Complementary feeding, defined as the process of providing foods in addition to milk when breast milk or milk formula alone are no longer adequate to meet nutritional requirements, generally starts at age 6 months and continues until 23 months of age. This is a developmental period when it is for children to learn to accept healthy foods and beverages and establish long-term dietary patterns. It also coincides with the peak period for risk of growth faltering and nutrient deficiencies.
1000 days communication initiative to fight against child stunting | In an effort to accelerate the elimination of stunting among children, Ministry of Health and UNICEF created a series of posters, booklet, radio spot and videos to educate and inform families and communities. The five pillars of ke...y behaviors are breastfeeding, timely initiation of complementary feeding with balance diet, balanced diet for pregnant women, immunizations and handwashing.
The Infant and young child feeding counselling: an integrated course includes this Director’s guide, a Trainer’s guide and Participant’s manual. Additional tools include: Course handouts; Guidelines for follow-up after training; Supportive supervision/mentoring and monitoring and an toolkit; a slide set for the trainer; a set of 24 Counselling cards and Guidance on the use of counselling cards. The course includes 79 sessions arranged within 8 modules, covering a range of topics, including breastfeeding, complementary feeding, growth assessment and monitoring, HIV and infant feeding, and infant and young child feeding counselling. Course facilitators can decide which sessions to cover, depending on the specific learning needs of the health workers in your community.
A discussion paper outlining the first steps in developing a nutrient profile model to drive changes to product composition and labelling and promotion practices in the WHO European Region
The aims of the guidance are to protect breastfeeding, prevent obesity and chronic diseases, promote a healthy... diet, and ensure caregivers receive clear and accurate information on infant and young child feeding.
1000 days communication initiative to fight against child stunting |
In an effort to accelerate the elimination of stunting among children, Ministry of Health and UNICEF created a series of posters, booklet, radio spot and videos to educate and inform families and communities. The five pillars of ...key behaviors are breastfeeding, timely initiation of complementary feeding with balance diet, balanced diet for pregnant women, immunizations and handwashing.
Swahili language version of What and when to feed your child (6 to 24 months).
It is a complementary feeding film, showing what foods you should try to give to your child whenever possible from age 6 months to 2 years.
1000 days communication initiative to fight against child stunting | In an effort to accelerate the elimination of stunting among children, Ministry of Health and UNICEF created a series of posters, booklet, radio spot and videos to educate and inform families and communities. The five pillars of ke...y behaviors are breastfeeding, timely initiation of complementary feeding with balance diet, balanced diet for pregnant women, immunizations and handwashing.
The community-BFCI (c-BFCI) manual has been developed to facilitate training of CHVs and stakeholders providing nutrition sensitive services at community level. The manual covers a wide range of topics: basic nutrition, exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding, Breast Milk Substitutes Act, gro...wth monitoring and promotion, early childhood development and stimulation, household food and nutrition security and establishment of baby friendly communities.
The community-BFCI (c-BFCI) manual has been developed to facilitate training of CHVs and stakeholders providing nutrition sensitive services at community level. The manual covers a wide range of topics: basic nutrition, exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding, Breast Milk Substitutes Act, gro...wth monitoring and promotion, early childhood development and stimulation, household food and nutrition security and establishment of baby friendly communities.
DHS Further Analysis Reports No. 109 - This report documents trends in key child nutrition indicators in Rwanda. Data from the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) in 2005, 2010, and 2014-15 were analyzed, disaggregated by selected equity-related variables, and tested for trends. Over the survey per...iod, Rwanda had high rates of exclusive breastfeeding, with regional variation. Rates of continued breastfeeding were also high but generally decreased as mother’s education and household wealth increased in all survey years. Complementary feeding practices varied by region, mother’s education, household wealth, urban-rural residence, and sex of the child.
1000 days communication initiative to fight against child stunting | In an effort to accelerate the elimination of stunting among children, Ministry of Health and UNICEF created a series of posters, booklet, radio spot and videos to educate and inform families and communities. The five pillars of ke...y behaviors are breastfeeding, timely initiation of complementary feeding with balance diet, balanced diet for pregnant women, immunizations and handwashing.
1000 days communication initiative to fight against child stunting | In an effort to accelerate the elimination of stunting among children, Ministry of Health and UNICEF created a series of posters, booklet, radio spot and videos to educate and inform families and communities. The five pillars of ke...y behaviors are breastfeeding, timely initiation of complementary feeding with balance diet, balanced diet for pregnant women, immunizations and handwashing.
1000 days communication initiative to fight against child stunting | In an effort to accelerate the elimination of stunting among children, Ministry of Health and UNICEF created a series of posters, booklet, radio spot and videos to educate and inform families and communities. The five pillars of ke...y behaviors are breastfeeding, timely initiation of complementary feeding with balance diet, balanced diet for pregnant women, immunizations and handwashing.
1000 days communication initiative to fight against child stunting | In an effort to accelerate the elimination of stunting among children, Ministry of Health and UNICEF created a series of posters, booklet, radio spot and videos to educate and inform families and communities. The five pillars of ke...y behaviors are breastfeeding, timely initiation of complementary feeding with balance diet, balanced diet for pregnant women, immunizations and handwashing.
1000 days communication initiative to fight against child stunting | In an effort to accelerate the elimination of stunting among children, Ministry of Health and UNICEF created a series of posters, booklet, radio spot and videos to educate and inform families and communities. The five pillars of ke...y behaviors are breastfeeding, timely initiation of complementary feeding with balance diet, balanced diet for pregnant women, immunizations and handwashing.
Maternal and child malnutrition is a significant public health problem in South Sudan. Among children aged 6-59 months, 31% are stunted, 28% are underweight, and nearly 23% are acutely malnourished of which 13% are estimated to suffer from moderate acute malnutrition and 10% from severe acute malnut...rition.
Overall, South Sudan’s nutrition situation is worrisome, with GAM persistently above the emergency threshold in the Greater Upper Nile, Northern Bahr el Ghazal and Warrap states. Though data on micronutrient deficiencies is scanty, Vitamin A Supplementation (VAS) among children 6-59 months stood at only 2.6% in 2010, showing low uptake (SHHS, 2010). This is against a backdrop of high morbidity levels and a negligible proportion of children 6 to 23 months receiving at least the recommended minimum acceptable diet. In order to ensure optimal child growth, it is essential to ensure good nutrition and basic health care from pregnancy through two years of age (the first 1000 days).