The community engagement hub is a platform for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, designed to help us put communities at the heart of what we do.
The hub offers a range of learning materials, tools and guidance to support you to mainstream community engagement and accountabili...ty within your work.
It also offers a place to exchange ideas, share advice or connect with others. Together, we can learn best practice from the active community of Red Cross and Red Crescent staff and volunteers committed to integrating communication and participation throughout our work
This short guide is designed to assist development and humanitarian agencies to think through how risk communication and community engagement activity related to Covid-19 can be carried out without face-to-face interaction with communities. By using remote methods, agencies will be able to safeguard... the health of their own and their partners’ staff and volunteers, while still ensuring that communities receive accurate, up-to-date information as well as having access to communication channels which allow them to provide feedback and share their concerns and worries.
Government measures in response to the outbreak have included severe restrictions on movement and physical distancing, which will inevitably impact the way we engage communities. This document provides key messages and practical tips for such community engagement.
Use this checklist to quickly remind yourself of the essential components of community engagement in your response, including when movement restrictions may be in place.
This guide is intended to support teams working directly with communities during the Covid-19 pandemic. It provides general guidance on community engagement during outbreak responses, including how to support an integrated response, as well as outbreak prevention and response.
The Minimum Standards and Indicators for Community Engagement were developed through an inter‑agency consultation process that engaged a large number of experts from around the world. UNICEF wishes to acknowledge the contribution of all those that participated, and who share a passion for placing ...communities at the centre of development and humanitarian action. The consultation process consisted of a series of interviews, meetings and workshops over an 18‑month period. Representatives from countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America contributed input and feedback based on their experiences of designing, implementing and measuring community engagement approaches
This handbook offers a simple framework of action for actors in local government, and in particular, health leaders such as Civil Surgeons (CSs) and Upazila Health and Family Planning Officers (UHFPQOs), to take ownership and leadership to combat COVID-19 at each district and upazila respectively, w...ith support and guidance from elected representatives and local administration, and through effective engagement of various segments of society including informal health care providers, religious leaders, journalists, police and law enforcement agencies, etc. The toolkit draws extensively from the experiences in Chapainawabganj, Savar and other areas and contains relevant best practises that have already proven effective in these places, which should be readily adaptable to various contexts.
It is important to note that while this framework has been developed in the context of COVID-19 and with related best practises, it is by no means limited to COVID-19 response. Indeed, the experience from Savar shows that the same approach has proven extremely effective in combating the dengue outbreak and the severe floods in 2020, and hence can be used to combat future public health emergencies in Bangladesh and other countries having similar contexts.
Integrating community engagement and accountability into disaster risk reduction activities of the Maternal, Newborn and Child Healthcare programme in rural Myanmar
Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) is an essential part of any disease outbreak response. Risk communication in the context of an Ebola outbreak refers to real time exchange of information, opinion and advice between frontline responders and people who are faced with the threat of Eb...ola to their survival, health, economic or social wellbeing. Community engagement refers to mutual partnership between Ebola response teams and individuals or communities in affected areas, whereby community stakeholders have ownership in controlling the spread of the outbreak.
It is intended to be used to guide RCCE work which is central to stopping the outbreak and preventing its further amplification. Unlike other areas of response, RCCE draws heavily on volunteers, frontline personnel and on people without prior training in this area. As such, the document provides basic background information, scopes the socio-economic and cultural aspects (that are known at the time of publication), and provides the latest evidence-based advice and approaches
A Guidance and Resource Package for Country Offices for Coordination, Planning, Key Messages and Actions
A practioner's guide, based on lessons from Ebola.
This guide is a compilation of best practices and key lessons learned through Oxfam’s experience of community engagement during the 2014–15 Ebola response in Sierra Leone and Liberia. It aims to inform public health practitioners and programme ...teams about the design and implementation of community-centred approaches
doi: 10.9745/GHSP-D-16-00226; Glob Health Sci Pract December 23, 2016 vol. 4 no. 4 p. 626-646
Overview: Risk communication and community engagement are essential for any disease outbreak response. This is particularly critical during outbreaks of Ebola which may create fear in the public and frontline responders alike due to severe presentation of symptoms, misunderstanding of the causes of ...illness and high fatality rates. This document outlines some of the key considerations for risk communication and community engagement response to Ebola outbreak in Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Ebola outbreaks have been associated with misinformation and false rumours. In the context of RCCE, rumours refer to unsubstantiated information, claims or beliefs about what is causing the disease or how it can be treated/cured. If not proactively addressed in culturally appropriate ways, misinformation and rumours can lead to the further rapid spread of the disease and unnecessary deaths, severe disease, suffering, and societal and economic loss.
The publication includes a 'Rumour Tracking Tool' (Annex II).
Communities can play a critical role in suicide prevention. Facilitating community engagement in suicide prevention is an important task. The toolkit is a step-by-step guide for communities to engage in suicide prevention activities and have ownership of the process and keep efforts sustained. It is... hoped that the pilot version will be used, after necessary adaptation, in many countries and contexts, so that the final product can be strengthened and become more effective and user-friendly.