 2017