While epidemiological data for type 1 diabetes (T1D) in low/middle-income countries, and particularly low-income countries (LICs) including Liberia is lacking, prevalence in LICs is thought to be increasing. T1D care in LICs is often impacted by challenges in diagnosis and management. These challeng...es, including misdiagnosis and access to insulin, can affect T1D outcomes and frequency of severe complications. Despite the severe nature of T1D and growing burden in subSaharan Africa, little is currently known about the impact of T1D on patients and caregivers in the region. Methods We conducted a qualitative study consisting of interviews with patients with T1D, caregivers, providers, civil society members and a policy-maker in Liberia to better understand the psychosocial and economic impact of living with T1D, knowledge of T1D and selfmanagement, and barriers and facilitators for accessing T1D care.
Gac Méd Caracas 2018;126(1):52-78
Responsibilidad Social Institucional (RSI)
La Gobernabilidad/Gobernanza en Derechos de la Niñez (CRG) es una de cinco áreas temáticas
establecidas como tema global para implementar la estrategia hacia el 2030 de Save the Children.
El trabajo de CRG busca ayudar a construir sociedades donde una gobernanza atenta, inclusiva y que
rinda c...uentas, garantice los derechos de cada niña y niño y donde cada niña y niño pueda tener una
voz en las decisiones que les afectan. Es una estrategia para apoyar los estados en la implementación
efectiva de la Convención de los Derechos del Niño y otras obligaciones relacionadas a los Derechos
de la Niñez (DDNN). Se trata de apoyar y trabajar junto a una activa sociedad civil, incluyendo a niñas
y niños en el monitoreo de la situación de los DDNN en su país, y levantando alto en la agenda política
los temas de niñez. Integrar los DDNN en leyes, políticas y presupuestos es una etrategia efectiva para
lograr cambios sistemáticos y positivos en la vida de niñas, niños y adolescentes, hoy y en el futuro.
Considerando los desafíos de la implementación de la Política Pública para el Desarrollo Integral de la Primera Infancia 2010-2020 (PPDIPI), el Gobierno de Guatemala tomó la decisión de realizar su actualización a través de un proceso que se encuentra liderado por la Mesa Temática de la Pri...mera Infancia (MTPI), que forma parte de la estructura de gobernanza del Gabinete Específico de Desarrollo Social (GEDS), y siguiendo los lineamientos establecidos en la Guía para Formulación de Políticas Públicas de la Secretaría de Planificación y Programación de la Presidencia (SEGEPLAN). Este proceso tiene como fin definir las acciones estratégicas que permitan potenciar el impacto de los programas nacionales integrados e incidir para mejorar la implementación de intervenciones que permitan alcanzar la amplia realización de los derechos y el potencial de todas las niñas y los niños del país.
A Systematic Review, Country Case Studies, and Recommendations for Integration into National Health Systems
Alliance Report
Participation of community health workers (CHWs) in the provision of primary health care has been experienced all over the world for several decades, and there is an amount ...of evidence showing that they can add significantly to the efforts of improving the health of the population, particularly in those settings with the highest shortage of motivated and capable health professionals.
ERJ Open Res 2017; 3: 00002-2017
Trop Med Surg 2013, 1:136
With the increase in frequency of disasters, there is a need to improve early warning systems (EWS) for EA to reduce the risks faced by children and their families. As a consequence, the term early warning, early action (EWEA) has become increasingly common among those responding to slow-onset disas...ters.
his Inter Action Review report for the COVID-19 outbreak in Mauritius documents and assesses the country’s capacity to respond to the outbreak and identifies the best practices, strengths, gaps and challenges of the national response. Areas requiring improvements or sustained actions have been ide...ntified across the 9 strategic pillars of World Health Organization (WHO)’s COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan and an additional pillar for the country’s response beyond health. On an overall, the review aims to enhance and sustain the national response with a particular focus on strengthening the health systems.
Over 6 million people worldwide are infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, the protozoan that causes Chagas disease. Endemic in 21 Latin American countries, the disease can be transmitted by vector insects called triatomines — also known as “kissing bugs” —, foods or beverages contaminated with th...e parasite, blood transfusions, organ transplants, or congenitally during pregnancy or delivery.
COVID-19, Update 13 January 2021
A paper presented at the 10th International Congress on Infectious Disease, Singapore
The building damage assessment, conducted between March 2010 and February 2011 by the Government of Haiti and the United Nations system, showed that more than 400,000 buildings were damaged or destroyed, of which approximately 218,000 could be occupied without repairs (green category), 105,000 were ...damaged but could be repaired (yellow category), and 80,000 were severely damaged and remained uninhabitable (red category).
The destruction of buildings and infrastructure generated a huge amount of debris, estimated at 10 million cubic meters, blocking streets and land in affected areas. In the absence of a national debris management strategy, debris could, thus, be cleared and disposed of in an uncontrolled manner, hindering relief, recovery and reconstruction activities.